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I used to like oyster stew but not clam chowder so much. Clams are too chewy to suit me. I quit eating oysters when I realized that their purpose (as with other bottom feeders) in the grand scheme of things is to filter water.
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You have a point. I really need to get an exterminator out Also need to get the showers fixed so I can at least try to wash some of them. I wish there was good flea treatment for cows. The younger cow is skittish and barely lets me touch her most of the time. I can try more diatomaceous earth.
We've always had fleas out here so its something we got used to over the years. But we're also used to living in messy house.
Was petting one of my cats when suddenly he spazzed and went full shark mode the other day. Chomped my arm. I think I touched a spot that irritated him or something or he `was mad about another cat being near.
I know its not the healthiest lifestyle but I love my kitties. Still working on rehoming the pups. The lady who wanted them sent another message apologizing giving her list of problems in life and said she'd text me again. Said she still wants to help with heartworm treatment and such. I told her not to stress over it. She apparently had some sort of panic attack. Her husband still wants the dogs but she said it would take a lot of work to prepare the house for it. Again, I told her not to worry and to take care of her health.
Bro is going to be late for his job thing bc he thought it was 2:30 but I reminded him it was 2 so he's rushing out the door now.
I still have a product called "Flee Flea" that I can't find online other than in New Zealand. I used it where there were fleas and it worked. The Dogs that had a few fleas no longer had them. Here's a supplement I haven't heard of, and there's Thousands of others...

Here's natural repellants...

For every chemical poison created by publicly traded companies that DON'T test them, there are MANY natural alternatives.
I know I'm never using a Hartz brand product every again. Not sure on the other stuff but what we have tried hasn't worked.
Chewy has something called Natural Chemistry Natural Flea Spray but I think I'd want a gallon of it. LOL. Says to keep out of reach of children though. Hmm.. Supposedly safe for cats but I can't read the whole warning label part from the online pics.
I'd get 5 gallons of it if it worked and didn't harm the pets.
Picking up my friend's dentures today but waiting for the right time for it. Sleepy as hell right now. I tried to order something from HomeDepot but it wanted to text me a code to confirm login-- to my landline. And I can't change my phone number in the system without it texting a code. I really hate modern tech sometimes and the insistence that everyone *has* to have a cellphone and get texts.
I find the natural stuff to be overpriced just because they can get away with it. They are not scrupulous just because they use natural ingredients which may (or may not work). I look at the the ingredients and decide whether (or not) to try my own concoction. In the case of the chewy spray the ingredients are cinnamon, cedar and clove oils in a low percentage along with a lot of water and some surfactant. I have tried aromatic cedar chip dog beds with little (if any) results.

Sadly essential oil sprays outdoors do not linger and are repellents rather than sudden death killers, That's why one generally has to use insecticides. I would suspect the naturals would work better (if at all) on animals if applied every day as well which becomes a hassle if you have more than a couple of animals.
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I know I'm never using a Hartz brand product every again. Not sure on the other stuff but what we have tried hasn't worked.
Chewy has something called Natural Chemistry Natural Flea Spray but I think I'd want a gallon of it. LOL. Says to keep out of reach of children though. Hmm.. Supposedly safe for cats but I can't read the whole warning label part from the online pics.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate isn't good for any living thing, but that's the only bad ingredient.
We had fleas in our lawn last year, courtesy of a neighbor's dog. The solution was to mow it short and keep it short, and a guy came out and sprayed a chemical on it once or twice, just around the periphery of the house. We checked and made sure that chemical would not harm the bees and other pollinators.
I found some stuff that contains natural ingredients- clove, and other strong-smelling stuff. Some of it supposedly kills fleas without being harmful to cats and dogs. I'm going to get some and try to eliminate fleas inside, put some diatomaceous earth around the perimeter in the house, and find something pet-safe to spray around the immediate yard. Strangely, even though the pet carpet powder didn't advertise itself as killing or deterring fleas, the flea population reduced after I spread it around the front room.

Brother called on me to leave early to take him places because he needed my $ to pay for some things. He lost the court documents I told him to keep in a safe place. On the way out the door the door wouldn't shut. Bottom hinge came off the door and screws were bent and it wouldn't go back on. Left with the door closed as much as it would go (kept hitting the wall) bc we didn't have time. Entire car trip to the post office (where my brother needed a money order) he was trying to look something up online. He yelled at me when I told him to just call the courthouse and ask about the replacement documents. We got to the post office, I googled the phone number, called the courthouse and found out the info in 2 minutes. He was insisting they *had* to give him the paperwork for free. I told him "This courthouse won't do ANYTHING for free". $10 to get copies of the minutes. But they take cash and not money order and I had $10. Drove him all the way down to the courthouse and he got the documents. Then to the casino to drop off some paperwork but his handwriting was illegible so he has to refill some of the forms and drop it off later. I waited in the car 40min. About 30min in I called him to ask what was going on and he yelled at me. I seriously considered leaving him and driving off.

