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Whatever you lift, whether it's a milk jug or a sandbag or a proper dumbbell or one of your dogs, just lift it repeatedly and don't stop just because you're feeling lazy! You will see results.
My son used the original Soloflex with the elastic bands. It did the job, muscles don't know the difference.
My son used the original Soloflex with the elastic bands. It did the job, muscles don't know the difference.

Well, you can't work the muscles the same because there's no control for the Soloflex or the Bowflex. The advantage is other "Micro muscles" get worked that you don't work with free weights, the disadvantage is you can't work specific groups that good. Also, there's no weight relation. 310 pounds on the Bowflex does not translate to free weights. It translates to a trip to the ER if someone thinks it translates.
Well, you can't work the muscles the same because there's no control for the Soloflex or the Bowflex. The advantage is other "Micro muscles" get worked that you don't work with free weights, the disadvantage is you can't work specific groups that good. Also, there's no weight relation. 310 pounds on the Bowflex does not translate to free weights. It translates to a trip to the ER if someone thinks it translates.
Well we don't have to agree but my son is in great physical shape and hasn't been to the ER. With the Soloflex he didn't need a spotter and could use it at his convenience. He wasn't trying to see how much he could press. I think the arguments again Soloflex and such mean little to most of us. YMMV
Right, I'm just comparing the differences as someone that is sitting in the same room as a Bowflex.

A Bowflex or Soloflex or stepping on rubber bands and curling them... ( I have those too, haven't used them much ) can make you look good as long as the diet matches the workouts, but it's no comparison to free weights in any way shape or form.

And the commercials with the people using the home gyms... No, you don't look like that using a Bowflex.
Some of us are exercising for health not for a certain look and the Soloflex is good for that. Personally I prefer the simplicity of the Sollflex over the Bowflex and I pay no attention to commercials. In fact there were no commercials when he ordered the Soloflex. I went for the the original NordicTrack and it met my needs for workout but took up too much floor space.
Spicoli, if you don't like the Bowflex, now is a great time to sell it: lots of people are working from home and investing in their home gyms. Replace your Bowflex with something you prefer and will be more likely to use, but don't wait! Anything that gives you an excuse to put off getting into shape is bad.

I've been taking the kids to the pool a lot since it opened on Memorial Day. Today was our third time going since then. During the "adult swim" period I'm the only person in the pool, which is fine by me. I swim laps. My cardio is atrocious, so on the first day, I swam two laps. The second day I swam three and was totally beat. Today I swam four and probably could have swam another but I didn't want to make myself useless. I figure the lifeguards must be laughing at me, but whatever. Maybe the smart ones notice I swim one more lap each time. Next time I'll swim five, etc. Ideally I'll build back up to where I was ten years ago, when I could swim for 45 minutes at a stretch.

What I'm really proud of myself for, though, is that I then drove home and did a full weightlifting workout too. Feels good!
Thanks Dad!

I was working out in Junior High when you were in diapers, but I'll be sure to seek out your advice first if I ever need it!
We must have miscommunicated. I was trying to be positive and encouraging because you said you were going to start getting back into shape, which I was genuinely happy to hear. Whatever I said wrong, I hope I haven't discouraged you. Good luck.
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Comparing effectiveness of workouts by looking at photographs of paid models defies my sense of engineering logic. The only things important to me is does it benefit me without making my home look too much like a gym. BTW the original SoloFlex makes a rather neat clothes rack when ironing shirts.
We must have miscommunicated. I was trying to be positive and encouraging because you said you were going to start getting back into shape, which I was genuinely happy to hear. Whatever I said wrong, I hope I haven't discouraged you. Good luck.

No, I liked your other reply better. Post it, please.
Comparing effectiveness of workouts by looking at photographs of paid models defies my sense of engineering logic. The only things important to me is does it benefit me without making my home look too much like a gym. BTW the original SoloFlex makes a rather neat clothes rack when ironing shirts.

That's what I'm saying. It is possible to have abs while lifting other than free weights, but those "demonstrators" in the commercials looked like that the second they saw a Bowflex. You won't get that just using a Bowflex, or I would be like that because I have constantly owned Bowflex machines since 2001.

Granted, I blew out my entire body in Iraq in 2004, but I never got close to looking like them even under forced dedication to working out.

As far as Flyover's suggestion of finding a used Bowflex online, I can tell anybody to get the Ultimate 2 if they can find it and never let it go since Nautilus completely screwed everything up when they bought the company. Absolute rubbish. I would rather have my Ultimate 2 back than a Ferarri.
My suggestion was to put your used Bowflex online. Meanwhile find a simple bench and set of freeweights.

No, I liked your other reply better. Post it, please
Nah it was rude. There's enough other people being rude on here, I'm gonna try and keep it polite.
My suggestion was to put your used Bowflex online. Meanwhile find a simple bench and set of freeweights.

Nah it was rude. There's enough other people being rude on here, I'm gonna try and keep it polite.

I can't do freeweights until I have shoulder surgery probably, and I will never let the VA butchers cut me, so that's that.

