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I noticed S traps at my Lowe's as well. It may be just that they can't be used for new construction. My MIL's bath had one and it was never a problem. Maybe the basin was small enough not to flood the drain when dumped.
Anyone who has ever used a dishwasher knows that cups and mugs are made with a rim and depression on the bottom. This serves a couple of purposes. It helps the manufacturer when glazing the cup and the rim reduces heat loss from the cup when using it.

Now enter the cup warmer its instructions say to use a flat bottomed cup for best results. So I came up with the bright idea of bridging the gap with what I will call a slug. I used cooking oil as a mod release and poured sme plaster of Paris slip into the depression. THe POP was too old and wouldn't take a firm set. Next I did a search finding that POP can be restored by baking the powder for a couple of hours at 325° (I chose 350° to be certain). That worked and now I have a slug that fits the bottom of my cup sitting on my cup warmer. Time will tell if it conducts enough heat to be useful.
Anyone who has ever used a dishwasher knows that cups and mugs are made with a rim and depression on the bottom. This serves a couple of purposes. It helps the manufacturer when glazing the cup and the rim reduces heat loss from the cup when using it.

Now enter the cup warmer its instructions say to use a flat bottomed cup for best results. So I came up with the bright idea of bridging the gap with what I will call a slug. I used cooking oil as a mod release and poured sme plaster of Paris slip into the depression. THe POP was too old and wouldn't take a firm set. Next I did a search finding that POP can be restored by baking the powder for a couple of hours at 325° (I chose 350° to be certain). That worked and now I have a slug that fits the bottom of my cup sitting on my cup warmer. Time will tell if it conducts enough heat to be useful.
I thought I had all S traps, but I have all P traps. While searching Lowe's online, I can't find any residential S traps, but Lowe's in store is completely different. I can't count how many times I have seen something online set to this location that didn't exist when I got there. Sometimes it's out of stock, but other times there's no place for it... The Lowes people pull out their scanner thing and search and it says the same thing my computer does, in stock on this aisle right here... Doesn't exist... That makes me madder than an electric firefly during a rolling blackout in California.
Speaking of tribal · · ·

Drinking Decaf coffee is like kissing your sister... you get the exercise but it doesn't mean anything, (unless you go to family reunions to meet girls).:D:
I thought I had all S traps, but I have all P traps. While searching Lowe's online, I can't find any residential S traps, but Lowe's in store is completely different. I can't count how many times I have seen something online set to this location that didn't exist when I got there. Sometimes it's out of stock, but other times there's no place for it... The Lowes people pull out their scanner thing and search and it says the same thing my computer does, in stock on this aisle right here... Doesn't exist... That makes me madder than an electric firefly during a rolling blackout in California.
The plumbing at Our Lowes here is completely unorganized. The fittings are in the wrong bins. They could hire a guy just to straighten out the plumbing and electrical bins.
The plumbing at Our Lowes here is completely unorganized. The fittings are in the wrong bins. They could hire a guy just to straighten out the plumbing and electrical bins.
Yeah, here as well. Customers or employees put stuff in the wrong bins. There's also lots of parts with the top tab tore off, so they were returns. Most probably weren't used, but I don't think they spent an ounce of energy looking at the part to figure that out. It's also rare for employees to be in the aisles in plumbing / sprinklers.

At Home Depot, it's guaranteed someone is going to ask if you need help, and I can't remember any parts that were mixed up. The employees are there in the aisles messing with the boxes, organizing stuff.

All circles back to my conspiracy that the former HD Executive and current Lowe's CEO is a double agent and is really working for HD to kill Lowe's, because ever since he took over, Lowe's has plummeted in quality on every metric.
I use a silicone microwave popper melting butter (or coconut oil) and stirring in salt with kernels before popping. I decided to try adding a bit (1/8 tsp) of ground cayenne to the mix and it turned out great.
Here's my fence in daylight, I was going to temporarily fix it, but my son had a good point; he said that if I mess with it and the neighbors kids get hurt because it fell, then I would be liable.... so I guess for this instant.... I am just going to leave it until I am off work for several day20230305_124143.jpg
After watching 5 days of the Doctors conference for the Liver, I can't recommend it enough. I have taken an enormous amount of notes, and I am somebody that could be a PhD in health because I have done this kind of research and watched these conferences for 15 plus years. Now, if I would get off my Hypocritical Democrat mascot and apply myself, I could get a degree...

I would suggest registering for the final free episodes, you'll be given a chance to own the digital series for about $100 or $200 something if you want the physical DVD's.. You will be sent an email later in the week as well for a 48 Hour encore where all the episodes will be unlocked for you to view for free next weekend. I know that because every conference operates like that.

