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Scientists reach a point where they don't want any debate on their conclusions. When people such as Obama and Fauci say give science her place they really mean consensus science.
Went to the post office. No mail at all. Went to the store. Mom mentioned wanting bread. My brother was out of milk. So I got milk & bread plus some stuff for cooking and got my brother a piece of cake, a chocolate milk, and some french vanilla ice cream. He's eating his cake with a bowl of ice cream now.
The Blue Belle french vanilla is what one of our elderly friends always had in the freezer when we came over as kids so we have a special fondness of it.

I'm thinking tomorrow I will go up to Lowes and/or HomeDepot to look at stuff for insulating.
Took mom to get her first dose of the vaccine. Dropped her off at friend's house & she played with the friend's baby. Brought friend to Walmart to get some stuff and then back to my house so he could help me put up Reflectix & moving blankets to keep heat in. Poor cows were mooing the whole time and following me around outside. I'm going to have to get a new barn built for them at some point. And I need to get more hay. Still haven't found anyone selling that will deliver.

Brought friend back home & saw some other mutual friends who where there to help him (because he'd helped them with stuff recently) with putting away laundry.

Grabbed food at Burger King and am currently sitting under a pile of cats. I turned one of my blankets with the fuzzy side up & they are all over it.
@zannej It seems like every post you write on this thread includes you chauffeuring everyone in your county and their sister around, ironic you can't get anyone to chauffeur some dead grass over to your house.
Flyover, I know! Sadly, no one in the area actually grows the stuff & they aren't willing to deliver. It doesn't help that my roads are awful right now & large trucks aren't allowed on it bc it's been raining nonstop. No large trucks w/in 24 hours of substantial rain allowed. The reason I drove my friend to & from is bc my road is rough on vehicles & he tends to have more fragile vehicles. He once hit a pot hole that broke his rack & pinion & caused his bumper and headlights to fall off. He also doesn't have much $ for gas & he was doing me a favor. Plus my truck has heated seats. He has no body fat so he gets cold very easily.

It's still under 40 degrees here despite being after noon. Frodo sent me some stuff in the mail that supposedly arrived yesterday. I'm debating whether I should go to the post office & see if they have it set up yet. Sometimes it takes them 2 days to process packages so I have to wait for them to put the package slip in the box. Hopefully they won't stuff something in the box that's too big to pull out the front again.

I was nice and cozy last night under a pile of blankets and cats. Two of the cats decided to get under the covers with me so it was even warmer. Dog was curled up against my legs. My calico was stretched out against my back on some blankets and the one-eyed orange cat sat on top of her & she didn't care. There was a brief kerfuffle this morning. 4 cat pile up when they were getting up & some of them don't like each other. They get along if I'm petting them usually, but some of them get aggressive with each other when they are away from me. I don't know if the calico was part of the fight or if she happened to get in the middle. I looked up and she was hissing and growling, swatting at her brother, & running away. The two brothers were glaring at each other and growling. My oldest cat was between them with some gray fur in his mouth so it looked like he'd gotten into the tussle. I called him over and he seemed fine. He must have known I was talking about him bc he just climbed on me. The fat fluffy gray & white cat was having a fit. He kept growling even when I was petting him. I was trying to calm him down & he swatted at me so I shoved him out of my room & he calmed down. I fed them earlier than usual to get them to behave. The food calmed them all down.

Just looked down and Mom's little dog is in the room. He's lying down next to the other dog (who is curled up with one of the cats). I'm sure this is all very boring. LOL. With the weather & all that is going on in the world, it's nice to see my kitties and doggies resting and comfortable.

If I do go out today, I'll have to swing by the grocery store and get some stuff.
Eddie, they are pets. I think they are beef cattle though. The mother is a Brahma Jersey mix. She's red and has big horns. She was a dummy calf (too stupid to know how to nurse) & the vet needed someone who would take care of her so he offered her to me after my other cow (who had also been a dummy calf) died. Later a Brangus (Brahma Angus mix) broke through the fence and got her pregnant. The red one chases trespassers. I spoiled her when she was little so she's very affectionate with me.
A friend kept a cow and would always keep the calf. A cow produces more milk than a family needs and the government won't let the excess be sold. So my friend would turn the calf in with the cow anytime he didn't need the milk or was going to be away from home. If he were still living I could use him as a source for raw milk.

When I was a kid my first allowance was for delivering milk to Mrs. Henegan who lived the equivalent of a block away. As I recall her husband had placed a little shelf on a fencepost near the gate for me to set two quart bottles on. I think I delivered twice per week and was paid 15¢ per quart.
Gave in, got a covid shot. My cousin spent 6 weeks in ICU. Got MRSA in his lungs. Begged them to unplug him, so they did. His pain was horrible. Decided I would rather take a chance of the vaccine killing me than covid.
Rusty, if you normally react to vaccines, you may feel like you got hit by a truck a day or a day and a half after getting the vaccine. My mom woke up feeling fine this morning but had aches all over by afternoon. She's currently resting, but I've read that those side effects are normal. Supposed to last maybe 3 days. Same symptoms after 2nd vaccine.

