Burzynski: The "Cancer Cure" Cover-up

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2015
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Should the FDA be trusted?

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And don't forget about the 100 mpg carburetor they are supressing so the oil companies can make big profits.
Should the FDA be trusted?

I watched the whole video and found it very interesting and thought provoking.

We had a quite similar story here locally in my town you may have remembered as it was nationally told. My son knew the fellow pretty well as he used to caddy for him at the country club. I knew him as a really nice guy that made it big in radio and TV broadcasting starting way back in the late 60s here in town.

This story took over our town of Erie Pa for 5-6 years and ended as fast as it started without resolution. There are still speculations on how big government or big medical stepped in and killed it along with a cure for cancer in much a similar way. Now it is hardly ever brought up but the internet still holds a lot of it for those that want to dig in.

I find a lot of Americans do not trust their own government and think every thing is a conspiracy of one type or another. I am just stating a fact .
I find a lot of Americans do not trust their own government and think every thing is a conspiracy of one type or another. I am just stating a fact .
When my wife needed off label use of a topical tamoxifen cream it was denied because it wasn't approved. I don't think there's necessarily a conspiracy just greed and hidden money. Your eyes will be opened when it happens to someone close to you.
When my wife needed off label use of a topical tamoxifen cream it was denied because it wasn't approved. I don't think there's necessarily a conspiracy just greed and hidden money. Your eyes will be opened when it happens to someone close to you.
I google tamoxifen cream, it is not approved at this time as your know, you could order it from Mexico,
Good Lord! First a flood of dangerous anti-vax junk - completely unrelated to home remodeling. Now quack 'cures' for cancer, which are equally dangerous and not related to home remodeling. I encourage the editors / managers of HouseRepairTalk to purge this site of topics like this, to avoid becoming a beacon for conspiracy theorists and a dumpster for their ideas.
Good Lord! First a flood of dangerous anti-vax junk - completely unrelated to home remodeling. Now quack 'cures' for cancer, which are equally dangerous and not related to home remodeling. I encourage the editors / managers of HouseRepairTalk to purge this site of topics like this, to avoid becoming a beacon for conspiracy theorists and a dumpster for their ideas.
You should prolly take a deep breath, count to ten and stay out of chit-chat forums. After all Burzynski won his battle with the FDA.
Good Lord! First a flood of dangerous anti-vax junk - completely unrelated to home remodeling. Now quack 'cures' for cancer, which are equally dangerous and not related to home remodeling. I encourage the editors / managers of HouseRepairTalk to purge this site of topics like this, to avoid becoming a beacon for conspiracy theorists and a dumpster for their ideas.
The mods and admins have had several conversations about this topic and the chit-chat forum is the place set up for off topic general posting. As long as all parties remain civil we tend to give all a wide berth. If the issues become heated we will offer a warning and if that doesn’t solve the problems we will close a thread.

The suggestion of if you are not interested in non-home improvement topics to just avoid the chit-chat forum is a good idea. Perhaps there should be a way to just blank that forum from view for those that can’t help but look there.
You should prolly take a deep breath, count to ten and stay out of chit-chat forums. After all Burzynski won his battle with the FDA.

This is incorrect. Burzynski did not "win his battle with the FDA." See the full story and findings by the Texas Medical Board regarding Burzynski's unproven and dangerous "cure" for cancer:

Burzynski Clinic - Wikipedia





If you don't want to spend time reading the legal details, here are a few good summaries:

False balance about Stanislaw Burzynski and his disproven cancer therapy, courtesy of STAT News

Stanislaw Burzynski: Four Decades of an Unproven Cancer Cure | Skeptical Inquirer

The OTHER Burzynski Patient Group
He's NOT A DOCTOR anymore. He failed and is now (If he's alive) simply a paid QUACK peddling misinformation and disinformation for the allopathic criminal cartel.
Dr. Barrett "failed"?! You apparently did not read his biography.

Your claim of an "allopathic criminal cartel" indicates that you do not believe in medical science. If you or a family member were to be diagnosed with a heart condition, serious infection or type of cancer, (a) how would the diagnosis occur, and (b) where would you go for treatment? Are your children immunized against polio, mumps, measles, rubella, etc?
His "Wikipedia" Bio?

Why can't you come up with anything besides that Fascist site?

Stephen Barrett was forced to give up his MD. He couldn't pass the exam to be a Board Certified shrink, so he retreated to his basement decades ago to man the quackwatch site. Then he lost in a CA Court of Appeals that found he was biased and unworthy of credibility, which is the hallmark of the entire allopathic quackery model.

Shall we talk about "Medical science"??? How about the Covid vaccines? If they follow the "Science", why did Pfizer call for the safety data to be hidden for 55 plus years? If it's "scientific", it should be safe, right? (As Millions drop dead from the vaccine).

If the vaccines are "95 percent effective" as stated by both Pfizer and Moderna, why are people on their 4th shot now? Pharma companies lie about the effectiveness of their products and pay fines in exchange for their market cap and stock price raising and the executives cashing out on their options. It happens ALL the time, and it happened with both Pfizer and Moderna executives. It's very well known that a Blockbuster drug will bring in Billions, and when it's found out to be fraudulent, the company and executives pay Millions in fines. That's called the cost of doing business, and is a TINY FRACTION of the profits.

Nice try bringing up vaccinations from EONS ago when they actually put them through the testing process. None of that applies anymore with the Fraudulent Drug Approval agency. Pfizer can get ANYTHING approved right quick because one of their Board of Director members, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, is the former FDA COMMISSIONER!. Moderna is half owned by the NIH, whose "Vice President" is the Fake Fraud Fascist Fauci himself. No conflicts of interest there, follow the SCIENCE!!!

I have a Heart condition CAUSED by Allopathic garbage "medicine", and I know how to keep it in check with Natural medicine that has worked since the beginning of TIME, and is not promoted because it's not from a PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANY.

I would say Burzynski won as his patented cancer treatment can be scheduled at present at his center. The sad news is that insurance still refuses to cover the treatment so as usual rich people get cured and the poor suffer. As long as shills continue to call someone a quack the gullible will believe it. In my circle of friends the chemo/radiation approach has a grim record yet it continues to be the goto "cure".

Here's an excerpt from an interesting article;
Despite a track record dwarfing that of conventional cancer treatments, including outright curing some forms that, until now, were previously thought of as “incurable,” the government and the medical establishment has been fighting tooth-and-nail to prevent public knowledge of this technology from crossing the Rubicon and becoming too widely known to stop, without real public backlash. Well, now, it may soon be too late for that.​
That’s because only days ago, the Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. (BRI) released a statement to the media explaining that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally ended their latest attempt to stifle his lifetime’s work and a breakthrough that will likely revolutionize the way cancer is viewed and treated. Surprisingly lifting a two-year “partial” clinical hold on an Investigational New Drug (IND) application for Antineoplastons A10/AS2-1 Injections and finally clearing the way for long-awaited Phase 3 trials for newly-diagnosed cancer patients. Initially for a specific form of cancer, known as Diffuse Intrinsic Brainstem Glioma.​
Considering the already proven success rates prior to the government hold, for both Glioma during Phase 2 trials and many other forms of cancer individually, most of the naysayers, critics and skeptics are going to have a tough time pretending the opposite. Giving a much needed booster to an industry that has been suffering from almost total corruption and manipulation of the Hippocratic Oath for a very, very long time.​
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If y'all want to debate topics, that's fine. I love informative discussion. When topics are turned towards other members that have a different viewpoint from you, there's zero tolerance for attacking them for their beliefs. I'm closing this thread, and for a while will be blocking any topics that are considered Hot Topics.
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