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Havasu, I've thought about it, but I'm too emotionally attached to the place. I will de-roachify this place if it kills me!

Going to have to sit my brother down and get him on board with cleaning up after himself. I made a thread about the drawer glide situation. Still need to get some photos but I'm under a pile of cats right now.

Ron, looks like you had a good time!

Was exhausted today and my oldest cat gently woke me up to check on me.

Took out some trash but need to do more cleanup and trash removal and organizing. I really want a different trash can in the kitchen that doesn't tip over as easily. Need to clear out some expired stuff in the pantry. I put away stuff that was sitting on a box on the counter and my brother told me that he looked at the dates and its all expired-- some kind of tunafish and crackers stuff Mom got. Planning to get up early to haul stuff out before it gets hot.
I started back on the shower project. Trying to get the infrastructure beefed up for the grab handles and niche.


Today I’ll get some hardie backer board and start in stalling it.

I installed a third stud to ensure I’ll have plenty of wood to attack a glass door to if we ever decide to go that route.

Ron, we are obviously the same age, since I too graduated high school in 1973. My school was divided into 4 groups.

1) The socialites, or groupies, who are self centered and could care less about you unless you were part of that coveted group.
2) The long hair loadies. They would always smell like weed, had a bottle of vodka in their backpacks, and were flinging LSD to others like candy.
3) The surfers, who had a surfboard rack with a board on their car, rode skateboards to classes, had gnarly surfer locks, and wore board shorts every day.
4) The others who really didn't fit into the other groups. They were generally smarter than the others, hated cliques, some liked to ride motorcycles, but also loved going to the beach....primarily to girl watch.

I was in group # 4.

Group # 1, has planned our 50th class reunion at the end of this month, at Lake Tahoe, which is a 10 hour drive away. Most of these socialites from group # 1 already have vacation homes in the Lake Tahoe area, so they will leave their mansions, drive to a local ballroom wearing designer clothing, and have chartered the Dixie Belle, the famous "Paddle-Wheeler" boat for a evening dinner/dance, where they can dazzle us with their 5 K diamonds hanging from their fingers and ears.

So we have about 900 in our graduating class, and they have been on Classmates for the last year, announcing this gala event, but with just 2 weeks left until the event, they have just 6 couples booked. Nobody cares to drive 10 hours away to see people we never liked, and are not impressed with their lifestyles or diamonds.

I believe if they would have booked a local venue near the high school, made it simple for everyone to attend, they would probably have 400-500 more persons attending. Better yet, the socialites could take their private jets and land at a local airport within 20 minutes from said event.

I've said enough. I would really like to see some of my friends, but not this time.
Ron, we are obviously the same age, since I too graduated high school in 1973. My school was divided into 4 groups.

1) The socialites, or groupies, who are self centered and could care less about you unless you were part of that coveted group.
2) The long hair loadies. They would always smell like weed, had a bottle of vodka in their backpacks, and were flinging LSD to others like candy.
3) The surfers, who had a surfboard rack with a board on their car, rode skateboards to classes, had gnarly surfer locks, and wore board shorts every day.
4) The others who really didn't fit into the other groups. They were generally smarter than the others, hated cliques, some liked to ride motorcycles, but also loved going to the beach....primarily to girl watch.

I was in group # 4.

Group # 1, has planned our 50th class reunion at the end of this month, at Lake Tahoe, which is a 10 hour drive away. Most of these socialites from group # 1 already have vacation homes in the Lake Tahoe area, so they will leave their mansions, drive to a local ballroom wearing designer clothing, and have chartered the Dixie Belle, the famous "Paddle-Wheeler" boat for a evening dinner/dance, where they can dazzle us with their 5 K diamonds hanging from their fingers and ears.

So we have about 900 in our graduating class, and they have been on Classmates for the last year, announcing this gala event, but with just 2 weeks left until the event, they have just 6 couples booked. Nobody cares to drive 10 hours away to see people we never liked, and are not impressed with their lifestyles or diamonds.

I believe if they would have booked a local venue near the high school, made it simple for everyone to attend, they would probably have 400-500 more persons attending. Better yet, the socialites could take their private jets and land at a local airport within 20 minutes from said event.

I've said enough. I would really like to see some of my friends, but not this time.
Wow! Unbelievable that they would plan an event in Tahoe! Ruby and I lived in Elk Grove (Sacramento County) before we moved to Alabama 3 years ago so it would be a 2 1/2 hour drive for us but you’re in SoCal! Yeah, I wouldn’t go either. Matter-O-Fact, I almost didn’t go to my 50 which was in the town our school was in but Ruby had never seen where I grew up and I wanted to show her. It turned out to be better than I thought it would be. The girls that wouldn’t give me the time of day in high school were very friendly. The super popular guys were just regular people now. A lot of “kids” are dead.
My high school reunions keep happening in Las Vegas. I've never bothered to go. It was an international school and most of my friends from school are not in the US and would not be going to the reunion. Although, I wonder if Yee Fong would go. I've always wondered what happened to him. I think he might be in Malaysia.

Still tired today and got a little bit of cleaning done. I ate some carb stuff I shouldn't have and I think it is what is contributing to my fatigue. I need to stop eating that stuff.

Got my dishwasher faucet in the mail. It needs an adaptor but I'm wondering if I can pry the adaptor off the old faucet without breaking anything. It's been there over 20yrs so I'm not sure if it will come off intact. If not, I need to figure out what the right size and type is for my new faucet.

