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Good, Shan!... Beware that study, they are probably wanting to operate on you. You probably know the last thing you want is gastric bypass.

You could just skip all that, get a 24 pack of Chalupas or Burritos and chill some Mexican water. That would do the trick. You would be seeing Stars and UFO's, but it would do the trick.
I chose not t have a colonoscopy because my wife had one and the chain of decisions and procedures thereafter led to her death. In hindsight I may still have lost her but her quality of life for her last years would have been better. In short the decision to get a partial resection removed her ileocecal valve which was a disaster. It was not explained to us in advance and when I complained they said she didn't need it. I called them out on it publically at every opportunity and vowed to never go down that path.

I also have a theory that colonoscopies and polyp removal generate polyps and heart catheterizations scar the arteries of the heart but let's not go there. I may or may not have polyps but just take my daily fiber and go on with life.
Shan, I'm glad you made it through the procedure OK. Do they numb you for it? I had a friend who they didn't numb first when they went to do it and she complained a lot. Can't really blame her. It's not something I would want done. I'm the right age for it but they are too expensive & even if they found something I couldn't afford the treatment anyway so f*** it.

Eddie, I'm very sorry to hear about your wife. That must have been awful. Sometimes they are so gung-ho about wanting to do surgery they don't consider other options.

I have some fibroid tumors that would require surgery to remove but not only is it too expensive, I don't trust the surgeons not to screw it up, and I can't afford to have the amount of downtime it would require post-surgery for recovery. I know my brother would not step up and take care of things.

I'm having dental pain again in the area where the teeth were fixed. I hope I won't need the tooth that was fixed drilled out and given a root canal. Maybe there is a cavity that got missed between the teeth though-- that seems to be where the pain is radiating. And now I can't find my naproxyn. Bleh. That is the 2nd bottle I've lost in the past few months. Probably behind my desk somewhere.

My friend came over to mount my monitor to the wall. He managed to find my phone behind my desk. It was under some papers apparently. I have it charging now. My keyboard is being a pain though. shift key on the right side is not working properly. I'll have to take the keyboard apart again and clean it.
Eddie... Sorry for the loss of your Wife. I guarantee you're right. I am not a fan of anything in Hospitals. (Except Nurses).

Z... Have you tried Oil Pulling yet? You could also swish with Salt water for 2 minutes. It could be a buildup of bacteria.

Bacterial buildup under teeth can cause MS / ALS symptoms, so it can easily result in common pain as well.
@Eddieim sorry to hear about your wife. Surgeries can go wrong unfortunately. I have seen it happen a few times over the last 15 years. I try to educate my patients and their families more after the surgeon leaves the room (if I am knowledgeable about what is happening). I think that there are times when we suck at really ensuring the patient/families understand what is going on. For that, I am truly sorry.

I wouldn't have gastric bypass. I wish i had not ever had lap-band.

There is actually a disease called Familial adenomatous polyposis where there can be hundreds or thousands of polyps throughout your body 😳.
However, polyps can be the beginning of cancer.

Scar tissue can form in stents. A stent is kept in place basically by health tissue growing "into it" but some people produce scar tissue that can lead to restenosis. In my experience, patients with restenosis have terrible diets and don't change their eating habits or lifestyle.

I always find it interesting that the sickest patients (meaning diabetics, coronary artery disease and such) are those who have medicare (prior to retirement years) and medicaid. I guess it makes sense, as this population is generally poor generationally. And of course, I am only going by those who tell me that information to begin with. I don't see a high percentage of those who are not on disability or generationally on medicaid, in the hospital for the same disease processes..... yet I know they exist because I personally know enough people that fall into that category also.
I grew up poor, and was poor until about 15 years ago. Makes me wonder about my next 20 years.

@zannej they spray your throat and also sedate you (concious sedation), I actually saw a little bit of my colon, but they must have given me more meds because I remember about 30 seconds and then was out again until in recovery. You can have a colonoscopy without sedation so that you don't have to have someone take you, you have to tell the MD in advance. however.... I wouldn't recommend it. During my 30 seconds, I remember being uncomfortable and feeling alot of pressure.
I would try the oil pulling, when I got my upper denture, I had pressure sores until we got the fit correct. I would swish 2 teaspoons of coconut oil a couple of times a day and it was very helpful and helped health the wounds faster
I'll have to see if I can find coconut oil to try oil pulling. I completely forgot about it for some reason. CRS about new info sometimes. LOL. I used to have a great memory. There are still some obscure things I remember but a lot is now a blank. I'm going to see my dentist again on the 18th. I'll mention it to her and have her check to see if there's anything visible causing the problem.

I'm getting used to having to look up at my monitor instead of having to look slightly down.. I'm hoping it will level out more when I get around to building a new bed frame.

