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I remember in high school I never got how my friends who smoked weed suddenly craved junk food. My experience was it enhanced my senses, sometimes making me appreciate good food (e.g. good Indian food) even more, or else making me horrified by something about it I might not have noticed otherwise (e.g. pizza always became borderline inedible), but as far as my appetite went, unless I was already really hungry starting out, getting stoned meant the last thing I wanted to do was eat. Instead I usually got the urge to go on a walk in the woods or play sports or music or something.
Yesterday was the first day in about a week where I felt good enough to work out again. Did dumbell press and a couple long walks. Today I did about 50 pullups, followed by bench row. Going a bit easy because I still have a cough.
I don't know in what region or age group it originated but spendy is an informal or slang term that I don't use. We have become accustomed to pricey but if something is too pricey I ain't gunna spend. So how can spendy become trendy?
My post regarding my skin scrape was misunderstood. I guess TMI on my part. My tip was that for scrapes where skin is removed hair spray is a good New Skin substitute to dry it up.
I'm a little leery about putting all those chemicals on an open wound entry point into my body... don't even use it on my hair...
I don't know in what region or age group it originated but spendy is an informal or slang term that I don't use. We have become accustomed to pricey but if something is too pricey I ain't gunna spend. So how can spendy become trendy?
After Matthew Perry spent $9M on something he could do for free, he looks "spendy" to me...
I'm a little leery about putting all those chemicals on an open wound entry point into my body... don't even use it on my hair...
I figure that it doesn't harm the ladies' eyes a little bit won't hurt me. I do the opposite of the medical profession. If I have a wound I want it dried up right now before harmful bacteria have a chance to colonize. I must be doing something right as I am healthier than most people that have family doctors.

I come close to crying just thinking that I never considered hairspray when my wife was being treated by a Comprehensive Wound Care Center. I guess I was physically and mentally too run down to think that far out of the box.
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Thanks for the clarification Eddie. I was confused about what was recooked. I'll have to google apple butter. I've never had it.
I've never tried marijuana (never had an interest). But I was exposed to some 2ndhand from a friend and all it did was give me a headache. Not sure why. I have weird reactions to things though.

Carport looks great. I love how it looks like the trash can behind the ladder is just floating. Very Halloween-ish. LOL. That is a very nice carport. Nice view too-- is that a lake?

It's still over 80 in here but I have my window open right behind me and two vornado fans going. I'm sure it is still super hot in my brother's room. I'm going to shut off the breakers for awhile. My AC unit is on two double breakers. AC is on the bottom right double breaker. Heat is on the double breaker above that one. I'm going to have my friend check the capacitors on the compressor. Only got them a few months ago so they should still be good.

Was looking for where I put my Dritz mini iron earlier and couldn't find it, but found some stuff I forgot I had. LOL. A desk lamp with qi wireless charging, some charging cables with magnets, a short scope thingy with light on the end that can't hook to my phone without adapter bc it requires USB C, some random cables, some computer parts, some doorknobs, my travel bag from when I went to visit my sister, a diverter for a bidet sprayer, and other random stuff. I'll have to check the big bin later. I need to go through the box under it to see what is in it. I think it's old clothes I can't wear anymore. I also found a chisel set, drill bit set, router bit set, and some other tools. I put some of them in a plastic bin. I need to get more bins. I have a laundry basket at the end of my bed that had most of these things in it mixed with new socks & other stuff. Need to organize things better. My lightsaber is sticking out from a broken bin underneath the laundry basket. I have at least 3 or 4 laundry baskets in here all full of random stuff. LOL. Too bad hypnosis doesn't work to make people more organized.
@zannej The very best advice I can give you is this....... you absolutely cannot organize too much stuff.....
All the bins/baskets in the world will not help with too much stuff. I promise. When you do that, you're setting.yourself up for failure because you end up buying more things because you "could have sworn" you put it in xyz bin/box but can't find it.
I say this from a loving place, I have spent 5-12 hours daily on nearly every single day off since August 12, trying to pilfer through, organized like things with like so I could figure out what to do with it all..... and that was just a 10x20 porch, 10x10 room, and an 8x10 building. I still have an 8x10 storage unit to get too, and I am sooooooo over it.
Hoarding has genetic tendencies, especially if you grew up in squalor. I did not, nor did my mom. However, trauma begets a LOT of ugly effects.... drug addiction, alcoholism, promiscuity, and hoarding. Those are the most often seen problems. I have complained about my moms stuff for years, but the past 2.5 months have made me take a hard look T myself and some of the reasons I tell myself that I am keeping something.
I am trying to remain cognizant of the fact that I have too many tools, too many towels, too many books, too many kitchen items, etc, its a battle.... even though I feel like it isnt.... with each new item I see of my moms, all I can think is please do not let my life come to this.... grant me peace and contentment with just what I need, not necessarily what I want.

Anyways, I hope I didn't offend you, because that is most certainly not my intent at all. I want you to be happy and healthy, I can tell from your posts and how you talk about your friends/family that you are a wonderful person.

