california going dry

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Much of so cal has been able to drop water usage by almost 30%. Now we are having water main breaks again. We had three major ones yesterday and another last night.
Sounds like Tampa. Since the pipes were put in many many years ago, they keep breaking. Instead of using some of the left over money they collect for water usage for installing new piping, they spend it on stupid stuff. Typical Government. If people knew how much profit there was in city water, they would riot.
Yesterday they announced rate increases due to less use of water and needing to fix old pipes.
Your kidding right???

Works for me. People are using 30% less water the state didn’t lay 30% of the work force off, so I would guess they have to raise prices hmmm about 30%.

A old timer once told me when I was complaining about a little foreign car I had and how much it cost to keep running, he said “If you want all that economy then you have to pay for it.”
Think about any other business model in private enterprise that would work that way. Private business wants you to consume more so they can sell more. And they will figure out every time how to give you a “better product” for less cost if they can to direct the sales in their direction. Yes sometimes they go too far in search of less cost and lessen the quality and the consumers vote every time they buy an item if the cost and quality are acceptable to them. If the government would get out of water and let people figure out how to get more of it and better quality and sell it at a profit it would happen.
Think about any other business model in private enterprise that would work that way. Private business wants you to consume more so they can sell more. And they will figure out every time how to give you a “better product” for less cost if they can to direct the sales in their direction. Yes sometimes they go too far in search of less cost and lessen the quality and the consumers vote every time they buy an item if the cost and quality are acceptable to them. If the government would get out of water and let people figure out how to get more of it and better quality and sell it at a profit it would happen.

What model are you proposing, oil, gold. cars. Shareholders and CEOs, charging what the market will bear. Perhaps varying quality for different price range. Like cars and telephones. Perhaps like people that don't drive can take the bus they could also pick up water at the puplic tap down on the corner.
From a country where we hear so much about rights I think if you are not looking at the right to clean air and water, you have been drinking something other that water.
What model are you proposing, oil, gold. cars. Shareholders and CEOs, charging what the market will bear. Perhaps varying quality for different price range. Like cars and telephones. Perhaps like people that don't drive can take the bus they could also pick up water at the puplic tap down on the corner.
From a country where we hear so much about rights I think if you are not looking at the right to clean air and water, you have been drinking something other that water.

Exactly the models I was thinking of in fact. The fact that you have electricity and cable tv and cars and telephones and cellular phones and iPhones and food is because of free markets and free enterprise. If I live out in the country and I want to dig a well and pump up water and my neighbors want to pay for it instead of digging a well of their own what is wrong with that. If I can figure out a way to take salt out of the ocean water and make clean water and I build a machine that can do that for people why cant I sell it and make a profit. And if they start selling like hot cakes I’m not going to say oh no 30% of you cant have one I will want to sell one to everyone. People used to beat rugs to get them clean. It would be like saying people have a god given right to beat rugs and no one should come along and invent sweepers and get rich selling them. The government couldn’t invent their way out of a paper bag and all they do is play tricks with numbers to control people. Where are the ideas on the water shortage coming out of government. What governor is inventing a solution to the problem. All they know how to do is make laws and fine you or lock you up. Or protect some fish and starve people of water.
On a side note gas jumped up almost a buck today. 4.39 here by my house.

Something about they didn't ship in enough and a refinery breaking down.
From a country where we hear so much about rights I think if you are not looking at the right to clean air and water, you have been drinking something other that water.
I am already drinking something else!:)
On a side note gas jumped up almost a buck today. 4.39 here by my house.

Something about they didn't ship in enough and a refinery breaking down.
Wow, it's around $2.50 here.
Wow , diesel is always higher out here. We are typically the 2nd highest prices in the nation , behind california. Nobody knows why....
Diesel has always been cheaper here but that is usually because gas is so expensive.
Exactly the models I was thinking of in fact. The fact that you have electricity and cable tv and cars and telephones and cellular phones and iPhones and food is because of free markets and free enterprise. If I live out in the country and I want to dig a well and pump up water and my neighbors want to pay for it instead of digging a well of their own what is wrong with that. If I can figure out a way to take salt out of the ocean water and make clean water and I build a machine that can do that for people why cant I sell it and make a profit. And if they start selling like hot cakes I’m not going to say oh no 30% of you cant have one I will want to sell one to everyone. People used to beat rugs to get them clean. It would be like saying people have a god given right to beat rugs and no one should come along and invent sweepers and get rich selling them. The government couldn’t invent their way out of a paper bag and all they do is play tricks with numbers to control people. Where are the ideas on the water shortage coming out of government. What governor is inventing a solution to the problem. All they know how to do is make laws and fine you or lock you up. Or protect some fish and starve people of water.
I would think fishing might be a good way for some to make a living and the same for farming, nevermind they are food souces for the masses, might be something almost important as water. We already saw what big business did to the golf and the coast of Alaska.
I would think fishing might be a good way for some to make a living and the same for farming, nevermind they are food souces for the masses, might be something almost important as water. We already saw what big business did to the golf and the coast of Alaska.

Farming, Fishing and Oil are all great industries and all have been responsible for environmental mishaps. Look at the dust bowl in the 30’s or killer bees brought to Brazil in the 50’s or the over fishing of the Great Lakes where I live. Yes there have been Oil related disasters manmade and naturally occurring. Not to mention Mount St Helens in 1980. All these things are bad, and water is important.

Do anything long enough and there will be a mishap even working on houses.

Everything bad hasn’t happened do to greed and big companies and everything good hasn’t been because of the little guy. How many billions of gallons of fuel have been shipped without a problem. Pipelines work safer than train cars or ships but some people are against pipelines and some in government as well.

I’m not saying there are not many great advancements dealing with water that need to be done. I just don’t see government should be in the driver’s seat getting them done. Try and imagine building Hover Dam today, it was a big deal in the 30’s who’s talking about a project like that today?

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