Just doing a 2 day water / herbal tea fast is an IMMENSE help to the Liver and every other system in the body because IT IS GIVEN A BREAK from processing mostly chemicals in the food we eat. A 2 day water fast won't harm anyone, ask your Doctor of course, but the general consensus is to work with a Functional Medicine MD if you want to stretch it to 5 days just for precautionary reasons. Remember the key to fasting is having a TSP of Organic Coconut Oil every few hours to give the Brain fuel since you won't be consuming Sugar. The body burns Fat or Glucose, it doesn't care which, but at first it will be demanding Sugar, and the Medium Chain Triglycerides in Coconut Oil trick it into thinking it's getting Glucose.

DO NOT get the MCT oil... It's a blatant example of a gimmick, as it has only 3 of the MCT's, while Coconut Oil has all of them, including the much needed Lauric Acid, not present in the gimmick.

I know how incredible I feel after a 2 day fast, and also how incredible I feel on Paleo with no added sugar... Well, why go back to eating Pizza and drinking Whiskey then, Genius? Because I'm a stubborn middle aged Idiot, that's why... I know a lot though, so like an EMT, I can assess the situation at any given time and take the steps to correct the maladies that affect me.

The amount of mind blowing info is just insane... Everything we put in our bodies by choice or not by choice goes through the Liver = Fatty Liver = You name it disease = Barely notice it = Accumulation = Bathtub about half full = Feel a little sluggish = Doctors have no clue about toxicity = Bathtub about 3/4 full = Sluggish, Brain Fog = Need more sleep, exhaustion, let's have more Pizza and a shot of Jack = Bathtub full = Full on inflammation in all organs / Right shoulder pain / Right Knee pain / Liver pain / Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue = Bathtub overflows = Liver blood vessels rupture because the Liver is 95% clogged = Trip to the ER = Happy you had fun eating and drinking whatever you wanted for decades = Good Luck or RIP.

Did I mention Parkinson's / ALS / Dementia / Alzheimer's that's also tied to the Liver?

I didn't?

Shan, you could brace it on your side like a lean to with 2x4's, and have your neighbor screw horizontal joint planks that tie the dead fence to the standing fence. That's what I have in place now. It can't be blown down because the 2x4's are anchoring it. The trip hazard would be on your side.
As you can tell, I'm geeking out on this Doctors conference... The current Doctor speaking says 75% of his patients get referred to a Biological Dentist or an Upper Cervical Chiropractor because it cures so many ills that people have no idea. It's Miracle stuff...

The C1 is right in front of the Vagus Nerve, which controls the Liver, Gallbladder, Intestines, Heart... A lot of people with Liver Inflammation, Liver pain, Heart Irregularities or POTS have those issues because they have issues with their Upper Cervical putting pressure on the Vagus Nerve.... If corrected by a competent Chiropractor, that's it... Symptoms vanish.
As you can tell, I'm geeking out on this Doctors conference... The current Doctor speaking says 75% of his patients get referred to a Biological Dentist or an Upper Cervical Chiropractor because it cures so many ills that people have no idea. It's Miracle stuff...

The C1 is right in front of the Vagus Nerve, which controls the Liver, Gallbladder, Intestines, Heart... A lot of people with Liver Inflammation, Liver pain, Heart Irregularities or POTS have those issues because they have issues with their Upper Cervical putting pressure on the Vagus Nerve.... If corrected by a competent Chiropractor, that's it... Symptoms vanish.

I have been thinking about this chiropractor thing for a year, however.... I am 😨
Now, a Chiropractor is talking, just started... He had a head injury as a kid which resulted in migraines... He kept getting worse, but as an Adult in Chiropractic school, he was told to look into Upper Cervical Chiropractic... He went to see a UC Chiro specialist, who looked at his body differently than everybody, including normal Chiropractors...

He got corrected by the UC and the headaches went from daily to weekly to monthly to never...
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I have been thinking about this chiropractor thing for a year, however.... I am 😨
Well, it's all about competence like everything else... My late Father was like Quasimodo all bent over for most of my life, and he blamed a bad Chiropractor.

It's of course possible that he did have a bad experience, but he never questioned Why? What can be done different? Lets go back to the Chiro and ask why I'm the Hunchback of Notre Dame...

In every Medical modality there are Geniuses and there are Idiots... I speak from personal experience and from watching these conferences, hence the knowledge to link you to the Functional Medicine Practitioners...

Take a leap, the absolute worse thing that can happen is nothing changes. Watch these conferences and EVERYTHING changes.
Now, an OBGYN MD is speaking... In 2000, he was getting ready to do a surgery, changing into his scrubs when he had sudden back pain that dropped him to the floor. (Been there a few times)...

