By that logic, schoolteachers, principles, lunch ladies, and janitors must be attracted to little kids too. And yes, in reality, some tiny fraction of them are! Should I pull my kids out of school, quit my job, and home school them because I'm afraid of this possibility?
Read the details and I'm certain you will find you are wrong. All three school districts I've lived in while having kids have explicit policies about what is taught and that parents have a say in it. In every case, the curriculum is communicated in advance for review, and then after it is approved parents can still opt to have their kids pulled out of class for any non-core (reading/math) subjects they are uncomfortable with their children learning. That's true for basic health class, let alone sex ed.
Oh, so I should instead hallucinate that the school is teaching my kids stuff I don't approve of behind my back, and waste my life worrying about that, so at least I can not be "probably wrong". Got it.
Each of my kids started asking me around age 5 "where do babies come from" and I explained it to them. By the time they get to 4th grade, which is when their school has a week of sex ed classes, they already realize there are gay people in the world. I don't think I've told my kids the details of exactly how gay people have sex, but it isn't because I'm afraid to, they just haven't asked and it wasn't on my mind. If that topic gets brought up in 4th grade sex ed class and the teacher explains it, then no I don't really care.
America was founded by puritans so it's not surprising that Americans are typically very prudish about this stuff.