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I get those paragliders and othe small ultra light aircraft flying over occasionally. There is a small airport not far from my place, I think they fly out of there. I believe the motor of choice is a snowmobile motor. Not sure what size. A friend atrted building an ultralight years ago that used a snowmobile motor. He sold it before he finished it.
I get those paragliders and othe small ultra light aircraft flying over occasionally. There is a small airport not far from my place, I think they fly out of there. I believe the motor of choice is a snowmobile motor. Not sure what size. A friend atrted building an ultralight years ago that used a snowmobile motor. He sold it before he finished it.
Here's what one company sells for a Paraglider engine. Only 16 HP at 9500RPM. Man that's screaming!


My Dad built one of these BD-5's in the early 80's. It had a 90HP 3 cylinder 2stroke engine
This is a picture off Pinerest, Not my dad's actual airplane.
I usually shop for marked down eggnog or boiled custard right after the holidays but had covid and missed it. So today I made a quart of southern boiled custard since I had milk and eggs that needed to be used.
One of the guests that I met at Thanksgiving dinner with friends does hang gliding. I may be using the wrong terminology but it's something he unfolds and jumps off a cliff with. I don't recall what elevations he flies to but he visits the clouds. He told us how he watches for signs of thermals by observing birds, tree leaves shaking and such. That's the way he likes to spend his weekends.
I watched a documentary on wingsuit flying and it appears suicidal to me. I won't be trying hang gliding either. The uncertainty of where one might be landing is a bit much for me. The fellow I met said that although he might be aloft for several hours he is constantly scanning for a probable landing site. The wing span places some limitation on where one can land. With a powered unit one could either come back to the starting point or do some travel within fuel range.
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Have you guys heard about this? Fines if you drive more than 15 minutes from your home.
Portland is putting a 15 minute plan together.
The “15-minute city” may be defined as an ideal geography where most human needs and many desires are located within a travel distance of 15 minutes.

the 15-minute city is defined by its ability to provide access to all human needs by walking or bicycling for a quarter hour or less. Transit should be provided within the 15-minute city
From the AP:
CLAIM: The county of Oxfordshire, England, which includes the city of Oxford, is imposing a “climate lockdown” that will confine residents to their neighborhoods.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Oxfordshire has approved a plan to put “traffic filters” on some main roads, restricting drivers’ access during daytime hours and freeing up space for buses, cyclists and pedestrians. But car owners can apply for daylong permits to bypass the new rules, and many other vehicles are exempt. All parts of the county will remain accessible by car, officials said.

THE FACTS:Last week, local leaders in Oxfordshire voted to try a new traffic reduction system in an effort to reduce congestion in the county’s namesake city. Some on social media have since likened the scheme to stringent government COVID-19 containment policies.

“UK. - Oxfordshire Council, part of the 15 minute city club, has passed a plan to trial a Climate lockdown,” tweeted one user, alongside a screenshot of an article warning that “residents will be confined to their local neighborhood.
Ron... Great plane! I jumped out of one that was held together by 3M Duct Tape, which has a useful half life of 27.2 minutes, so I was happy to jump.

As far as the 15 minute city plan that I hadn't heard of, that will never happen. They will never have enough Military or Cops willing to enforce it. Besides, the Military is too busy putting on high heels and practicing pronouns to enforce anything foreign or domestic.
People have died from drinking too much tea... I forget the chemical that builds up but you can look it up if interested...
Well, if you drink a gallon of water in 5 minutes you can die. 16 ounces an hour is harmless. If you're talking about Fluoride in Tea, I would think it's eliminated with the Organic varieties, but one can ask for the lab tests from the company. Fluoride is a Neurotoxin though, so one has to research just like they research anything else.
As neat as hangliding and such seem, I wouldn't do it. I like to stay on the ground. LOL. I don't like the change in altitude. Driving to Albuquerque makes my ears pop.

I felt cruddy on saturday and slept it off. Mom's computer wouldn't boot all day. I waited until she was out of her chair to push the plug in tighter (both into the APC and the back of the computer). Held the power button and it turned on. I let her know so she put her laptop down and went to use her computer. Internet went out for several hours because it was pouring rain. Kitties started getting aggravated and hollering at each other. I had to go step in between them and nudge them in different directions.
England has had congestion fees for a while now, where basically you have to pay extra money if you want to drive a car in London (maybe some other cities too) during peak hours. I wouldn't want to have to deal with that, but that's all it is; no surprise the news media twists this into alarmist stuff likening it to lockdowns and martial law and what not. Look at that headline! Ridiculous. British newsmedia are among the boldest and least scrupulous.

Yesterday I made a lot of progress on my woodworking project; very exciting to see it coming along.
However history has shown that once the government passes a controlling law it's like a camel getting its head into the tent. Freedom is lost one step at a time rather than in one fell swoop.
I probably posted this before but I can't find it...So I'll post it again!

There was a guy I was working with in the South Pacific named Robert. We were on Western Samoa and a bunch of guys decided to go out to a bar to go dancing. I opted out for several reasons, one being, I'm happily married and I wouldn't like it if Ruby went to bars without me. Secondly, I quit drinking alcohol in 1995. But anyway, these guys went and had a good time until this photo surfaced of Robert dancing with what he thought was a woman but she turned out to be, "Fafa!" Which is short for, Fa'afafine.

From Wikipedia...
Faʻafafine are people who identify themselves as having a third gender or non-binary role in Samoa, American Samoa and the Samoan diaspora. A recognised gender identity/gender role in traditional Samoan society, and an integral part of Samoan culture, faʻafafine are assigned male at birth, and explicitly embody both masculine and feminine gender traits in a way unique to Polynesia.[citation needed] Their behaviour typically ranges from extravagantly feminine to conventionally masculine.[1]

Anthropologists have speculated that if a Samoan family had more boys than girls or not enough girls to help with women's duties about the house, male children would be chosen to be raised as faʻafafine,[2] It has been estimated that 1–5% of Samoans identify as faʻafafine.[4] According to SBS news, there are up to 3,000 faʻafafine currently living in Samoa.[5]

Even if I were a Billionaire, I wouldn't buy a Rivian. The answer is No... They cannot possibly make the front end uglier. And, the Truck version is a mini bed, completely useless like the Avalanche.
I wouldn't buy any modern truck. Too big and too many doors. I understand that Toyota Stout compact is coming next year but test vehicles spotted have four doors.

It just dawned on me Friday that paying a high price for an older vehicle and getting poor MPG will still represent a considerably lower total cost for ownership plus operating/maintenance costs compared to a modern vehicle. Especially when one considers that a classic will appreciate in value if properly cared for.

Saw a sharp Jeepster Commando on facebook but it was a convertible.
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