There was a funny bit where I stopped to drop him off and had to back up to find parking. I stopped, put it in park to unlock doors and let him out. He gets out and starts to walk. I put it in reverse and doors auto lock. He grabs the door and tries to open it and starts to get mad. I put it in park (easier to do that than hit unlock button) and he grabs something. I put it in reverse and he grabs door again and gets irritated. I put it in park and he reaches in and gets something else he forgot. I put it in reverse again and yet again he grabs the door. Back in park and he reaches in and snaps at me about why I keep locking the doors instantly. I told him "They lock automatically, dumbazz!" Forty minutes later he called me to tell me he forgot the money order. My legs weren't cooperating so I limped my way there and brought it to him but by then they were about to close and he needed to fill out more stuff. He wanted to sit there and fill it out but I told him I needed to pick something up and we were running out of time.

As an aside, ever see the Jack Links "messin with sasquatch" commercial where the guy says "Hey buddy, want a ride?" and then keeps moving the car every time he tried to get in? I was tempted to do that to my brother. He really should have just driven his own fat butt over there but I thought he just had to drop stuff off and not wait to meet with someone.

He continued to kvetch at me and I told him that if I didn't have somewhere else to go I wouldn't have minded staying but I was now running late bc of his crap. About an hour later friend calls in a panic that the denture place said I hadn't picked them up yet. I was 7 minutes away. I told him to call them and let them know I was almost there. Got in 3 minutes before closing and grabbed the dentures.

I did have to stop for gas on the way so that slowed us down a little. Grabbed some Wendy's grilled chicken sammich and headed to my friend's house. Dropped off his dentures, picked him up, took him to the house so he could fix the door (I can't bend that well). I had a bucket of screws nearby so he was able to pull old screws out, put new screws in, then pulled short screws out of the middle hinge and replaced them with long screws. Door shuts now. Took him back to his house and then rushed home to eat my Wendy's. I asked my brother to cook for Mom while I was going out the door. That way I could eat in peace when I got back.

I have to get up before 6am tomorrow to take him to get his teeth pulled.
Got up at 5:30am. Stumbled over pets and made it to the door. Dodged logging trucks on the road. Picked up my friend, took him to the appointment and waited. Less than an hour later they were done. Took him to the pharmacy and had to wait until 9 for them to open so he could fill his RX. Then had to wait for it to get filled. Got him ice packs and stuff to clean his dentures. They put him under instead of numbing him and he was in pain. Took him back home, went to the nearest store to get salt (he's supposed to soak his mouth in warm saltwater tomorrow). The pain was really bad. He was rocking back and forth and hugging a pillow. I stayed with him until his mother showed up. She went and grabbed something from the store for him and I headed home since he's got someone to check on him. I'm certain she's going to hit him up for $. She was talking out loud about how she wanted to steal some of his tools.

The husband of the woman I've been talking to about adopting the dogs called and said he wants me to get them heartworm tested & such asap and to bring them out to our previous meeting place on Saturday or he can come out here and pick them up. He desperately wants them. His wife's parents are dying right now-- looks like the father is going first-- and she's not handling it well. She wanted me to get them flea baths but hubby said not to worry about that. He doesn't want me to jump through hoops to have them adopt. He said he will pay for the vet treatments and worry about spaying/neutering.

Waiting for my brother to get up so we can take the dogs to the vet. Won't be until afternoon though. I can't manage both dogs at the office so I need help. If my friend hadn't just had dental surgery I'd ask him.
After I got home my brother asked me to take him to the casino to turn in some paperwork "real quick". His eyes were blurry & he didn't trust himself driving. I drove him over and he filled out paperwork he messed up the first time (he refused to do it at home). He messed it up again. I sat there for 2 hours waiting this time. At least there were some nice people around and I saw a friend who works in the uniform section (as in, they distribute the clothes). Got back home and tripped over the pups on the way in. Finally got my brother to stop dawdling and help me with dogs but they were missing. Hopped in the truck and drove down the road. Almost stopped at the fork but kept going and saw them coming out of neighbor's yard. Got out and had to chase them around a bit. Caught Peanutbutter first and put her in, then went for Jelly. But she kept jumping out. She knocked a toy out before I shut her in. Jelly grabbed the toy and had me chasing him in circles. I had to grab him and shove him in the front seat. Did I mention they played in the mud?
Drove back and got my brother to come along. Put collars on them and got to vet's office. Jelly fought the leash at first but then cooperated. Peanutbutter fought the entire way. Negative on heartworm test so they got the shot. Also got digestive tract deworming. The guy who wants them called the office and gave his payment info and said what he wanted them to have. Picked up flea pills for them. Meeting Saturday so they can take them home. I just hope they don't try to run off again. They didn't trust me after all the needles and I had to carry them both inside. I did give them treats once they calmed down.
I fixed a flat on my son's bike. That's about it DIY-wise. Work has been busy, plus lack of childcare has made it difficult to get anything done around the house (not that nothing has gotten done). I'm sitting here procrastinating on doing the dishes, but I'm getting up now to go do them.
I've been procrastinating on a lot of things. I think Friday will be a day of rest for me. I'm hoping anyway. Might need to take friend back to the dentist if his bleeding doesn't stop. I think the pain meds are working for him at least. He was really in a lot of pain. I came close to slapping his mother bc she was taking pictures of him holding a bag of frozen fruit to his face and she was laughing about it. She has a pic of him with the frozen fruit bag flipping her off. I suppose laughing is her way of coping but I don't think she has much empathy for him or anyone else.
I'm going to take some magnesium in the morning and hope it helps with the body aches I'm having. Bending and lifting the dogs multiple times did not help my back.

