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I always it interesting, all these mandated policies that, "supposedly" will result in fewer of this or that, which is adversely affecting the health, of all of us, where is the mandated reduction in health insurance costs?

I mean, with the elimination of the causes, why are those costs not going down?
The same reason Car and Home insurance goes up no matter what, even with no claims... Congress is worthless and corrupt.
I'm not saying that Congress isn't worthless or corrupt, but the insurance companies set their rates, not congress.
Not everything can be blamed on government.
These are gov. mandated sausages they are demanding that we consume.
It's not, either or, it's a mandate!
I'm not saying that Congress isn't worthless or corrupt, but the insurance companies set their rates, not congress.
Not everything can be blamed on government.
Oh, absolutely everything... 110% of everything can eventually find it's way to the worthless members of Congress... In the case of Insurance, it's not exactly hidden. As with every other major Industry, the lobbyists pay Congress to leave them alone in their screwing over of the American people.

Oh, absolutely everything... 110% of everything can eventually find it's way to the worthless members of Congress... In the case of Insurance, it's not exactly hidden. As with every other major Industry, the lobbyists pay Congress to leave them alone in their screwing over of the American people.

Subject change you're likely familiar with.
To me, humorous.
Each spring, when the local gov. thinks winter has past, they sweep the salt from the streets.
Last wk it was in the 50 & 60's, this wk it's in the 20 & 30's, 3" of snow last night, snow for the next 3 days, 25 degrees.
Subject change you're likely familiar with.
To me, humorous.
Each spring, when the local gov. thinks winter has past, they sweep the salt from the streets.
Last wk it was in the 50 & 60's, this wk it's in the 20 & 30's, 3" of snow last night, snow for the next 3 days, 25 degrees.
No idea, not in any of the Cities... I assume they salt the roads for the people in the neighborhoods, but they don't on the main drags where the businesses are, or I have never seen it.
That was true in Bismarck, but here in minn. they salt it all.

Spring sprung, then bounced.
Do, I picked up the mini-van. My best friend is the best. I bought it off her step-dad. It's a 2004 with 73k original miles. 1 owner. It has 3rd row seating, and all the rear seats are removable. So, I can borrow it when my daughter is working or whatever to bring plywood or sheetrock or whatever home. 20240322_123029.jpg
Do, I picked up the mini-van. My best friend is the best. I bought it off her step-dad. It's a 2004 with 73k original miles. 1 owner. It has 3rd row seating, and all the rear seats are removable. So, I can borrow it when my daughter is working or whatever to bring plywood or sheetrock or whatever home. View attachment 32430
That’s in great shape for a 2004! My Expedition is a 2005, it’s in good shape but has 173,000miles.
Ruby wanted this little fan/light for the laundry room.


I repurposed the window casings from the window I removed to make these horizontal pieces to screw some broom hooks into.


I built the wall where the brooms are hanging about 3 years ago and I had to look back at some pictures to see how it was framed. This was originally a sliding glass door but it didn’t work well for the dog doors so I took the slider out and put in a regular door.



Here's a 90 minute class on Acupressure on Monday night for $35. I'm going to take it, as it's taught by KP Khalsa, who taught the Detox course I took that resulted in all my gut pain that I had for at least this entire Century disappearing after a week. After that first week, I could feel my Liver and Kidneys unblocking as well.

You could say I call this guy my "Sensei"...

When the body's Qi is blocked up and stagnant, you get pain... I know that Acupuncture frees it up and releases the pain because I have done that. Acupressure is the same thing without needles, but the ability to do it myself anytime I want is the draw for this course.

Take a funnel, block it and fill it with water. That represents the blocked Qi... Then release your finger and all the Qi energy flows, eliminating the pain. That is literally what happens... I was sold on Acupuncture when I had the dreaded tooth pain for a Wisdom that wanted out... The Acupuncturist took away that pain in 45 seconds and it never returned... Took a few months to get a dental appointment, hence the need for Acupuncture right then...

Imagine the ability to remove pain like THAT, in which you can't stretch it out, one of the only places in the body you can't move... Gone in 45 seconds? I don't know if I can get that good with Acupressure, but there's one way to find out.

If you buy the class and can't make it Monday night, it will be in your account forever.

I have seen Date Trees in the Middle East, so I know they EXIST, but in looking at these, I just wonder... What if the "Dates" as we know them are actually just dressed Cockroaches?

What if Cockroaches actually taste that good, so the Gubment has been hiding that fact? Think of the extermination business disappearing overnight if people figure out that Cockroaches are just simply Dates with legs that can run really fast?

They want us to call them and pay them of course... They don't want our thought when we see Cockroaches to be "Snack Time"!!!

Think about it... There is already Chocolate Covered ______ Insects, so it isn't that far off...

Now we just need somebody to tell us that they taste good... Do we know anybody..... ???


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So...... the electrician never showed up this past week. I am a tad bit annoyed. I feel like having my freezer plugged into an extension cord for a week is stupid. It's rated high enough but that's beside the point.

Part of me wants to trouble shoot it myself..... more but I can't because then it will be my problem to pay him or someone else.

