Yeah, I'm trying to figure out if I wanted to go with an electric furnace, electric stove top / oven and electric water heater since it seems like the world is going all electric.
On the other hand, I'm in the south where lots of oil and gas is being drilled and produced so it should be a while before my area tries to get rid of gas appliances... like hopefully after I croak!
The rental house we live in now has gas furnace, gas oven, gas water heater... but an electric stove and during the winter our electric bill is typically under $100. But, it costs about $300 to fill the propane tank which lasts about 3 months.
If in the new house I had all electric... I'm wondering if running the heater using an electric furnace would run more than $100 a month. On the other hand, paying for a big propane tank, burying the gas lines is a big added expense I could get out of by going electric.
This house building stuff brings up lots of questions! That's alright, I'm enjoying doing the research and working on the project as I just keep thinking about how it will be nice when we're done and moved in!
So, setting aside the political efforts to get rid of gas... from a practical viewpoint of deciding which is more cost effective, which is more efficient? Gas, or electric?
If the power goes off long term, I'm going to have a fireplace and there's a lot of wood on the property along with deer and small game that can be harvested so I will still be able to cook. (my plan in case SHTF ever happens)