Your comment, something like I would be in diapers while you were still lifting was directed at me and hilarious. You should gauge how people respond to messages before dropping all the fun out of a conversation. Not everybody is real tender these days, although it seems like it.

No individual could possibly offend me when President Obama's old guy figurehead is a raging pedophile and many corporations like YUM (Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC) and Netflix, Etsy, Google, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter etc. are raging pedophiles that want to change the gender of Kindergarteners.

How could ANYTHING that a regular Joe or Jane says offend anybody else?
I figured there was a chance you'd get the joke and find it funny, but there was a chance you wouldn't, in which case I'd just be adding to the rudeness. It's hard to communicate humor effectively just with text.
No costco within 100 miles of me. There is only one in the entire state.

Spicoli, I agree about wishing they would be consistent on saying whether or not there is a discount.

Our four baby dinosaurs turned their noses up at me today when I asked them nicely for a photo. Little bastards.

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Aww. They were probably preparing to open their mouths for food hoping it would get dropped into their mouths.

My dogs hold their heads up like that to look at me and at the cats. They are starting to be less afraid of the cats but they want to snuggle them.

Been absolutely exhausted and still trying to get energy back. Ear thing is bugging me in both ears now.

I need to take my Mom to get her bloodwork sometime so she can have it ready for her appointment.

Got really mad about some bs Lowes pulled. Months ago I ordered two windows & they were supposed to arrive sometime in March. I got an e-mail that there was a delay on the order. Said ETA was June 3. So, June 3 comes along, I check status and it suddenly said the payment was never processed (which makes no sense). So, I used a different card. Not all it says is "delayed" and no ETA. I never once received any notice about payment not being accepted. Gonna have to go back and check statement for that card to see if it was actually charged or not. So, not sure if I'll get the windows at all now. If I don't get an ETA I will have to call them and I *hate* talking on the phone.

Otherwise I'm doing OK. Just tired. Need to focus on cutting back on carbs/sugars but I've been bad about it. I was doing good for awhile but then I saw fresh donuts in the store...

The other day I could not get up. Just in and out of consciousness & couldn't move or get up. Just complete exhaustion -- I blame it on after-carb crash which is why I know I need to cut back majorly on carbs-- but I left the poor doggies locked in the greatroom for 24+hours bc I was out of it. They drank all their water & had no food. When I finally let them out they went berserk. Running around, jumping up on me and scratching the hell out of my legs. I have been trying to make sure that doesn't happen again. I refilled the water and put out their food.

There's a male cardinal that hangs out with his mate at the back of the house where they both slam into Mom's bedroom window. The male makes his way around to the front to steal dog food piece by piece.

Cats were also unhappy with me. I had them pouncing on my head, tapping my face with paws, and trying to get me up but I wasn't moving. Later after I finally came back to the world of the living I gave canned food to my two oldest kitties. They were so happy they started cuddling afterward. Boo and Itsy climbed on my lap afterward. Itsy started grooming Boo then he turned to groom her-- mutual lick-fest. Then Boo flopped on his back and racked out on my lap while I rubbed his tummy.

Also, dogs got so rambunctious about being locked up so long they knocked over all the trash cans, ripped open bags, and dragged trash all over. I've cleaned some of it before I got too tired. Still need to clean the rest.
Did some pruning on an aging butterfly bush, I don't know if it can be salvaged ot not. I am potting some limb junctures to see if they will grow

My fat cat went into a stand of hostas. I perked up thinking he was hunting but he was just seeking shade.
Remembering D-Day.
I had a cousin that was in the Battle of the Bulge. After the war he purchased or read every book he could find on WWII and especially the Bulge. In his LR I met a local who had served in Darby's Rangers. When I walked into my cousin's auto parts store in uniform (back in my youth) with the 82d patch on my shoulder he had tears in his eyes as he recalled seeing that patch on the shoulders of the 82d ABN road guards at every crossroad as they came out of the Ardennes. He never forgot!

The Ranger was Osbourne Sawyer assistant BAR man. I learned from a BAR man that the assistant had the hard job, he carried the heavy ammo.
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Remembering D-Day.
I had a cousin that was in the Battle of the Bulge. After the war he purchased or read every book he could find on WWII and especially the Bulge. In his LR I met a local who had served in Darby's Rangers. When I walked into my cousin's auto parts store in uniform (back in my youth) with the 82d patch on my shoulder he had tears in his eyes as he recalled seeing that patch on the shoulders of the 82d ABN road guards at every crossroad as they came out of the Ardennes. He never forgot!

The Ranger was Osbourne Sawyer assistant BAR man. I learned from a BAR man that the assistant had the hard job, he carried the heavy ammo.

I remember when Men were Men and the enemy was scared. Now, under the Democrats the Marines have Rainbow bullets, The Army has Tutu's and the Air Force has Switcheroos. This Rainbow rights garbage is getting out of control.
I made some fake yogurt by using buttermilk and a vanilla instant pudding mix. The buttermilk tang gave it a bit of a lemony taste.

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