What's your Temp?

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You're all getting the freeze we have had for the last couple of days. For whatever reason, our annual freeze doesn't move your way, at least not seriously negative temps.

I'm not a weathero-professor... Know what they are called, won't attempt to spell it, but I don't get it...
IIRC the guberment planned to kill off Farenheit back in the 60s. How did that work out? I guess about the same as the move to metric!

Although still called a fifth by most the standard whisky bottle is now 750ml which is 0.2 oz shy of a fifth (and much harder to say).
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I think I saw that the John Wick series is being streamed free on Pluto this month. I may check it out later.
For all the hype John Wick proved to not being worth the energy to power up my subwoofer. It was but a series of poorly shot improbable action scenes loosely connected to a story line.

My temp peaked at 22.8°F and is now passing through 17.6°F on the way down.
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It's supposed to go from negative now to positive, increasing in temp from now until 0800, when it's supposed to be +28. I don't remember the temp ever going up in the middle of the night, no matter what season or location.
It’s currently 9F (-12.8C) with Wind Chill at -3F (-19.4C). It’s not supposed to be this cold here! The freeze warning are all the way down to just North of Tampa.

Our Hot water pipes are frozen. It was supposed to be warmer today so I didn’t take precautions last night but I now realize that was stupid. Also our septic tank is full and all the honey bucket trucks are frozen.

My son and his wife’s airplane is stuck in Baltimore and didn’t make it to Sacramento so their flight is delayed until Wednesday.

Other than that, I feel blessed to be alive and in a warm place. . . Until the rolling blackouts begin.

The lake is frozen over.


But truthfully, I have my family and we are healthy so there is a lot to be thankful for. By the time our son gets here, maybe we’ll have hot water and a running septic system so it will work out for the best.

Merry Christmas y’all!
Ron, did your outdoor faucet protectors work as advertised?

My low was 3.2°F vice the predicted 1.0°F. I stayed up until my smart thermostats entered the sleep mode so that I could temporarily set them higher. I had to replumb with overhead pipes around 10 or 15 years ago due to a leak under the slab but all is well this morning. The current temp has risen to 5.9°F.

I have my quartz (true) infrared heater illuminating me in my easy chair as I type.
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Ron, did your outdoor faucet protectors work as advertised?
I’m not sure. I’ll go check in a while.

I had to replumb with overhead pipes around 10 or 15 years ago due to a leak under the slab but all is well this morning.

That’s exactly what I did. Most of the house is on a crawlspace but one addition was built on a slab and the pipes under it broke so I ran some Pex up in the attic and down to an electric water heater. It’s the pipes in the attic that are frozen and causing our lack of hot water. I figure the attic should warm up due to solar radiation and fix that problem (fingers crossed). I guess the insulation in the attic is doing its job and keeping the heat in the house. I guess the pipes in the attic need to be wrapped with insulation but how normal is this weather? I don’t know because we’ve only been here since 2020.

They are calling this a “Generational Storm”.
Well Ron, you have the same storm we had here from Tuesday through Friday... No, Bama is not supposed to have storms like that, but we have never had -45 plus temps in December ever that I remember. That happens in February every year and doesn't see the rest of the Country usually.
Ron, did your outdoor faucet protectors work as advertised?

Good news! It appears the freeze miser work to at least 7F with wind chills to -4.


I don’t know if you can see in the photo but the freeze miser is dripping like it’s supposed to and ice is forming on the brick below. I opened the valve on the Y adaptor and liquid water flowed from it. No doubt the water in the hose is frozen though.
Hate to rub it in, but it is beautiful in my neck of the woods. Tangerines getting ripe, oranges still has another hundred pounds to pic, and my fingerling lemon is popping out some really unusual shapes.


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Hate to rub it in, but it is beautiful in my neck of the woods. Tangerines getting ripe, oranges still has another hundred pounds to pic, and my fingerling lemon is popping out some really unusual shapes.
SoCal does have some beautiful weather! I lived in San Diego from 1978 to 1982, Santa Cruz til 1986, then Elk Grove (near Sac) til 2020. Can’t beat the weather.
My cousin lived in Elk Grove about the same time. Don and Pam Johnson?