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Maybe Zanne is just having an internet problem.
We prolly should exchange phone numbers a bit so we can check on missing persons... I had a friend on the CFB AP Poll message boards named Crimson Sunami that disappeared... couldn't find him anywhere... not a trace, it's like he and his past disappeared off the entire internet... I assumed he passed away...
Was reading 'comedian' Kathy Griffin was permanently banned from Twitter for impersonating Trump on there... (earlier she had been pictured holding Trump's decapitated head)... now she's back on Twitter again pretending to be Trump's account using her deceased wino mother's account... what a sleezeball...
G'morning everyone...
Yeah, getting very worried about @zannej ... We almost sounded like our symptoms were a lot alike... Especially the part about not being able to wake up... Hope she got in to see a doctor... Thinking of her, and sending hopeful vibes to her feeling better...

Thank you @Ron Van we love those trees too... Great shade for the summer, and beautiful in the fall... But lots and lots of leaves to pick up... We have a beautiful red maple in the front with two birches on the property.

Well, got the 06 Ford empty and up for sale on the front lawn... Asking $4000 as is... Had one guy stop last night to have a gander at her...

Well again, I am hoping and praying that @zannej is doing ok... and hope we hear from her soon...

Hope YOU all have a GREAT day...
Zanne has become dark on every forum we are both on. Yes, this is concerning.
Hi again. Sorry for worrying everyone. I lost track of time. As Spicoli mentioned, I sometimes get so tired I can't move. With the AC not working I get overheated and exhausted too easily. I racked the hell out and when I woke up I wasn't lucid enough to read and post. My fatigue can sometimes last for several days where I'm like a zombie.

Ron, I can't assign any tasks to my brother because he simply won't do anything. He won't even do the one chore he's supposed to do (which is to take out trash). He refuses to do *anything* but cook for himself and do his own laundry (but he won't clean the lint filter & sometimes leaves wet laundry in the machine). He trips over spilled trash and stuff he straight up threw on the floor because he was too lazy to put it in the trash can-- and then whines about how much he hates this house. He also accused me of not washing dishes. I got tired of washing HIS dishes since I'm having to do all the chores so I didn't wash his stuff. He was never made to do chores when we were younger so he seems to think a magical fairy does the cleaning or something. I mentioned to him about being asked if he could fix the outlet and his expression was priceless. He has no idea how. LOL. You are correct about the outlet extender. It has the two plugs that plug into the main outlet. Given that the kitchen light went out when I managed to dislodge the microwave plug, I KNOW it is the outlet that is the problem. Either the oulet itself is borked or the wires came loose. I bought a brand new outlet and the same type of extender. This will power the microwave, air fryer, and can opener.
Yikes on the anaphalactic reaction to Bactim! I'm glad you woke up and made it to the ER in time. Someone did a very good job of painting that tile. I couldn't tell it was painted until you posted the pic showing the pink.
It looks good with the new trim in!

Eddie, I believe the big cable (8awg?) feeds the outlet which is pictured from the back. That's the gang box. One cable comes out to feed the outlet in the pantry that is used to charge the dustbuster. The other cable goes over to the light switch for the ceiling fan above the kitchen table. So there is one in and two out.

Buzz, I'm not sure why you put 'brother' like that. He is my brother. We both live with our mother. I'm her caregiver and he just mooches. He's got Peter Pan syndrome. He was the golden child growing up- spoiled rotten. Didn't work out for him because he never learned to be self-sufficient. His lazy behind didn't even bother to vote. He gripes about the government/politics but he won't even do bare minimum civic duty. He decided that playing video games was more important. I'm pretty irritated with him over that.

Redneckgrump, I'm sorry you were so sick you had to be hospitalized but I'm glad to hear you're doing better now.

I kept meaning to do some work around the house but was too exhausted/overheated. I'm trying to get my friend to come help but he's being an idiot and letting his gf ruin his life again and she's alienating him from friends. Today I unloaded the truck (several cases of water as well as a bunch of other stuff), put stuff away, cleaned my toilet, took out most of the trash, and then was too overheated to move so I sat down in front of my fans to cool off. I still need to do more cleaning but I've learned if I push too hard I can't function later. I have to take it easy and do things in chunks. If I start to wheeze I know its time to sit down. The cats had to wake me up (by stepping on my head) for me to remember to take my meds. I've stopped taking statins to see if it makes me feel any better. They can cause some of the muscle weakness & pain I'd been having so I want to see if eliminating them helps. Thus far no real change but it's only been a couple of days.
Eddie, I believe the big cable (8awg?) feeds the outlet which is pictured from the back. That's the gang box. One cable comes out to feed the outlet in the pantry that is used to charge the dustbuster. The other cable goes over to the light switch for the ceiling fan above the kitchen table. So there is one in and two out.
Zanne, thanks it makes sense now. Somehow I wasn't recognizing that I was looking at the back side of a receptacle box or that the one above it is sitting proud from the wall.
Back to cheese, I used to wonder what made it yellow (almost orange for cheddar) then I found out that it's due to a bucket of food coloring poured into the mix.
@zannej I am so happy that you are ok. I was really worried. Do you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome? You kind of remind me of me..... something stressful happens and then your body is ticked off.

I bought a puzzle the other day and have been working on it and listening to audio books while I work on it. It is a nice experience. I think that this is about 6 hours of work

My days off are over today, I go back to work tomorrow.