We still need to fix the flat on my brother's truck... Or at least just put air in it.
Eddie, you're right. When I had a tooth pulled it bled for more than 24hrs so I grabbed the 1st teabag I could find-- English breakfast tea or something. Fortunately, it tasted good. LOL. I kept that in for a few hours and bleeding stopped. I've been offering to bring my friend some teabags. My brother has been joking that he's going to teabag him. Haven't heard back from him.

People adopting the dogs are running late due to weather & traffic. Bumped meeting time back an hour. Gives me time to take Pepto again. Guts don't like me today.

I'm going to miss the pups but I am so glad they are going.
Pups have officially been adopted now. They were excited when they saw the guy. They were wagging their tails and looking at him lovingly. They remembered him. I got them new leashes to make it easier to control them. They didn't want to go back into a vehicle, but we got them loaded up in the car. I said goodbye, and he left. I went into the store to grab some stuff after.

Got home and some delivery service left my neighbor's package on the back of my truck. Not sure which service as I had to run inside and go to the bathroom while my brother went and looked. Having a digestive tract issue today.

I'm going to miss cuddling the pups but I'm not going to miss cleaning up after them, hiding my cookware if they are out while I'm cooking, nearly getting knocked over, having to put my shoes in a plastic bin, and struggling to get through the front room. Now I can organize more and when the flea spray arrives I can use it liberally in that room first and then in other rooms around the house.
What a day. We decided to delay our family trip to the zoo to the afternoon because it was raining all morning. So I tried to take advantage of the freed up morning to install the new faucet.

Three obstacles presented themselves immediately. First, very poor access. So I had to remove the face of the cabinet and both the drawers. Second, the plastic nuts securing the old faucet to the vanity top were installed upside down so I had no way to get a purchase on them. I had to use a combination of blow dryer, destructive methods, and lots of bitter cursing to get them off.

But it was the third problem that I'm still living with. Whichever idiot installed the fixtures didn't put shut off valves in the cabinet. In fact they are nowhere to be seen.

So to swap out the faucet I had to shut off water to the whole house, and until the new faucet is properly installed I can't turn it back on.

Well, it turns out the cold water supply connection, which has a plastic cuff, cannot be reinstalled on the new faucet without leaking a heavy sprayof water everywhere. Which I can't detect quickly because to turn the water on and off I have to go down three flights of steps to the basement and then back up to check.

And when it does leak like this, the water drips through the floor and pours into the room below, so I get to run around with towels and buckets and my plumbers sponge. I've cleaned over a gallon off the floor by now. Fun.

So after a whole morning of that, plus another hour after we got back from the zoo, I said uncle and called a plumber.
Flyover that really sucks. I never liked the idea of having drawers under sinks. Reminds me of a joke:
Why are cabinets off the floor and hard to get into? Because the cabinetmaker caught the plumber with his wife.

Not sure why you can't get the old one connected without leaks-- maybe not the right fitting? Or maybe it broke/stripped? I hope the plumber will install some shutoffs.

I'm still having stomach issues to the point it is causing minor bleeding. Ugh. I've been lying in bed for hours trying not to move much, but I know I'm going to have to get up and make dinner after going to the bathroom again and am not looking forward to going to the bathroom again. I feel slightly nauseous.

My cat Itsy is making cute noises at me and grabbing my face with her paws because she wants me to get up.
After three outgoing phone calls to the plumber dispatch, each call ending with them giving me a promise to call me back with an eta, I never heard from the plumber. So for tonight and tomorrow morning at least we have no running water. (But we do have five sweaty people who spent a day at the zoo.)

I'll be calling a different plumber and you can bet I'll ask him or her to install shutoffs! Until then I'm thinking about the spare supply lines I've got in my garage and how hard it might be to swap one in first thing in the morning...

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