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Ron, Aquadefense is a good sealant for cementboard. 2 coats and it is pretty solid. I had some spots on my cementboard that were a little crumbly/fragile after cutting. I used aquadefense on it and it bound it together better. Makes a pretty good reinforcement for the cementboard. So, if you do rabbet cementboard, I'd recommend using aquadefense on it to strengthen it and waterproof it.

Eddie, I'm a fan of raglan sleeves. They are more comfortable and let you move your arms better. I also like cargo pants, although they don't make them in a fabric that I find comfortable. Love the cooling rack!

I didn't like how the 1st coat of primer looked so I did a 2nd, filled in some holes, tried to smooth over some rough spots, etc. I'm going to use some white wood putty (paintable) in some of the pits. I noticed the primer yellowed a little after it dried, but that won't matter once I do the final coat of paint. I'll definitely need to clean up the siding more and do more taping. I think I want to have the doorjamb white while the casing & door will be blue.

Went to the post office but my package is missing. USPS may have lost it. I'm going to give it a couple more days and then ask the seller to send another one.

It was barely 90 when I was putting the primer on but I was still sweating like crazy. I will absolutely need to use a roller and different brush (for smaller spots) because the brush I'm using leaves lots of streaks.
I'm going to need to aggressively sand the very top of the door and the frame in that area to make sure the door will shut. Right now its is catching (but it was catching before I primed it). I suspect the frame isn't actually secured properly & that it has moved a bit.

When it cools off and the wasps aren't flying at the door I'm going to tape stuff off to do the Killz on the frame. I think having all blue will look bad. Once that dries I will tape and paint the door blue.
The 78th anniversaries of the dropping of Little Man and Fat Boy are coming up on August 6th and 9th. A mild mannered merchant in my home town survived the Bataan Death March and was enslaved in a Mitsubisi coal mine in the mountains of Japan waiting for a trolley to take him into the mine when a low flying B-29 passed overhead and dropped Fat Boy over Nagasaki. See his story here; http://www.mansell.com/lindavdahl/omuta17/biographies_profiles/Carringer_Wayne_C_Profile.doc
I actually visited the site on Tinian where the Enola Gay launched from. There is a pile in the woods not too far from the airstrip that has a bunch of coca cola bottles from WWII. Some dating back to 1942. I think outs from 42 broke but we got a bunch of them. Fun fact: Glass is not a true solid. It is viscous and flows over time (but very slowly). That is why older windows and glass objects are thicker at the bottom. These bottles were just ever so slightly thicker on the sides that were down.

Yesterday when it cooled off a little I went out and used a regular house broom to sweep off a bunch of cobwebs and try to clean up the sidting a little. I still need to wipe the siding down and get into grooves, but it looks better. I didn't get the higher up part because my arms were bugging me and I was having a harder time reaching above my head. Thought I might lose my balance. Then I did some cleaning in the living room but got dizzy from bending down so I stopped.

Slept in today. Needed the rest. I'm taking it easy and going to resume work tomorrow.
The 78th anniversaries of the dropping of Little Man and Fat Boy are coming up on August 6th and 9th. A mild mannered merchant in my home town survived the Bataan Death March and was enslaved in a Mitsubisi coal mine in the mountains of Japan waiting for a trolley to take him into the mine when a low flying B-29 passed overhead and dropped Fat Boy over Nagasaki. See his story here; http://www.mansell.com/lindavdahl/omuta17/biographies_profiles/Carringer_Wayne_C_Profile.doc
That's one thing I never understood, why they dropped them on Civilians... I wouldn't question them eviscerating everything Military command and control.

I wouldn't have done it. I would have refused the order and welcomed a Court martial, especially since it would be an unlawful order.
That's one thing I never understood, why they dropped them on Civilians... I wouldn't question them eviscerating everything Military command and control.

I wouldn't have done it. I would have refused the order and welcomed a Court martial, especially since it would be an unlawful order.
THe B-17s bombing German ball bearing plants were killing civilians too. War is hell! I'm guessing you didn't watch the YT blog either.
i saw this on another forum and chuckled (emphasis mine);

I love a sawzall,,,, Never had one until years ago when I extended the garage to take my extended cab pick-up. It went through everything wood, brick, and steel like it was butter. Everyone who watches Wicked Tuna knows that it will cut heads off!!!
Watched a documentary series on Tubi called "Drive Thru History : Gospels" and am now watching the sequel, "Drive Thru History : Acts to Revelation"... Both are 18 episodes around a half hour each. The host takes the story through parts of the Bible and matches them to the places he physically goes to. Most documentaries just talk and show pictures.

