Funny Things

House Repair Talk

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Supporting Member
Sep 2, 2022
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Brockville, Ontario
Anything that will give you, me, anyone a chuckle... A place to make you smile, chuckle, or laugh out of control...

My wife picked this out yesterday... and all true if YOU think about it...

I had a young intern assigned to me at work years ago and I didn’t really have much she could do. She would come into my office every morning and say hi.

On my way to work I passed a regional cancer center that had a sign similar to the one shown above and every day they would have some kind of profound saying sometime humorous but with a message behind it.

She would come in say hi and I would ask her to sit down and then I would ponder a few minutes remembering the motivational saying of the day from the sign and then I would tell it to her and say have a good day. She seemed pretty impressed getting these words of wisdom from an old sage.

This went on for a good month and she came in one day and said let me guess and she had the message of the day already. She told me have a good day and it was the last time she bothered me.
I had a young intern assigned to me at work years ago and I didn’t really have much she could do. She would come into my office every morning and say hi.

On my way to work I passed a regional cancer center that had a sign similar to the one shown above and every day they would have some kind of profound saying sometime humorous but with a message behind it.

She would come in say hi and I would ask her to sit down and then I would ponder a few minutes remembering the motivational saying of the day from the sign and then I would tell it to her and say have a good day. She seemed pretty impressed getting these words of wisdom from an old sage.

This went on for a good month and she came in one day and said let me guess and she had the message of the day already. She told me have a good day and it was the last time she bothered me.

Perfect... Wise words...