I had a heart cath done but the anesthetic didn't kick in before they started. I have a delayed response and have a high resistance to painkillers and anesthetics so they had to give me more. Felt like they were digging in to me with a garden trowel at first.

I know I really need to change my diet more. I'm going to sit down and look at what stuff I can get to try to switch to fewer microwave meals (or at least tv dinner style ones) and force myself to cook more. I have to clean up the kitchen first though. There's so much trash on the floor I keep tripping over it & I've been so frustrated with not getting help with cleaning that I've put it off. I'm going to see if I can get my brother to hold a trash bag open for me while I scoop up trash.

On one good thing, my brother is very happy about the new paper towel holder that is mounted to the underside of the cabinet. I found it on clearance. We had some nice oak ones that sit on the counter, but the cats kept knocking them down, broke some of them, and would shred the paper towels. Now they are up high where it isn't as easy for the cats to reach and the holder is secured to the cabinet. My brother said it's in the perfect spot because it's very easy to reach them. Before we were keeping them inside a cabinet.

I can't remember if I mentioned that I did touch-up on the side of my friend's cabinet yesterday while waiting for his gf to get back from a doctor's appointment (turned out she had the wrong day anyway). He couldn't leave the baby unattended.

I think my phone base got unplugged while my monitor was getting hooked up. I need to trace the cord to see but one of the fat cats is in the way & I'm feeling lazy. LOL. I'll probably do it in a few minutes though.
Shan... Are you friends with those... Nah, don't answer that. I couldn't talk to those butchers that do those surgeries for lap band and gastric bypass. It just proves that Doctors have no bloody clue about nutrition, but it infuriates me.

z... If you oil pull until the 18th, you probably won't have any of the issues. One thing about you is you know what your problems are, which is half the battle. Finish the job. Start with 4 eggs in the morning and a Chicken Breast with Vegetables in the afternoon or something like that. Take a TSP of Coconut Oil when your body tells you to eat Sugar. It's just Science and it only takes 3 weeks, 4 tops. BAM! Brand new you.

Then you can brag to your Brother how much better you are and that he can't possibly match your success.
@zannej If you look to the left of my kitchen window in the other thread you can see my paper towel holder mounted under the cabinet. I think my wife bought it then I made a couple for others. It's handy there close to the sink.
I think the first step is for me to get the kitchen cleaned up enough that I can walk around and reach things. Right now there is a huge pile of stuff on the floor. My brother literally chucked the toaster on the floor when he set up the air fryer. I keep setting it on the counter and it gets knocked off. There are many other things on the floor but I will have to clean every single one of them before putting them away somewhere. I will have to get some more bins to put stuff in, wash stuff, put them in bins, and then have my mother sort through on what to keep and what to get rid of. Unfortunately, she likes to keep a lot of stuff we never use/don't need. But it's her stuff so I'm not going to throw it away. But, the pile of stuff on the floor is mostly trash. I can't even get around the side of the dishwasher (which acts as a movable island) because of all the trash. I was going to tackle it today but started having arrhythmia and decided to rest. I did clean up the hallway & plugged my landline phone base back in.

I also need to clean up the pantry. I had it completely cleaned up and then my a-hole brother locked one of the cats in because he got annoyed that she ran in while he was feeding them. She knocked a bunch of stuff down. Not only did he refuse to clean any of it up, but he started throwing trash in the pantry. I got a little bit of it out today. But the mouse urine & crap smell in the pantry is ultra strong now. I still need to patch that hole in the ceiling. Sometimes I wish my brother had shown even a modicum of interest in house maintenance/repairs. He was more interested in cooking. But then, I've never had an interest in cooking. I hate cooking-- which is part of why I eat microwave meals so often. Since my brother doesn't even rinse his dishes I'm constantly having to wash dishes in order to cook, and usually by the time I'm done washing dishes I'm too tired to cook or just too irritated. I'm probably going to have to cook tonight though. Mom wanted some corned beef hash but my shoulder was not cooperating.

I wonder if I'd be able to stomach fish enough to eat some. My brother got a bunch of frozen fish. I'm not a big fan of seafood. I'm more of a turf than surf person.

I organized my medicines and filled my pill dispenser. I need to get another dispenser for my vitamins. I'm not supposed to take my vitamins at the same time I take my thyroid meds so I have to wait. I'm going to get a little organizer for my night stand to try to put more stuff away. Eventually I need to clean out a bunch of empty RX bottles & stuff. Wish I knew of some good craft ideas for used rx bottles.
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@zannej so No to RX bottles. You have enough to deal with dont overload yourself with more.
@Spicoli43 lol, I get what you're saying.

Probably TMI however, I didnt have a 💩 for 26 hours after I ate yesterday. I find that slow considering I had only fluids on Sunday and then the prep.....

