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Ugh. Pink tool box. *vomits* That reminds me of Pepto Bismol (which I've been having to take a lot of lately). I'd take a blue toolbox instead.

What kind of mortar did you use?

Been over 100 degrees the past few days and I was having internet problems. Also been totally exhausted from the heat. Yesterday it got up to 103. The day before it was 100 in the shade (didn't check what temp it got to without shade).

Had my friend over the other day to work on electrical bc the APC units kept shutting off. Discovered that the outlets on the far side of the kitchen are on the same breaker as most of the living room. So two fridges, a freezer, the TV & all of its accessories, Mom's computer & all of its stuff-- all on one breaker. None of it is grounded. The outlet under Mom's desk is in a box that is recessed over an inch into the wall and there was zero extra wire. My friend had a very hard time getting a new outlet put in. Old one was borked & moved around inside the wall since it wasn't secured. It was messing up the APCs which in turn were causing things to shut off and messing with the modem. Friend fixed that and then went to replace some switches but I had the single pole and needed triple pole. Tried to figure out which breaker went to the switches. Turned every single one off and then on again. Power never went out to the switches so they must be wired to more than one breaker somehow. Had to flip the master switch and man, once that thing got to the halfway point it slammed shut with such force it rammed my knuckles into the metal.

Had to do major cleanup in the kitchen to make it so we could even get to the breaker box (also cleaned up in front of the sink). I ran out of trash bags and had to stop before I could get to the hallway. Still need to haul full trash bags out-- brother refused to do it-- but with my back screaming at me and this heat, it will have to be done very early in the morning.

It's been so hot the wasps have been congregating at the cracks on the door and trying to get in. I have to fight them off in the afternoons when I need to open the door. I have sprayed and killed them numerous times but they keep coming back. Need to find a repellant-- and need to paint that door.

Friend was supposed to come over yesterday (after I picked up the 3-pole switches) but he wasn't feeling well. His urine test showed signs of renal failure but he has to wait for an appointment to see a doctor on the 3rd. He's always drinking sodas and energy drinks. He needs to drink more water, IMO.

The installation for the switches is so stupidly simple that I think I might be able to do it myself, but we'll see.

Mom has to get bloodwork today so I'm waiting for her to tell me she's ready to go in. Need to stop at Walmart to grab a few things as well. Hoping we can take care of everything before it gets too hot.

My poor cows were lying down in the shade to stay cool. Their waterer is in the shade as well, but poor things don't like going inside the barn now. Not sure if it is much cooler in there.

Probably going to get some sleep until Mom gets up and wants to go into town. Will need to turn the truck around before, but need daylight to see while I'm backing up.
Ron, I did the same thing, but damn if I didn't add the studs in the wrong direction! I assumed the glass guy was going to the center of the curb, but for some stupid reason, he went to the inside, and it was too late before I noticed it!
Now you guys tell me... Joking; such is life 🤷‍♂️
I guess that I'll have to deal with that problem wherever I try to put glass on the shower that I've been working on.
Here's a story that happened recently at the Air Venture Airshow at Oshkosh, Wi. The WWII (and up to the beginning of Vietnam), trainer, the T-6 Texan, entered a spin and crashed into Lake Winnebago. It's hard for me to figure how this happened since the pilot was an experienced flight instructor. Spin training in civilian life isn't required until a pilot gets to the level of training to be a flight instructor. Then demonstrating a spin is mandatory.

"Reiley, 30, of Guadalupe, Texas, and her co-pilot Zach Colliemoreno, were identified as the two individuals killed in the first of two fatal crashes that took place at the AirVenture Oshkosh airshow, according to an Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) news release. Reiley and Colliemoreno were flying a World War II-era T-6 Texan that had reached 3,900-feet before spinning uncontrollably and plummeting into Lake Winnebago, according to witnesses."

Witnesses to aviation mishaps drive me crazy. Most witnesses have have no idea what they are talking about. I doubt she just was flying along and entered a spin. Something else was going on . . .but I don't know what.

When I was a flight instructor, I asked my private pilot students if they would like to experience a spin. This would be toward the end of their private pilot training and usually in "Test Prep". By then, the students where confident in the airplane and in their instructor. Most students said they would like to experience a spin and some said no. I honored their decision. But a significant amount of time is spend on stall training (where one or both of the wings stops producing lift), and how to recognize the early warning of an impending stall and how to avoid it. If a stall does occur, we train to recover from it before a spin develops. To enter a spin, the aircraft must first stall a wing, rotate in the direction of the stalled wing (called a post stall gyration) and then after one full turn in the post stall gyration, the spin develops. It's not like you are flying along and then, Boom, you're in a spin. It takes a while to develop and if you relax the controls (called the Beggs method) the plane usually will recover by itself.

Beggs Mueller method

Spin Accident
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"First of two fatal crashes"... Why not stop the airshow after the first???

Loved the airshows as a kid with the F-14 screaming overhead and the Blue Angels, but I decided I belonged on the ground.
Not an airshow but the most awesome thing I have seen with aircraft was an F-104 take off and vertical climb with afterburner.
Not an airshow but the most awesome thing I have seen with aircraft was an F-104 take off and vertical climb with afterburner.
Yes, afterburners are impressive! They spray fuel into the exhaust of a jet and it expands rapidly creating thrust and noise!

In 1985, The Concord came into Oshkosh (The grandaddy of airshows). It was operated by British Airways and the Captains name was, Captain Cook. They put the communication between Capt Cook and the Tower on the loud speaker and you could hear Capt Cook say, "Coming in for the touch!" I was thinking, "The touch?" what's he talking about? A touch and go? That airplane needs a lot of runway and Whittman field is not super long.