I'm glad you were able to get your first shot. Still not available to people in my group yet. Probably won't be until next year honestly. They don't consider caregivers of elderly people to be important enough here. Hell, they didn't consider teachers to be important enough to get vaccines yet but they re-opened schools. Legislators got their shots first though so that shows you their priorities.

I'm also very sorry to hear about your cousin.

My brother convinced my mother to sign up for Starlink. I hope it doesn't end up as a flop. He promised to clean the living room (Mom says the agreement was for him to clean the house). I'm positive he's not going to do it and the bulk of the work will fall to me. But, if I can get him to help for a few minutes it will be nice. I offered to help clean his room too if it will get him to help me clean other areas. I also offered to help him with the living room in exchange for him helping with the kitchen.

Got distracted bc my power backup/surge protector just started beeping at me like crazy.

I went to the post office. It was 35 degrees. Got my mail without problems. Had a package from Frodo. He sent me some leather scraps, some tools, some little metal thingies, and a leather mask he made. The mask will be helpful for me to figure out how to tweak the pattern. I found that the washable nursing pads (for bras) fit perfectly. I was expecting to have to trim them but they are the right shape & size to cover the holes. I intend to make a cloth liner to go inside that will have a pocket for a filter to slip behind the pad. Filters will be able to be changed and pad can be removed to be washed. Might attach it to the liner itself so the whole thing can be washed.

This is the mask Frodo made & last pic shows it with the pad.

In addition to the liner, I will have a metal band to make it conform to the face (if band doesn't work I might use coated landscaping wire from dollar tree). I will have fewer holes and use larger grommets with mesh screens (there will still be multiple layers of cloth plus a filter in between the vents and the face). I will use magnetic rivet snaps to attach the liner inside. I will change the shape of the side pieces that hold the straps to have a rivet go through them, and I will double up leather inside the strap holders to make them sturdier. I will also switch out to soft spandex elastic ear straps instead of a leather head strap.

I'll probably make a mockup in cloth first. Then maybe some scrap leather or similar thickness material. I may even make a blue mask out of blue upholstery vinyl for my mom. But that will require different colored rivets bc she will want gold/brass ones.

I got distracted. LOL. I also got gas & groceries and went to Tractor Supply for cow feed. I had planned to park, pull the bag out, cut it open etc before cows got over there. But the damn bag slid toward the cab so I had to climb inside and ended up hurting my shoulder. I got it unloaded and used my cow to help me get back down. I bumped my head on her horn while she was holding still bc I forgot about it looping somewhat up. LOL. The younger cow was desperately trying to lick the bag open. I finally got the horned cow to back off enough for me to get it open without hitting my head. I wish they would get in the hay with molasses bc they eat that slower than these pellets. I'm not sure how much they are supposed to eat, but they ate the whole bag in one day.
My wife feels pretty bad. Guess I will be cooking, I already do the dishes. I just hope it does not get worse.
My county has only about 200 shots per week and instead off reserving them they open a window for about 15 minutes each Friday for people to scramble to call or fill out an online application. I don't feel like playing that game so if I get a shot I'll probably wait for the J&J single shot.
My county only has 23,000 people. 1900 have had covid and about 1500 have been vaccinated,
My parish has about 25k people. 2,919 have had Covd & there have been 82 deaths (but that is not counting the infections & deaths from prison inmates, which has been fairly high). No data on county vaccination rate but I know it has been slow.

Knowing my luck, vaccine will no longer be effective at all due to virus mutation by the time the vaccine is available to me. LOL.

Woke up with 10 cats & a dog on my bed. Still cold as Jotunheim. For some reason I thought it was still around 11 am but it's 3pm so I must have really racked out. I woke up a few times & didn't want to move bc it was too cold. Gonna have to force myself to get up, bring in cat food from the car, and feed kitties and clean up in the living room. After I take some naproxyn. My back hates the cold weather.
I read where at least two people in Oregon who had the vaccine still got covid.
Gave in, got a covid shot. My cousin spent 6 weeks in ICU. Got MRSA in his lungs. Begged them to unplug him, so they did. His pain was horrible. Decided I would rather take a chance of the vaccine killing me than covid.

Sorry for your loss. I hope you don't have any long term side effects.
Rusty, if you normally react to vaccines, you may feel like you got hit by a truck a day or a day and a half after getting the vaccine. My mom woke up feeling fine this morning but had aches all over by afternoon. She's currently resting, but I've read that those side effects are normal. Supposed to last maybe 3 days. Same symptoms after 2nd vaccine.

I'm glad you were able to get your first shot. Still not available to people in my group yet. Probably won't be until next year honestly. They don't consider caregivers of elderly people to be important enough here. Hell, they didn't consider teachers to be important enough to get vaccines yet but they re-opened schools. Legislators got their shots first though so that shows you their priorities.