Back reared its ugly head today and had me in tears once. I weedeated for about 20 minutes today and it's been attempting to spasm this past week, I must have sent it overboard. I'm over these muscle spasms in my back every day.
I found out there is a recycling place for RX bottles in DeRidder but it's an hour away. Not really worth the drive. My sister has a big recycling dump not far from where she lives. There are bins marked for plastic and some for wood & some for metal. We have nothing like that around here. Since I don't get trash pickup we end up having to burn most of our trash.

My mom has informed me that she has gone a few days without being able to eliminate waste-- which is why I get her fiber bars.

Sorry to hear about your back. I know how that feels. The spasming really sucks. I discovered heated seats are great for that problem, but don't always get the right spots. Reminds me, a few of our electric blankets stopped working. Will have to find more. They didn't even last a year. They do not build stuff to last anymore. At least my heating pad still works. (knocking on wood).

Once my phone is charged and I get some daylight in here (lights don't work) I will get pics of my new monitor mount.

I made corned beef hash for mom so she was happy.

Princess is racked out next to me. in a weird position.
My mom has informed me that she has gone a few days without being able to eliminate waste-- which is why I get her fiber bars.
If she doesn't drink a lot of fluids, the fiber will make it hard for her to go.
I am glad you found your phone. I must have missed the part about where you found it!
See if their is a crafting page near you, they make take the bottles. Dependent on the size of them, you could put nuts/bolts/washers in them?
My county has recycling stations conveniently located. They used to require separating plastics by type but they now all go in together. I'm amazed at how many people will drive to recycle unused meds, especially opioids. I hardly ever have any but when I do I just put them in my burnable trash. I don't trash meds until they are several years past expiry. I still have some coumadin that's maybe three years past expiry but rat poison don't really expire and may be good for COVID use.
I understand concerns about the hesitation with receiving a colonoscopy, but I lost my older sister 2 years ago, which was directly linked to her failure to get a routine colonoscopy. After having stomach problems for a few years, they finally did a colonoscopy and discovered multiple tumors, with most being inoperable.
Shan, my mom drinks a lot of fluids, so it's odd. But, I think she doesn't get enough fiber in her diet.
My friend found my phone while putting up the mount for my monitor.


I need to clean the cat fur off my walls. LOL. There are spider webs that caught cat fur. I keep meaning to do it, but I procrastinate.

Today I got some rest, went to the post office, and then to the grocery store to grab some stuff. They are still out of some things I want.

My phone is being a real pain. Digitizer is not wanting to respond to touch well. It keeps getting slower and slower. I need to pull all of my pictures off of it.

Eddie, My entire Parish doesn't have a single recycling center of any type. But then, it is probably one of the worst parishes in the state.
@zannej that's great that's she is well hydrated!

I have done basically nothing today. I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher twice, put loaded potato soup in the crockpot, picked up a grocery order and whined and complained about my back all day.
I called off yesterday because I can't stand for long periods of time, it kills my back. Most days I am on my feet 85% of the time from 7am to 2pm. I usually go to lunch around 2 these days.
I called my PCP and left a message with her to see what's next. I haven't had this much pain problems for several months now. It hurts to stand, bend from side to side or rotate left or right. Bending over doesn't hurt but the coming back up is a bear.
From googling, it seems to be illiocostical pain syndrome possibly. I had someone feel around my entire back and mark on my back where it is the most tender. It's all on the right side bottom of mid scapula to mid armpit. I may actually lose my mind.
I am supposed to work tomorrow however, idk that I can do that. I cant stand fully upright either.
I have been using heat/ice and attempting some exercises I found on some PT websites. Nothing is helping. I am very frustrated. This started nearly 2 years ago. It had gotten better, not gone, but tolerable. However, that is not the case currently. I had them circle the areas that were super tender and then circle the tender area in its entirety. So mid bottom of shoulder blade to mid armpit, almost down to waistline. I am hoping this "roadmap" gets someone's attention in the medical field 🙄

Shan, I'm sorry about your back pain. I hope you can get some relief. You've done more than I have this morning.

I'm just trying to wake myself up. I didn't sleep well because some kitty kitties decided they wanted to eat before the sun came up & kept tapping my face & trying to get me to wake up. I have a policy of not feeding them between midnight and dawn, but they don't seem to accept this. LOL. I waited until the sun was well up to feed them but they weren't happy about it.

I'm currently helping another set of friends with their kitchen layout. They are somewhat gutting their trailer and trying to put in a new kitchen. But they don't have much space and pretty much only have 2 walls to work with as one wall is almost all giant windows. There is sort of a bay window like thing almost floor to ceiling- making that wall unusable. I'll make a thread on it in a bit.

Yesterday I got my mom out of the house to go visit my friend. She played with the baby and we hung out in peace while the friend's gf's family were away for a bit. Got her to Walmart to pick up her RX. I handled the pharmacy part while she rolled around in the riding cart to grab stuff. She actually took less time than usual.

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