General overhaul...ongoing(pix!!!)

House Repair Talk

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Primed the corner blocks. Yes were cheating.

Kim started painting the crown and base.

It flooded the other day, had like 6 mini tornados, and a tree down in our yard. The water rose another 3inches from this. It did get in the house just a little in the back bedroom.


And heres more of our front yard wildlife.


Overall it has been a good couple weeks. Were staying very busy, and running out of money again. We will keep going, and hopefully have internet at our house soon, so I can update alot more frequently.

How we doing.
Pheonix fossil, burning bush...I remember when colors were red and gray.:p
Nice water conservatory you have there....better get a boat.
Nice job, your almost there.:)
I started reading this thread today, and read it from beginning to end. Great job so far! I love all the pics in this thread. Except the snake ones. Yeah, I'll keep my snow too, though I know we have snakes as well. I've never seen one, and my husband has only seen a couple baby ones. I don't go look for them, they don't come looking for me, and I don't think they are real close to the house (we have 5 acres). I'll keep reading!
Hey All, thanks for the good comments. We dont have internet acess anymore except for Tuesday night when we go eat dinner at my fathers. We are making progress, and yes Im taking pics.

I promise to update soon. With lots of new pics, including my new gas saver set of wheels.
let me guess, traded in the truck for a bicycle and a trailer??? hope Home Depot isn't too far of a ride:D

ok real guess is some sort of a motorcycle.
:eek: Don't give up on me ya'll. The water didnt hurt anything, it was a very small amount. And since we have added a couple flower beds lined with cinder blocks, no more water issues.

Yes I got a motorcycle, Home Depot is 41miles from my house one way, no way in hell Im riding a bicycle that far.

Please bear with me, Im having trouble getting to a computer that I can upload pics on. Ill take my camera by my mothers house tomorrow, and give you all an update.
Wow - keep up the fantastic work, you have so much enthusiasm and a great sense of humour! I read your entire thread from start to finish last night. Can't wait to see some more pictures!
Well I know I kept you all waiting, but for the most part it was just sanding drywall, adn cleaning up for the last month or so, untill the past week. Then BAM. All kinds of progress happened very fast. I threw a couple in there of the bathroom, just to remind you all what that looks like, the crown is up in there now, adn the base will be up by next weekend, and finish up the caulking, and a few trim parts here and there, and the bath will be done.

Enough talk... on with the pics.
Pretty much the same as the last time you saw it.

And another.

And then there was mudd.

And then there was texture(had to buy a new gun. Old one took a dump) Oh here is a tip for the newbies like me. Go to your local paint store, and get a 1oz sample of (insert soon to be wall color here), for every three gallons of texture your going to mix. Add the paint in the texture when your mixing it up. I used red, and it turned my texture a light pink color like insulation. That made it so much easier to see its crazy. This time I am very pleased with the texture of the walls and ceiling. Just a tip.
Back to the bathroom, kinda dramatic with the



Trying to pick the wall color for the kitchen...whew was that a long process.
Picked this flash

no flash

and flash

It took forever to find THIS tile. Many were close, but this was ''The One'' True spanish ceramic made in Spain. I have no idea if that is important or not, but ID like to think so. 20x20inches 1.99 a sqft. And damn its heavy, bought 60 tiles so far and gonna need about that many more. $669.00 worth.
Took the time to lay it all out for the design, didnt just wanna throw it down. Did I mention these are friggin heavy.

Flash with the wall, and ceiling, for comparison. I simply cannot capture the color of these tiles with a camera. Ill try again once the lighting is installed.

Got 39 of the 60 installed today, with alot of smoke breaks, a busting headache, and almost pukeing 3 or 4 times...Im sick, It sucks, but the tiles getting done. 1/4 in grout line.
My new wheels. 02 suzuki intruder volusia 800, got it with 5500 miles on the stock tires, and two oil changes for $3500. At 52 miles per gallon, and a $16 dollar fillup...You dont see me bitchin. Plus it has alot of chrome already. Pix with my wonderfull wife pending.



My help is no good, I did not alter this pic. My cat really is sleeping on its head. Feel free to caption this pic, and post back, but lets keep it to one or two, this thread is for my house and others.

Ill try to start updateing more. The cabinets and countertop should be installed 3 weeks from now, and we have also picked out the wood floor for the living room and master bedroom, but alas I forgot to take a pic of that. Ill get back to ya.

What do you think?
Wow looking nice, must feel good to be that much closer to the finished progress, keep up the good work.

I love the new bike, so jealous, it looks great and sounds like the previous owner took good care of it.
Thanks, It feels great. I cant wait to make the final movie for you guys. A big walkthrough of the whole deal.

He did, and he barely rode it too.
You have done so much stuff, you have turned the cat on it's head.
Keep goin, there is a horizon on that bike that needs to be followed...but only when your finished.:D
Then you can relax, and enjoy the ride.;)
That's an awesome bike for a great deal!

House is looking great man...I have the same problem with my bathroom pics...I just can't seem to get pics that truely show the color of my tiles :(
ok guys a side note on the "It feels great" quote a few of my posts back. It also hurts like hell. Laying those 10lb tiles really gave me a total body workout. Im sore from head to toe, but its getting done.

Cabinets are being built as we speak, and the granite just came in; in two big ole slabs. Black Pearl...what a beauty.

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