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Eddie, no.

Fetal genes are not spliced into food. Fetal genes are not in the vaccines either though some aborted fetal cells were used to test the vaccine, if I'm remembering right. I'm against abortion but I am not against using tissue from dead humans to advance science.
You cannot guarantee what might happen down the road. Both human and animal cells have been used in GMO work but so far the plants are not for human consumption. Embryo experimentation has been permitted as long as the embryo does not live beyond 14 days (spare embryos).

As for vaccines no fetal tissue but fetal cell lines, this from: Abortion opponents protest COVID-19 vaccines’ use of fetal cells

At least five of the candidate COVID-19 vaccines use one of two human fetal cell lines: HEK-293, a kidney cell line widely used in research and industry that comes from a fetus aborted in about 1972; and PER.C6, a proprietary cell line owned by Janssen, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, developed from retinal cells from an 18-week-old fetus aborted in 1985. Both cell lines were developed in the lab of molecular biologist Alex van der Eb at Leiden University.​
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Ok.... so, now I need to know about this whole broccoli/cauliflower debacle that you speak of the 😳

I got the 30" Toro. I think it used to be called a "neighborhood" rider.
I haven't told my son it's coming tomorrow. And he better not get on it! Lol

He can weedeat.
You guys I saw this post today that has just rocked me to the core.
There was a building collapse a state over from me and a gentleman lost half of his body, and had a complex medical case, nearly dying. Yet he has learned to use prosthetics and walk.... if you have a Facebook page. Here is the link

This is titled "A GOOD START"...


Salary to be discussed
Basic testing required
Prefer applicants that know 8 plus 8
Prefer applicants that have experience with Little Green Army Men in a Sandbox, but not required
Paid relocation / Medical / Dental / Vision / 401K
Armed escorts at all times
Paid Housing and Food
Paid clothing
Minimum age of 5
Extensive training will be off site, no on the job training by current staff due to ineptness
If you remember reading this an hour from now, you'll qualify

Send answer of 8 plus 8 along with one sentence about anything you wish, demonstrating clear understanding of
any language you write and speak along with full name and a phone number to:

Dept. of Hiring
Attn: Someone that knows 8 plus 8
C/O The White House / Pentagon NMCC
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 37188
@shan, the debacle is humans have been systematically manipulating the genes of various organisms for thousands and thousands of years, creating new species, most by now so familiar and uncontroversial we call them "natural", yet people throw a fit if a test tube gets used anywhere in that process. Because Hollywood teaches us that any time someone in a white coat uses a test tube, mutant monsters break free and kill every everyone or turn them into freaks.

@Eddie_T, so not even fetal tissue but a cell based on the gene line of the tissue of a fetus that was killed in Holland 40+ years ago. I am unmoved.

People sure will reach for the excuses not to eat their vegetables.

Back on topic, I didn't get anything done around the house the past two days thanks to having to be a body at a desk to make the CEO happy. This weekend I hope to get started on my garage workbench & shelves. Maybe also install an exterior light for the back deck. Writing it here so I put some pressure on myself to get it done. Not that I lack motivation but more is always better.
Ok.... so, now I need to know about this whole broccoli/cauliflower debacle that you speak of the 😳

I got the 30" Toro. I think it used to be called a "neighborhood" rider.
I haven't told my son it's coming tomorrow. And he better not get on it! Lol

He can weedeat.
You guys I saw this post today that has just rocked me to the core.
There was a building collapse a state over from me and a gentleman lost half of his body, and had a complex medical case, nearly dying. Yet he has learned to use prosthetics and walk.... if you have a Facebook page. Here is the link

30" Toro or Troy Bilt? I can't find a 30" Toro.
@shan, the debacle is humans have been systematically manipulating the genes of various organisms for thousands and thousands of years, creating new species, most by now so familiar and uncontroversial we call them "natural", yet people throw a fit if a test tube gets used anywhere in that process. Because Hollywood teaches us that any time someone in a white coat uses a test tube, mutant monsters break free and kill every everyone or turn them into freaks.

@Eddie_T, so not even fetal tissue but a cell based on the gene line of the tissue of a fetus that was killed in Holland 40+ years ago. I am unmoved.

People sure will reach for the excuses not to eat their vegetables.

What kind of weird *** D movies do you watch?

Edit... Forgot, the Democrat mascot / Human body part is not allowed to be typed on an Adult message board.
For those in the Stock market, here is a company I have been with this year that is looking like a future heavyweight if they don't get bought. The stock ticker is ENZC. Company update in the link. As always, do your Due Diligence. I'm personally willing to sit on this for years, but of course if it explodes I will sell a portion and consolidate.

What kind of weird *** D movies do you watch?
Hah, the two movies I had in mind were Jurassic Park and The Fly, both of which are considered iconic and mainstream. There are lots of other mainstream examples of movies where "genetic modification" is fetishized as some horrifying thing that will bring about the apocalypse. Like for instance, basically every zombie movie ever.
Um... yeah, that's a little different than the Human executioners known as Bayer twisting the genes of crops to resist insects and survive chemical onslaughts.
Um... yeah, that's a little different than the Human executioners known as Bayer twisting the genes of crops to resist insects and survive chemical onslaughts.
Well, people imagine that this twisting to resist insects etc. will result in long term health risks if the resulting plant matter is digested. But twisting to resist insects is exactly what evolution does as well! Why does corn have a husk? Why are cucumbers and their leaves covered in tiny spikes? Why are nightshade leaves poisonous? It's all nature trying to do the same exact thing. But once a human shows up to help with a lab coat on, now the thing'll kill you!
Well, people imagine that this twisting to resist insects etc. will result in long term health risks if the resulting plant matter is digested. But twisting to resist insects is exactly what evolution does as well! Why does corn have a husk? Why are cucumbers and their leaves covered in tiny spikes? Why are nightshade leaves poisonous? It's all nature trying to do the same exact thing. But once a human shows up to help with a lab coat on, now the thing'll kill you!