Concord at Oshkosh


As I was thinking about this, the Concord came in with a beautifully high nose attitude and after the mains touched down, Capt Cook gently let the nose wheel come down for a beautiful landing that I would be very proud of but then he lit the afterburners and raised the nose wheel back up for takeoff. It was a surreal moment because the sound was deafening! It sounded thunderous and the ground shook as the Concord sped by! I looked around and people were screaming but I could only see their mouths open and the veins in their neck straining but couldn't hear the screams!
Not an airshow but the most awesome thing I have seen with aircraft was an F-104 take off and vertical climb with afterburner.
Yes, afterburners are impressive! They spray fuel into the exhaust of a jet and it expands rapidly creating thrust and noise!

In 1985, The Concord came into Oshkosh (The grandaddy of airshows). It was operated by British Airways and the Captains name was, Captain Cook. They put the communication between Capt Cook and the Tower on the loud speaker and you could hear Capt Cook say, "Coming in for the touch!" I was thinking, "The touch?" what's he talking about? A touch and go? That airplane needs a lot of runway and Whittman field is not super long.

Concord at Oshkosh

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As I was thinking about this, the Concord came in with a beautifully high nose attitude and after the mains touched down, Capt Cook gently let the nose wheel come down for a beautiful landing that I would be very proud of but then he lit the afterburners and raised the nose wheel back up for takeoff. It was a surreal moment because the sound was deafening! It sounded thunderous and the ground shook as the Concord sped by! I looked around and people were screaming but I could only see their mouths open and the veins in their neck straining but couldn't hear the screams
Suspicions confirmed:

Wearing shoes without socks is bad for foot health, experts say​

There has been a significant rise in the number of foot-related problems, especially in men
I don’t like wearing shoes without socks except flip flops (glides). I will wear ankle socks though….I know, you guys think I’m a weeny.
Question: this Delta 500 acrylic shower pan I’m installing is made to pair with the Delta surround walls. Or you can use tile like I am. The problem is that Delta put a hook at the top of the flange to seal with the Delta walls.

I had to draw a picture because it wasn’t coming out in photos.


The Delta walls will fit over the hook on the lip to seal water out but when you use cement board like I will, they say to put the cement board on top of the flange and then run the tile all the way down to the pan like this.


That’s ok since if the cement board contacts water, the water can wick up the center of the board and cause problems. My issue is the the tile that extends below the cement board will be hard to grout it seems since there won’t be anything behind it.

I guess I could use chalk instead of grout at the bottom 3/4” or does anyone have a different idea?
I don’t like wearing shoes without socks except flip flops (glides). I will wear ankle socks though….I know, you guys think I’m a weeny.
Nah, I just like to harass people about socks or anything else that puts them in uniform.

Socks and trucks. Some people tell me their job requires the truck but I seem to recall that people had jobs back in the days before the big truck fad. I had rather drive a Toyota 22re than my Prizm but Toyota dropped them and grew the others to be uniform. I keep a lookout on FB Marketplace for a 22re but so far nothing acceptable has popped up.
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An airplane I admire is the P-51 Mustang. Wouldn't it have made a beautiful Flying Tiger. A pilot in Denver had one and it looked awesome tied down amongst the Pipers and Cessnas. Someone that had met the pilot related his story of getting a lot of taxiing practice to learn how to handle the torque before attempting a take off. I was told that he removed the turbocharger (for fuel economy) and the behind the seat fuel tank to add a passenger seat.
Ron, maybe you can contact Delta CS and ask them how to pair that shower pan with cement board? Maybe end the cement board just over it and bring tile down over the hook?

Took mom to get her blood taken for routine bloodwork. While she was in getting her blood drawn I went over to the hospital business office-- which is in a trailer on the opposite side of the parking lot. Gave the clerk my info and said I keep getting bills for stuff I already paid. She said something about my insurance denying coverage and I said "I don't have insurance, I'm self pay". She said "Ohhh. Ok." and then called a coworker out from another room in the trailer to come see my latest receipt proving I paid in full. She took the paper and went back into her room. I went back over to the hospital to check on Mom and waited for her to come out so she could get in the truck. I drove over and parked closer to the trailer and went in and the clerk said it was all sorted and I should no longer be getting bills. I took my receipt back and left.

Stopped by Walmart for a few things and then stopped by a local gas station/convenience store to get beef stew.

Asked my brother to help with groceries (and I got stew for him). I noticed he brought in the water and cat food from the truck without being asked. He also put my tools back in their case and zipped it up. Had them out when my friend was working on stuff and kept meaning to put them up but was busy & forgot.

My whole body still hurts and I keep getting a weird burning sensation on a spot on my leg. I've had it randomly off and on for years. No visible sign of anything wrong. The spot is getting larger. It also somewhat itches and is very annoying. I suspect its a form of neuropathy but I keep forgetting to mention it to my doctor. Usually only pops up once in a blue moon but its been acting up the past few days.
LOL. It's a local convenience store and it has boudin, boudin balls, crawfish balls, stew, etc. Actually better quality than you'd find at a most gas stations. It was a convenience store before it added a gas station part. The stew is very popular and sells out fast. Comes with rice and a side of cornbread or breadroll (depending on what they have available).

I've got my eye on some gumbo spoons on ebay. Matches the flatware set we already have (but we don't have those spoons). It's "pre-owned" and not cheap, but it's Oneida brand. Mom really likes Oneida stuff. I'm hoping the seller will do one of those things where they ask for a best offer.
What the heck is a boudin ball?
Oh, I thought maybe a boudin was some kind of swamp creature.

Boudin in French is black pudding which I believe is blood pudding (sometimes called blood sausage). I don't think markets sell blood in the US so it must be something else that I wouldn't eat.
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Ron, Delta should have made a silicone or similar seal to just poke into that groove and seal the tile.
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