Now... about the correlle/corning ware. I. Ould.post it, I could sell it... however, I don't want to bother with it. In all honesty.... I don't want one cent of profit from "stuff" that i allowed to put such a wedge between my mom and I. There are a couple of pieces that are worth $20ish dollars for just one piece.... but I really just don't care. Larry stopped by today, worked on the back yard for an hour. I gave him money for what he has done up to this point. I asked him if he wanted the dishes, told him they may contain lead. He said he would take them if I didn't want them, asked if I care if he put them in a yard sale. I told him that I didn't. Its not her things that I wanted. It was her love and acceptance that I needed, I don't care about the things... what I would have wanted has been ruined, and is gone. I'm seriously considering giving him all the clothes and blankets that I washed and letting him do whatever with it. Although.... I may take some of it to the shelter or to the dress for success clothing pantry. Idk, we shall see.
@zannej Sending you a virtual hug and really hoping I didn't hurt your feelings or make you mad. You seem to be pretty open about it, or I would not have commented.
I have been adding sites to my mail fiter. Someone on another forum suggested a couple of conservative news sites. I tried and cancelled them but one or more of them must have sold my email address as my inbox has been flooded and I have to copy them into my fiter one at a time.
Shan, I really appreciate the advice and I am not the least bit offended. I am not easily offended and I know that you are trying to help. You are right. I do need to get rid of a lot of stuff. I do still want to organize things I plan to keep (like tools and stuff) in bins and label each bin and make up an inventory of what is in each bin. I'll make a point to put stuff back in the specific bin so I will no longer play the "which bin is it in" game. I have a lot of stuff that is for the remodeling that will be used once we get things fixed. But, I also have a lot of old stuff that needs to be washed and donated-- like old clothes. I have a friend who is setting up a sewing room and I might see if she wants any of the old clothes for scraps for practicing sewing stuff on or small projects.

I picked up my friend and brought him out to the house to look at things. He checked the capacitors and they don't appear to be bad. No singed wires or bloating. He messed with the thermostat and made sure wires were tight. Said we should try a new thermostat. Took him to the grocery store and grabbed him some food while I got some other supplies and food. Grabbed cat food for his kitties bc they were out. The fluffy gray cat was trying to tear the bag open and kept getting in the way of my friend cutting it open. He was ravenous.

I drove up to Lowes and got the thermostat there bc I get military discount. Tax almost cancelled it out-- would have been something like $198 with tax but came out to $178 with military discount plus tax. Pricey but it's a nice one. Picked my friend up on the way home and he installed the new thermostat. Compressor still won't kick on, but it might be too cold out for it to do that. Temp already dropped lower but I'm not sure if its bc of the thermostat or bc windows are open and its colder outside. Drove friend back home and dropped him off, then back here. Cooked for Mom while he was working on the thermostat and I ate a salad. I'm about to take meds and then have to wait 30min to eat.

Friend said that if this fix doesn't work he'll try other troubleshooting or we'll call the HVAC people.
Since we can't get mercurochrome or merthiolate any more, I got a big bottle of Johnson&Johnson First Aid liquid (about $3.50 at Walmart) and it seems to work good as a replacement. It's clear and doesn't stain things. Kills germs and eliminates pain/itch, speeds up healing.

Staples is the way to go! I got into a knife fight 3 weeks ago yesterday. I got 8 staples in my stomach and it’s almost completely healed. Didn’t use anything on it.


The guy I got into the knife fight with had a scalpel and and bunch of assistants. I was completely unconscious. . .not really a fair fight. He also stole 5” of my colon.
Carport looks great. I love how it looks like the trash can behind the ladder is just floating. Very Halloween-ish. LOL. That is a very nice carport. Nice view too-- is that a lake?
The neat carport is Ron's. He has a very nice place on a lake. He should post a drone photo to show an overall view of his property and it's amenities. Then for OPSEC reasons maybe not.

BTW the hairspray worked out well for my scrape.
Gang-related knife violence is out of control in hospitals. I hear they've also used other weapons like lasers, and even chemical weapons too. One friend of mine got attacked with a long cable that had a camera at the end. The gangs slip you drugs that knock you unconscious, then they commit assault, and then they take your money.
Staples is the way to go! I got into a knife fight 3 weeks ago yesterday. I got 8 staples in my stomach and it’s almost completely healed. Didn’t use anything on it.
I'm sure the doctor put something on it... that hole at the left end doesn't look too good... did they give you some antibiotics pills?
Got an email from my missing friend in Florida but it doesn't look real, looks to be an advertisement for the airport being back open, like they commandeered his email account...
I responded to it to see if I got something that looks personal back.
Haven't heard back from the response I made... this is looking really strange... how does an airport send emails out in my friend's name and looking just like from him?
I have been adding sites to my mail fiter. Someone on another forum suggested a couple of conservative news sites. I tried and cancelled them but one or more of them must have sold my email address as my inbox has been flooded and I have to copy them into my fiter one at a time.
Every time I unsubscribe from something it seems to subscribe me to two new things...