Have I mentioned that I HATE having to hire someone to do something?
Ok, so speaking of Detox and why we should all do it... I have made myself a test DUMMY for the benefit of all of you. Nobody I know off the interwebben has any interest in eating clean, everyone just eats whatever they want and that's that. People have seen what I'm about to describe, and they don't care. They want their Hamburger Helper washed down with a Coke and nothing stops them.

Ok. They will suffer the health consequences for that. It's not a maybe, it's a certainty. That said, everybody has their vices including me, and I spent a good portion of November through January being "naughty" with eating whatever I wanted, drinking lots of Whiskey etc...

February until yesterday was my clean detox in which I ate nothing but Basmati Rice with Lentils with Onions and Herbs like Ginger and Parsley. I ate Dates and Apricots at night for the Fiber benefits, to move everything smoothly. I detoxed my blood daily with Burdock Root Tea... Everything was 100% Organic.

Then Sunday morning, I said "I'm going to do a cheat week, then I will start a new clean eating detox on Monday, April 1... I'm going to make a big pan of Lasagna and this AM I am going to have Egg Sandwiches."

Well, the Egg Sandwiches are fine. The Mayo has Soybean Oil, which nobody should consume, but no fireworks... Then the Lasagna happened, 3 squares of all that Cheese and Pasta and Tomato Sauce, I didn't go out of my way to make sure everything was Organic, mainly because of cost, but also because I knew it was going to be a cheat week.

My Body revolted right then with sneezing, eyes watering, the threat to throw up repeatedly, and massive gastric distress, which you can figure out led to a "few" bathroom visits... It isn't Lactose Intolerance because that only happens to me if I drink a lot of Milk. It's because I went from 100% Organic to only the Beef and Tomato being Organic... The Cheese, Cottage Cheese and Pasta are all Conventional...

We have had discussions about whether "Organic" means anything, and the only way you can find that out is by eating a clean detox diet for a Month or so and then testing to see how your body reacts to the fast food or favorites like Lasagna that you enjoy now. My only problem is I have to find more clean eating recipes that work, since I'm the only one eating it. I can't make a boatload of something unless I know I can eat it all.

The only time my body has revolted LIKE THAT was in Basic Training when they let us eat Burgers and have Ice Cream etc. after the first 2 Months... (You'll pay for it they said)... YEP.... Also, when I got back from the Middle East and ate whatever was here... Every single thing I ate came back up because I wasn't used to the massive amount of pesticides used on conventional food. Whatever they did or didn't do with the food over there was much better than here... That's when my studies began about everything nutrition.

I can tell you how to simply start a clean detox, you have to like Organic Rice and Lentils for at least 3 weeks... Then you can go back to eating whatever you want. They call it an elimination diet when you introduce ____ food back into your diet to see if it causes Fireworks... Your body goes from a clean slate to possibly having no problems or having the side effects I did. You might be completely fine eating conventional food... It's very unlikely since we weren't created to eat pesticides, but there's only one way for you to find out.
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So...... the electrician never showed up this past week. I am a tad bit annoyed. I feel like having my freezer plugged into an extension cord for a week is stupid. It's rated high enough but that's beside the point.

Part of me wants to trouble shoot it myself..... more but I can't because then it will be my problem to pay him or someone else.

Have I mentioned that I HATE having to hire someone to do something?
That doesn't make any sense... In an area like Z where there's one Electrician, I get that... Not where you live. Did you get any help from Electricity forums?
That doesn't make any sense... In an area like Z where there's one Electrician, I get that... Not where you live. Did you get any help from Electricity forums?
YA never know, he may have been a herbivore and didn't like the way she eliminated the weeds in her yard.

Were it I, I'd of been there that day.
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Ok, so speaking of Detox and why we should all do it... I have made myself a test DUMMY for the benefit of all of you. Nobody I know off the interwebben has any interest in eating clean, everyone just eats whatever they want and that's that. People have seen what I'm about to describe, and they don't care. They want their Hamburger Helper washed down with a Coke and nothing stops them.

Ok. They will suffer the health consequences for that. It's not a maybe, it's a certainty. That said, everybody has their vices including me, and I spent a good portion of November through January being "naughty" with eating whatever I wanted, drinking lots of Whiskey etc...

February until yesterday was my clean detox in which I ate nothing but Basmati Rice with Lentils with Onions and Herbs like Ginger and Parsley. I ate Dates and Apricots at night for the Fiber benefits, to move everything smoothly. I detoxed my blood daily with Burdock Root Tea... Everything was 100% Organic.

Then Sunday morning, I said "I'm going to do a cheat week, then I will start a new clean eating detox on Monday, April 1... I'm going to make a big pan of Lasagna and this AM I am going to have Egg Sandwiches."

Well, the Egg Sandwiches are fine. The Mayo has Soybean Oil, which nobody should consume, but no fireworks... Then the Lasagna happened, 3 squares of all that Cheese and Pasta and Tomato Sauce, I didn't go out of my way to make sure everything was Organic, mainly because of cost, but also because I knew it was going to be a cheat week.