I'm also very sorry to hear about your cousin.

My brother convinced my mother to sign up for Starlink. I hope it doesn't end up as a flop. He promised to clean the living room (Mom says the agreement was for him to clean the house). I'm positive he's not going to do it and the bulk of the work will fall to me. But, if I can get him to help for a few minutes it will be nice. I offered to help clean his room too if it will get him to help me clean other areas. I also offered to help him with the living room in exchange for him helping with the kitchen.

Got distracted bc my power backup/surge protector just started beeping at me like crazy.

I went to the post office. It was 35 degrees. Got my mail without problems. Had a package from Frodo. He sent me some leather scraps, some tools, some little metal thingies, and a leather mask he made. The mask will be helpful for me to figure out how to tweak the pattern. I found that the washable nursing pads (for bras) fit perfectly. I was expecting to have to trim them but they are the right shape & size to cover the holes. I intend to make a cloth liner to go inside that will have a pocket for a filter to slip behind the pad. Filters will be able to be changed and pad can be removed to be washed. Might attach it to the liner itself so the whole thing can be washed.

This is the mask Frodo made & last pic shows it with the pad.
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In addition to the liner, I will have a metal band to make it conform to the face (if band doesn't work I might use coated landscaping wire from dollar tree). I will have fewer holes and use larger grommets with mesh screens (there will still be multiple layers of cloth plus a filter in between the vents and the face). I will use magnetic rivet snaps to attach the liner inside. I will change the shape of the side pieces that hold the straps to have a rivet go through them, and I will double up leather inside the strap holders to make them sturdier. I will also switch out to soft spandex elastic ear straps instead of a leather head strap.

That thing looks dangerous! Good for him for trying to help, but there's no way to breathe through it.
My county has only about 200 shots per week and instead off reserving them they open a window for about 15 minutes each Friday for people to scramble to call or fill out an online application. I don't feel like playing that game so if I get a shot I'll probably wait for the J&J single shot.

I can't go with J&J either, they tried covering up their Killer Baby Powder.
Rusty, It takes about a week or more after 2nd dose for immunity to kick in & it's not 100%. Even having had Covid & having antibodies doesn't stop people from getting it again. My brother had a former co-worker who got Covid 4 times. It got worse each time & last time it killed him.

Spicoli, it has holes punched in the front and the pad filters it. I tried it on and could breathe just fine- and I have damaged lungs from childhood respiratory illness. The mask I plan to make will have larger openings but I will have more layers of cloth in between so air will pass through, but not liquid. The pad I put in it is breathable but it absorbs moisture.

Kidney stone came back with a vengeance so I settled for cleaning the hallway. Was supposed to do more cleaning today but wasn't up to it. My brother left me a mess on the stove so it was one of those days where I said fk it.

Cold front is coming through a bit later than expected. We have winter storm advisory up until Tuesday.

Hopefully it won't get too bad.

I heard from my friend. The 11-yr-old kid who got dumped there by his mother somehow flushed a roll of toilet paper down the toilet & it clogged the pipes so badly that the plumber couldn't get it out with the largest auger he had and ended up having to dig a hole in the yard to dig up the pipe. I think he should send the plumbing bill to the kid's mom. Kid is generally nice, but I don't think he realized it would clog. He accidentally knocked the roll in (not sure how) and decided to flush it instead of trying to fish it out. Yet another reason why I don't like kids.

Friend is really aggravated with all the people in his house mooching. His ex was posting all sorts of valentine's BS on FB while knowing they aren't a couple and it was making him angrier. I'm trying to stay out of the drama, but it's not going to end well for either of them.
Trying to stay warm. Power stayed on thus far but it snowed last night. Got about 2 inches of snow. Entire parish is shut down. Official "stay home" order, all businesses closed. Supposed to get colder tonight (they think 9 degrees). Cows were OK in the barn last night. Hope it doesn't actually get that cold. Cats knocked something over in mom's room last week that uncovered an unopened electric blanket that was meant for my brother but mom forgot to give it to him. I gave it to him so he's happily curled up under it. He has my heating pads too. I'm about to get 1 of them back from him.
Found a space heater on my brother's bedroom floor under some junk. It still works so I set it up for the kittens in the front room. They are enjoying the warmth.
Best friend told me his pipes froze & his oven is having trouble heating up- he's trying to cook something in it & he said it took 30min to get up to 300.
When stuff opens back up I will have to get him some stuff to wrap his pex pipes to keep them warm. Hopefully they won't burst.
I feel sorry for the people who lost power in this mess. Cats are piled on me keeping me warm at least.
Mom had her first dose of vaccine last week and only had mild feeling of cruddiness for a day and a half and is better now.

I need to heighten the priority of getting a better shelter for the cows so they can have someplace cool in summer and warm in winter.

Hope everyone else is staying warm.

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