Right, that's why nightshades are real bad for people with any auto immune condition and why they are ditched first on a Paleo reset diet, and are highly unlikely to be tolerated by someone after the reset. That's nature saying don't screw with me.

The consequences of the giant human experiment aren't known, but why sign up for a decades long trial? I'm only talking about the gene twisting, I'm not even mentioning the tons of chemical poisons that also exist on said crops. How are you washing those poisons off when they become part of the plant? You aren't.
@Flyover I can see that you are in the GMO camp and choose to ridicule those that aren't but do you think denial and pushing unknowns on the populace unawares is proper? Since HFCS was foisted on us to replace sugar obesity has grown rapidly. Scientists are beginning to think the unnatural fructose content is the culprit because of metabolism issues. Fortunately labels show HFCS in the fine print which most shoppers don't bother reading. A friend lost 15 lbs just by dropping sweetened tea and he didn't even consider that it was sweetened with HFCS.

Also some people don't want to support the abortion industry and the Dr. Mengele trend in medicine. In-vitro fertilization sounds compassionate but spare embryos were not discussed when the procedure gained approval and now spare embryos may or may not become a source for morbid experimentation or even spare parts in the future. Measles, shingles and a number of vaccines contain or use fetal cell lines from abortions (how long ago doesn't matter).

I don't particularly care what you believe or don't believe but I believe the public has a right to be informed These things creep up on us and they have little to do with selective breeding or plant propagation no matter what you say.
Frankenstein is a prime example of anti-scientific experiment sentiment. Sure the "monster" in the movie is pretty much nothing like the one in the novel, but both shared the sentiment that things go awry when people mess with things they don't understand. As for the whole GMO thing, I really don't care. I've grown apathetic about many things. LOL.

People who do care can refrain from eating things they think are bad for them. I can see the benefits and dangers of tinkering with things.

I didn't see Flyover being condescending or rude, but this is started to get heated so maybe we can change the subject so it doesn't devolve into ad hominem territory. Perhaps we can just agree to disagree?

I'm trying to prepare for potential hurricane Ida. It's supposed to come right at us. I'm hoping the pharmacy will be open tomorrow because I'm almost out of one of my meds and tomorrow is the earliest they could get it ready- but they have been short-staffed due to employees getting Covid.

I've already filled up all five of the 5-gallon buckets with water. Put out extra water bowls for the dog. Filled some bottles with water-- need to fill more but I'm taking a break. I'm thinking of getting some bags of ice to put in the freezer. I need to see what kind of stuff the store still has that can be eaten without cooking and that doesn't need to be refrigerated. Might have to make that run to the store today.

Even if it is a smaller storm, we may still lose power. The projected path shows the center to the east of us, but it could go either way.
Good Luck, Z.

Maybe the storm will take all your local officials up like Dorothy and you can start a new Government!

Sheriff Z!

If you want to look at the storm, here's a good site... Mouse wheel zoom, click on earth in lower left for overlay options. It's updated every 3 hours.

Working on replacing wall panel behind toilet after sharkbite plumbing splices. The wall panel was redwood 32" x 96". I cut it down to 32" x 32" (chair rail height) and painted the drywall above with textured paint (vermiculite added) to match adjacent walls. A little touch-up to do with the painting and waiting for a remote probe moisture detector to place behind the panel.

Screenshot 2021-08-27 2.46.10 PM.png
It's a troy bilt. Idk why I said toro.
The d started out good. Wake up call at 645am... delivery guy asking if I was having anything delivered with the mower. I said yes, he said he thought so, found it. Brought it with it..... then, the darn thing wouldnt start.... that's where the day went off kilter and I am now exhausted on my one day off between days working.... anyhow..... 6 hours later and 2 trips to home depot (14 miles away) it's running. It feels a little wonky in my yard, but my yard is not completely level.... and.... I am not a small woman.

The absolutely hilarious part of the day...... my son mowed most of the backyard at 6am.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I never told him I bought it. I am definitely going to have to make multiple laps because it looks like crap where he mowed 2.5 ft tall grass. I need to take the mulching cover off and just let it side discharge in order to get it cut.

It's not a pretty cut, but at least I dont have to ask anymore. 20210827_081301.jpg

We had a wind storm Wednesday night.... so now I have this mess to try to fix

So... now I am just going to sit on my duff this evening. I may not even cook, I may just order a pizza.

So, I know our foods are often different, but now I'm curious about broccoli and cauliflower. Especially because I like one and hate the other lol
Thanks, Spicoli.
Shan, that sounds like a mess. I wonder what was wrong with it. Sorry to see your plant thingy (blanking on the term for it) got knocked askew.

I'm just waiting for the storm to come now. It's supposed to land Sunday night but I'm sure some of the rains will hit ahead of then.
I wonder if Zanne is in the path of the hurricane?