On a positive note, the diatomaceous earth seems to have worked in the drawers.
Ok, some of the roaches are still alive in the drawers but not as many. Hopefully they will die over time. I will need to vacuum them out.

I wasn't able to decipher Mom's code when she was hinting that she wanted me to cook yellow rice. She had a tantrum over it and stormed off to bed. I have it sitting in the pressure cooker and will probably have to put it away soon.

Opened the rice cooker & discovered my brother left stuff in it the last time he used it over a month (maybe 2) ago and it was nasty. I've never seen that particular shade of violet before. Just this weird mush/paste swimming with maggots. Dead flies and maggots all over the underside of the lid and all up in the gasket. I knew my brother wasn't going to clean it without throwing up and it needed to be cleaned so I scraped the 1-1/2" of mush out, soaked the little pot part in hot water & dish soap, scrubbed it, and scrubbed the entire thing down, and meticulously cleaned under and around the gasket. Reminded me of a washing machine gasket. I had to pull down the top and clean under it and also the underside-- hard to explain I think. It was full of dead bugs.

I also did more cleaning. There was trash that built up when my arm was recovering that I never got around to cleaning up. Partially from feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff. Put a dent in it but my back yelled at me so I had to stop.
Is this like a Novel you're writing and these horrific people don't actually exist?

I have never heard of anything like it, and I think that show "Hoarders" is completely fabricated.
I have never seen any food turn that shade of purple before so I'm at a loss to explain why it was that color. Unless it was some sort of seasoning. And no, sadly it is true.

Time for me to get some sleep though. Maybe if I sleep early I can wake up earlier and get something done.
Is this like a Novel you're writing and these horrific people don't actually exist?

I have never heard of anything like it, and I think that show "Hoarders" is completely fabricated.
Horaders and hoarding is uncommon, but does exist, yet isn't a generational venomina. I've encounter it in approx. 7 occasions, twice in ND.
I wish "Hoarders" was fabricated, but it isnt.... I can drive around and pick what houses are hoarded like I have some weird radar. Also, there are genetic components. My mom was a small scale hoarder and according to my DNA, there are genetic predisposition. My grandmother was a clean hoarder, she had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of trinkets everywhere,, one of my aunts hoards books, craft items, but she is not tv show level..... there definitely is an emotional aspect to it.

@zannej, while it doesn't help you out. Maybe just ignore your brother, clean up after him, leave the garbage to him. It may give you some peace to just not have to wonder if he is going to or not.
Maybe after a while, he will be inspired to clean up after himself. I'm sorry you have to fight them both on so many things. While I miss my mom, I don't miss the stressful push/pull relationship we had. We thought completely differently and could rarely just agree on anything.
I hate to say that I LOL'd at that @Spicoli43 .....

The FLU is already getting ramped up where I am, also while we had only 20 new Co*id cases in the county I work in last week, we admitted 6 new + the past 3 days. Ugh..... I'm ready for this to just go away all together.

I worked an earlier shift than normal today so I got to leave at 815 instead of 11, have a day off tomorrow which will be nice. I don't have anything planned for tomorrow either.

I may try to make that blasted list of things that need done so I can spend less time thinking about them.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend so far!
I heard there was a new "variant" of Covid... I see they aren't pushing as much for the not really a "vaccine" and that Ivermectin all of a sudden works... Well, isn't that special? People knew it worked in the 70's, kinda has a Nobel prize affiliation... But the media would never say that, and tons of people died because of the coverup.
Last night, Montana raised "Sugar" Sean O'Malley won the UFC Title against his opponent in the 2nd round of the main event with a TKO. He's hyped in MT of course, but now the whole UFC world knows him.

I didn't buy the PPV because ESPN is owned by the Pedophiles that have no problem with child sex trafficking at Disney, so I had to just pay attention to the play by play so to speak. Disney's market cap has been hammered and is at it's 9 Year low, so hopefully they sell ESPN to people that aren't Demonic.

Back in the day, I bought the PPV for a Tyson fight, and the thing was over before people even settled in, which would have been the case here as well... Not really because of all the prelims, but still... Main event here, Main event over...

Last night, Montana raised "Sugar" Sean O'Malley won the UFC Title against his opponent in the 2nd round of the main event with a TKO. He's hyped in MT of course, but now the whole UFC world knows him.

I didn't buy the PPV because ESPN is owned by the Pedophiles that have no problem with child sex trafficking at Disney, so I had to just pay attention to the play by play so to speak. Disney's market cap has been hammered and is at it's 9 Year low, so hopefully they sell ESPN to people that aren't Demonic.

Back in the day, I bought the PPV for a Tyson fight, and the thing was over before people even settled in, which would have been the case here as well... Not really because of all the prelims, but still... Main event here, Main event over...

Suga-Suga....he took him down real fast!
Looks great Ron. Are you going to continue the crown molding on the other wall?
Looks great Ron. Are you going to continue the crown molding on the other wall?
Yes. I will cope a new piece of crown onto the existing crown.

I had to do that three other times on this bedroom/bath project where I built a perpendicular wall onto an existing wall. I just cut out a 5 1/2” piece of the existing crown, build the wall and then cope a new crown onto the old existing piece.

It ends up looking like this. This tiled wall is above our new vanity and is a new wall added a few months ago.
