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House Repair Talk

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Two hit and runs on my truck in the last two hours. Called the cops after the first and chased and grabbed the second guy. Still no police. Ended up letting the second guy go because I couldnt get the police here.
Los Angeles. They caught the guy he was drunk no license no insurance. Only made him swap info that was it no rest no tickets
LA? Them people are crazy! Shut down, go home, have a whiskey. You will be better after that!
I learned a lesson today from all this.

Park in a street sweeping zone and it costs 68 bucks, get drunk and do a hit and run with no license or insurance and get told not to do it again.

Makes perfect sense to me. I get to to pay 68 bucks x2 and get to buy two new axles for my equipment trailer.
As soon as they make a debtors prison I will entertain that idea.

Hard to justify spending a grand to try and get a grand. I'd rather see him actually get in trouble for his actions. Was hoping the cops would at least breathalyzer him since his car was full of empty beer cans and he was clearly drunk. Pretty sure they were about off duty for Christmas and didn't want to deal with it.
I'm about thirty seconds from throwing my computer out the window. I hate quick books today.
Nope. I was happy with with the older version but of course they stop supporting it then force me to pay them for an upgrade. Surprised the upgrade has less options than the older version