There is a TON of ruins shown, UNREAL amounts of Archaeology. My favorite fact of the civilizations from BC through the centuries was how they built... If an Earthquake leveled a town or an invading force destroyed it, future people wouldn't raze the ground and start over, they would build on top of it. It's GENIUS because it preserves the past.

In several instances, the host says the place is "From the 4th Century, but below here is what they built over... The 1st Century ruins"... Then he walks down a staircase into the 1st Century... It's like are you bleeping kidding me!!!???

I truly missed my calling in Archaeology, I know I was supposed to do that... I always had a thing for History, but never put the two together until a few years ago.
That's one thing I never understood, why they dropped them on Civilians... I wouldn't question them eviscerating everything Military command and control.

I wouldn't have done it. I would have refused the order and welcomed a Court martial, especially since it would be an unlawful order.
As an exercise in reciprocity.

You are aware that there were civilians killed in the attacks on the naval base, as well as hickam air base.
As an exercise in reciprocity.

You are aware that there were civilians killed in the attacks on the naval base, as well as hickam air base.
You got the definition wrong, but yeah, civilians would have been killed at Japan Naval bases as well, not Hundreds of Thousands though. Civilians always work at Military bases.
I guess we should have just ignored the destruction of the pacific fleet, allowed the expulsion of the Philippine sovereignty, and don't think for one minute that the Hawaiian islands weren't a target for annexation.
Watched a documentary series on Tubi called "Drive Thru History : Gospels" and am now watching the sequel, "Drive Thru History : Acts to Revelation"... Both are 18 episodes around a half hour each. The host takes the story through parts of the Bible and matches them to the places he physically goes to. Most documentaries just talk and show pictures.
Sounds very interesting!
There is a TON of ruins shown, UNREAL amounts of Archaeology. My favorite fact of the civilizations from BC through the centuries was how they built... If an Earthquake leveled a town or an invading force destroyed it, future people wouldn't raze the ground and start over, they would build on top of it. It's GENIUS because it preserves the past.

In several instances, the host says the place is "From the 4th Century, but below here is what they built over... The 1st Century ruins"... Then he walks down a staircase into the 1st Century... It's like are you bleeping kidding me!!!???
I’ve been under Jerusalem. It was pretty awesome. I started realizing how lacking my knowledge of history was when I went to Israel in 2000. I was standing on the Temple Mount and wondering, where did the temple go? I never heard that the temple was destroyed in 70ad during my early Christian training. I went back and searched the Bible for when Jesus said,”
Matthew 24:2 NIV
[2] “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
So I looked for when the temple was to be destroyed, rebuilt and then destroyed a second time after Jesus said this.
If anybody ever comes up with a search engine that works and can be sold with a royalty to any company, they will be instant Trillionaires.

No, I don't want acrylic paint. The search was for a Calculator.
Sounds very interesting!

I’ve been under Jerusalem. It was pretty awesome. I started realizing how lacking my knowledge of history was when I went to Israel in 2000. I was standing on the Temple Mount and wondering, where did the temple go? I never heard that the temple was destroyed in 70ad during my early Christian training. I went back and searched the Bible for when Jesus said,”
Matthew 24:2 NIV
[2] “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
So I looked for when the temple was to be destroyed, rebuilt and then destroyed a second time after Jesus said this.
WOW... I would need a complete map beforehand and a couple of weeks to explore because I would be stunned. I have the NIV also, the only version in English!
Ok. You didn't read anything I said.

Got it.
Actually, I have and as abhorrent as the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, you, ELECTED, to ignore the stripping of property, and the social devastation of the interment camps.

You, ELECTED, to not include those pertinent facts.
None of that has anything to do with what I said. If you read what I said and understood it, you wouldn't have said anything. You didn't comprehend anything.
So, the US is the devil in disguise, to you.
Ok, I'll break it down like I was posing a question to a 5 year old, which apparently I am.

"Timmy, your Great Grandpa's War ended when the Japanese surrendered after we bombed their cities. Do you remember that?"


"Okay, here's a question for you. If we bombed all of their Military instead, what would happen?"

"They would surrender because they couldn't fight."

"Very good, Timmy."