He had seen a Chiropractor for his spinal issues, but he hadn't changed his habits... His habit was being a Surgeon, standing there for hours while operating on patients...

Same exact thing for people sitting all day at office jobs 8 hours a day 5 days a week then sitting on the weekend... My experience with Office work was less impactful because I was in my 20's... I couldn't do that now, but back then it was lack of proper ventilation leading everybody to be sick all the time because we were packed into cubicles like sardines.

Again, back then I was Bulletproof and invincible, but the people that were my age now were sick.

This MD ditched surgery, started reading books and taking courses and he's all good now. He didn't have any inkling of a problem until it dropped him to the floor though...

For many people, disability and the many layers that accompany it are warning signs. For some, it is a massive M.I. Heart Attack or they just simply drop dead.
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Z, this is going to take 18 months... Why not get a portable in the meantime like this? I have a different brand and had to make a custom cutout for a horizontal window, but it works great.

I'm hoping it will be much faster. I will drive to TX if I have to. (Which I know I mentioned in pm). However, that looks like a very nice unit so I will run that by Mom and see what she says. Trying to think of where it would go. Might work in the kitchen and since it is portable we can probably move it around the house where it is needed. Hisense makes good TVs but I didn't know they made AC units.
I went to Lowe’s and picked up a few plumbing parts for our bathroom project.

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While I was there, I saw this

View attachment 30114

I thought it was odd because S traps are against code everywhere.
Ugh. They are against code, but they still sell stuff that goes against code anyway-- like those accordion trap fittings. They are not self-scouring thus they do not meet code. Plus mice chew through them and they suck. But, there is a demand for them so they are sold. At least the excuse for the S-traps is that they are for repairing old work that already has S-traps.

Anyone who has ever used a dishwasher knows that cups and mugs are made with a rim and depression on the bottom. This serves a couple of purposes. It helps the manufacturer when glazing the cup and the rim reduces heat loss from the cup when using it.

Now enter the cup warmer its instructions say to use a flat bottomed cup for best results. So I came up with the bright idea of bridging the gap with what I will call a slug. I used cooking oil as a mod release and poured sme plaster of Paris slip into the depression. THe POP was too old and wouldn't take a firm set. Next I did a search finding that POP can be restored by baking the powder for a couple of hours at 325° (I chose 350° to be certain). That worked and now I have a slug that fits the bottom of my cup sitting on my cup warmer. Time will tell if it conducts enough heat to be useful.
I've never really noticed the bottoms. Hmm.. I'd love to see pictures of your solution.

This morning I my stomach was not taking well to the taquitos I ate last night. Felt like I'd pissed off Montezuma and Billy Mays and both were getting revenge. I also didn't sleep well bc Mom had a panic attack last night and I couldn't get back to sleep. Slept until afternoon and the stomach thing cleared up. Got mom some soup (her stomach isn't feeling well either). Once I got up I glued some 1x2 scraps into some spots on the back wall behind the tub-- to make it plumb and give more support for the cementboard. Measured, marked, and cut-- had to use a jigsaw so that took more time, but having new blades helped. The new decking screws I got that use the same bit as the cementboard screws went in much better than the other screws.

I'm thinking of making shepherd's pie for dinner, but need to see if Mom is up to eating it. I still have a salad for her to eat in the fridge.

I got my brother to put his hand under my arm and push it up as far as it would go-- not fully straight up before the muscles started spasming, but helped unlock it a little more. Need to get him to do that out to the side too. I've noticed the muscles in my side/back resist when my arm is being lifted. It's weird. You'd think if I just relax it and let someone else lift it would move, but it is locking up. I'm continuing to do the exercises and will add some new ones in over time. My shoulder pillow helps when I'm lying down/sleeping.
Here's my fence in daylight, I was going to temporarily fix it, but my son had a good point; he said that if I mess with it and the neighbors kids get hurt because it fell, then I would be liable.... so I guess for this instant.... I am just going to leave it until I am off work for several dayView attachment 30117
I had a cedar fence in my last house in California. When it came time to replace it, I used galvanized posts that I hammered into the ground using a post driver. An 8 foot post driven into the ground 2’ is really strong and won’t rust or rot. I built a chain link fence here in Alabama for the dog run and didn’t use concrete on either project. Both have held up excellent. A post driven 2’ into the dirt is sturdy even without concrete. They have metal pole to wood brackets to hang your wood rails on and then mail the pockets back on. In most cases, you can reuse the old rails and pockets because it’s the posts that rot and then break in the wind.