I am seriously considering getting an fha rehabilitation refinance to get everything done. I am not sold on the idea, but.... I need some burdens lifted. If I could count on my student loans being forgiven (I have worked at a 503c for 15 years in Jan 23), it would make decision making do much easier to do.
Also..... I am acutely aware at how wishy washy I am with these things. I really HATE to pay stupid money to someone else for things that I feel like I "should" be able to do. I was sitting on the floor the other day in a half Indian style pose, leaning to the left.... and I have a very reproducable sensation/sound. It feels more like movement in my spine than a popping sensation... that helps explain part of my back problem.... not a good part either😕. At some point though, I have got to give myself permission to settle down and fork over $$$$$.

Ughhh, I think I will go work on my puzzle and listen to my book.
Well I finally got the majority of the leaves picked up today. Got the tractor out and turned over all the compost piles. I have 3 that are about 6' tall and 10'wide of grass clippings and leaves. They'll get turned a few times between now and spring and shrink down to anot 1/2 that size of beautiful compost. Was nice to do something, been nursing a back issue the last 3 weeks, started out in the ER on the 19th. Been a nightmare really bad pain could hardly walk for stand up straight for at least a week. Hardly sleeping. Never had anything like it. Started as a little muscle pull back in late September while I was cleaning windows outside. Sucks because I have a list a mile long of stuff I wanted done before cold weather.
@68bucks I totally understand that! It will be 3 years next month since my back was anywhere near normal.. The past few days i have been sitting at dining room table working on a puzzle, and I have been having trouble standing up straight all day... so, I gave up on the puzzle for a bit tonight. I tried to find a corkboard big enough for this puzzle.... which will be the 24x36 corkboard 😳🤣, however.... other than the back, I have really enjoyed the puzzle.

I also understand about the pre-winter list.... mine isn't getting done either.

However, I guess if I look back over the past 3 months at all the things that have been done.... I shouldn't complain. I just want to live in a house that is more normal!

Have a great evening everyone!
I really hadn't even realized how many days had passed because I was stuck in my exhausted state. I cooked for mom and she mentioned her bathroom trashcan was full. I realized there were 2 more full bags (from her bathroom that my brother had left there) so I hauled them all out. My house has some bottlenecks so I had to squeeze through. There's still trash on the floor from trashcans getting knocked over and my brother just throwing stuff down. But all the bags of trash are now out. I was too overheated to do more. I actually fed Mom the food I was going to eat because I realized if I ate it she would pout.
I just saw the lights of headlights shining through my window so I think my brother is home. I must have been asleep when he left because I thought he was still home. No wonder Namir was sitting at his door sulking. He likes to stay in my brother's room.

I'm about to see what I can cook for myself because I'm hungry now. I had eggs and grilled cheese sandwich early this morning.

I would still like the cheese even if it didn't have the orange color. I like how it melts and how it tastes.
WoW @zannej, so glad YOU are ok Girl... We were all getting very worried about you... None of my business, but going to say it anyways... Time for your brother to learn real quickly... He should be helping YOU out BIG time with Mom... I know YOU know all that, and wish YOU could figure out a way to get him going... I would just stop doing things for him... That guy needs to figure out life, learn to live on his own and learn to lend a hand when needed...

Not a lot going on here, getting stronger day by day... The sugars should settle out now, took the last of the steroids yesterday, and they drive the sugars up to 23.9... Take a shot of insulin every night... and that helps, but I don't want to become dependent on insulin... One of the last things I wanna depend on...

Well, Have had a couple of guys looking at the truck... She's not sold yet... But hopefully in the next couple of days... Noticed someone pushed a shopping cart and bounced off our new red truck... so going to see if I can buff out the marks today...

Also want to bring the Deere into the shop this winter, work on her, and give her a good tune-up for next spring... So that is something else I gotta do... they are calling for lots and lots of snow this winter... Yeehaw... NOT... Western Canada has already had major snow storms...

Well, Kids, that's about all that's going on in this area of Canada... Hope YOU all have yourselves a wonderful day...

Glad you are back @zannej and doing ok...

I didn't have American process cheese but wanted a grilled cheese sandwich. I tried a combination of provolone and cheddar and it came out pretty good. I first microwaved the sandwich for 18s then spread mayo on the bread rather than butter in the pan for browning.
Yesterday I picked up leaves but I don't compost...they just go on the burn pile. We still have a LOT of leaves on the trees so I'll be picking up leaves again. Today I'm going to move a heavy vanity we bought for the future Bath project. It's in the carport now but I want to put it in the lawn shed for the winter. The way things are situated here, it will probably be easiest to hook up the trailer to my truck, put the vanity on the trailer and drive it over to the lawn shed. My brother in law said he would help with the heavy lifting.

One of our cars got the rear window shattered so I need to put some plastic over it until it gets replaced Monday. We have some weather coming in as a result of Hurricane Nicole. Just rain and a little wind (20mph gust).
My buddy in Ft. Myers is getting some light rain from the southern edge of Hurricane --> Tropical Storm Nicole... at least his condo building has a roof... he's on 3rd floor... condos on 1st floor got wiped out by the 9 foot flood waters...
My other buddy saw the doctor this morning hoping to get surgery fixing his hernia this afternoon... but was told his cardiologist would have to approve... he's doing an unannounced walk in there hoping to get a quick approval so can have quick surgery... doesn't want another day of the hernia...
Beautiful warm sunny 70's day here but rain and turning freezing tomorrow and onward for a week or so... gotta get back outside and get things done...
Show truck needs leaking tire fixed and broken ball joint replaced...

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