My Body revolted right then with sneezing, eyes watering, the threat to throw up repeatedly, and massive gastric distress, which you can figure out led to a "few" bathroom visits... It isn't Lactose Intolerance because that only happens to me if I drink a lot of Milk. It's because I went from 100% Organic to only the Beef and Tomato being Organic... The Cheese, Cottage Cheese and Pasta are all Conventional...

We have had discussions about whether "Organic" means anything, and the only way you can find that out is by eating a clean detox diet for a Month or so and then testing to see how your body reacts to the fast food or favorites like Lasagna that you enjoy now. My only problem is I have to find more clean eating recipes that work, since I'm the only one eating it. I can't make a boatload of something unless I know I can eat it all.

The only time my body has revolted LIKE THAT was in Basic Training when they let us eat Burgers and have Ice Cream etc. after the first 2 Months... (You'll pay for it they said)... YEP.... Also, when I got back from the Middle East and ate whatever was here... Every single thing I ate came back up because I wasn't used to the massive amount of pesticides used on conventional food. Whatever they did or didn't do with the food over there was much better than here... That's when my studies began about everything nutrition.

I can tell you how to simply start a clean detox, you have to like Organic Rice and Lentils for at least 3 weeks... Then you can go back to eating whatever you want. They call it an elimination diet when you introduce ____ food back into your diet to see if it causes Fireworks... Your body goes from a clean slate to possibly having no problems or having the side effects I did. You might be completely fine eating conventional food... It's very unlikely since we weren't created to eat pesticides, but there's only one way for you to find out.
Butt, are you really eating organic?

Think about it. So, is an organic farm, really organic, and do the pests from an non-organic farm next door, whom have survived the pesticide onslaught and migrated over to the organic, (dark-side), and pooped on the soil, and that poop absorbed by the organic plant, and then transmitted that pesticide affected material, consumed by you, into your blood stream, really make you detoxed, or just, an assumed quantifier of?
Butt, are you really eating organic?

Think about it. So, is an organic farm, really organic, and do the pests from an non-organic farm next door, whom have survived the pesticide onslaught and migrated over to the organic, (dark-side), and pooped on the soil, and that poop absorbed by the organic plant, and then transmitted that pesticide affected material, consumed by you, into your blood stream, really make you detoxed, or just, an assumed quantifier of?
Well, that's where there's tons of variables. Before Monsanto was bought by Bayer, they would sue small Organic farmers if their GMO seeds found their way to the Organic farm next door. It was purely a Demonic move to shut down the Organic farm since the little farmer had no chance against a huge Corporation... That "Karma" caught up to Monsanto in the form of the Cancer lawsuits they had to pay Hundreds of Millions for. (And the Nazis of Bayer still bought the chemical corporation... Big shocker there)

That's the basic description, but the wind blows everywhere, so there is no such thing as 100% Organic that I have ever heard of, no massive Greenhouses that block all the incoming pesticides because it isn't practical. There of course could be many of those on small scales locally, but there's nothing like that here. They spray here constantly, so I can't eat anything local.

That furthers the argument though... Eating "100% Organic" according to the USDA Labels compared to doing what I just did is extreme proof that there's very little if any pesticides that end up on Organic foods... The Cornucopia Institute releases the "Dirty Dozen" and the "Clean Fifteen" every year telling how much pesticide is detected in their tests of Conventional produce... Some foods either don't absorb pesticides or they don't spray them...

That's just additional stuff to investigate though, but that has to do with people that think Organic costs a lot more, so they want to eat Conventional. Many cases exist where Organic is the same price or less though.
That doesn't make any sense... In an area like Z where there's one Electrician, I get that... Not where you live. Did you get any help from Electricity forums?
I contacted the initial electrician who did all the work on the back porch. Still haven't heard from him. I am going to text him again if I haven't heard from him by the end of the day.

I got a few things done yesterday. I changed the door know in my half bath, washed/dried folded 6 sheet sets (cleaning out closet, went through sheets/pillow cases), washed/dried/folded 2 loads of clothes. Have a load in the washer and drier that I need to wirk on 🙄. I have 1 maybe 2 loads of blankets to wash and dry. The sheets/blankets were kind of old smelling from being in the closet so long. So I sent pillow cases to my daughter, and a couple of mattress protectors for the kids beds. I'm switching out what goes in the smaller width closet and what goes in the half closet. I gathered some things I had asked my daughter if she wanted and put them on the porch. I took my tools out of this cheap tool chest I had, and gave it to my daughters boyfriend. He doesn't have many tools so it will be nice storage for him, in their apt.
I got this on clearance at walmart a few years ago, it's decent for its size and what I paid for it, but I got a 3 tier rolling toolbox that works out better for my back because of the expandable handle and larger wheels
I think I am going to empty off this bookcase in my room, and put it in what will one day be my office, so I can put one of the 4 drawer chests in my room and use it until I decide how I am going to redo it. I will probably just paint it black and get the same drawer pulls as I have on the bedside table I redid previously.
If I go ahead and ump all the books on my bed, I won't have a choice but to do something with it before this evening is over lol.

2 more days off after today and then my work week starts up again.