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I don't totally agree with your Chevrolet assessment. The C8 Corvette is beautiful looking a lot like some of the Ferraris and the Camaro is a really nice looking car with lots of cues from the early Camaros. Of course both drive and perform far better than their ancestors. I'd still love to own a C1 or a C2 Corvette. The last of the Impalas were not bad looking either. There has been talk they may bring that model back. Most of the rest of their stuff is trucks or SUVs. I guess it's in the eye of the beholder.

I guess if you like the "angry insect" fad cars have been on, look-wise, for the last ~5-10 years...I passed one of those C8 'Vettes today on the road. They don't look bad, they just don't look beautiful. There's something about it that, I dunno, tries too hard or something (same goes for the other muscle cars, including the Camaro, which was never as cool-looking as its closest competitor the Firebird anyway). Compare the 2022 to the 1970s gen Corvette (my favorite).
I like the 70s Camaro too, maybe more than the 1st gen. The 80s Camaro was...okay. I think the Camaro got really lame-looking in the 90s and has pretty much stayed that way since.

The 79 oil crisis was terrible for automotive design aesthetically, but it also produced one glorious, magnificent diamond: the Japanese econobox.
The change concept crept into utility vehicles such as pickups and jeeps. Yet most pickups still have 1-2 people on board and only a bit of trash in the bed.
The change concept crept into utility vehicles such as pickups and jeeps. Yet most pickups still have 1-2 people on board and only a bit of trash in the bed.
But newer pickups can prolly fit 3... even 4 smaller people on each seat...
City or Civic?
City. (Actually wow, the exact Matchbox car was among the first few DDG results: https://hwcollectorsnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/85-Honda-City-Turbo-II-g.jpg)

The change concept crept into utility vehicles such as pickups and jeeps. Yet most pickups still have 1-2 people on board and only a bit of trash in the bed.
It's ridiculous what people seem to just drive around town in, not hauling anything, not even carrying passengers. Like, do you really need a 6-wheel Ram 2500 crew cab to go to the grocery store by yourself?
Speaking of Japanese econoboxes, I used my new vehicle ramps today for the first time. Changed the oil in my little Japanese econobox in about 30 minutes.
I like the City w/o the wing

or maybe as an off-road pickup
I like the 70s Camaro too, maybe more than the 1st gen. The 80s Camaro was...okay. I think the Camaro got really lame-looking in the 90s and has pretty much stayed that way since.

The 79 oil crisis was terrible for automotive design aesthetically, but it also produced one glorious, magnificent diamond: the Japanese econobox.
Except the late '70's Camaro/Firebird picked up an extra 1,000 pounds... shed some of it back off in '80's... Put even more back on now... up to 4,374 pounds I just saw...
Here's one of my current 3 now 'orphaned' Pontiacs:

"Japanese econobox" was around much earlier in form of Honda Civic with motorcycle derived engine that puked out by 50-60K miles... Datsuns that had to change name to Nissan to survive... Subarus with boxer engines good for 14K miles... currently we have Korean econoboxes that puke out around 90K miles...
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The Honda City was only released in Japan I think. Or at least it was not in the US. My matchbox version is right hand drive.

Yeah of course it looks better without the wing (only the Lamborghini Countache and Porsche 911 look good with a wing). It'd look better in gray or white and without the stupid decals or flashy rims, too.

Buzz, are you saying you own that car now? I'm a fan of that one. The bass player in my band in high school drove one of those. His was black too.
Buzz, are you saying you own that car now? I'm a fan of that one. The bass player in my band in high school drove one of those. His was black too.
Yep, the GTA except with gold mag wheels now, Fiero, and Formula wagon...
C8 is ugliest Corvette ever... giant holes/scoops in the body... I thought I was seeing a C8 a week ago at a cruise night but when I saw the emblems realized it was a just as ugly latest Ford GT...
Like I said, the eye of the beholder. I think the GT40 is one of the most beautiful cars ever built. Designed and built for racing, a thoroughbred. So if you like motorsports you probably more appreciate the design and performance of such cars. Though the GT40 and the Corvette anr worlds apart. The GT40 is a supercar starting at about $500K l, if you're lucky enough to get one. The top end Corvette is around $125K. Still hard to get but possible.
Shan, I like that planter.

I know you probably don't have time/energy for it any time soon but are you thinking about landscaping ideas for your lawn makeover?
Its called a greenstalk. They are pricey, but go on sale for $99 frequently.

I would like to do something, but not sure what. I would like to fence in the front yard, but not with a typical chain link.... I'd like 4x4s and cattle panels.... I doubt I do that though. I plan to burn they roots of that bush soon.

I'd love some landscaping of some sort, and I feel so much better pulling up to the house now.

I have way too many things that HAVE to be done, but I do want something nice.

My new garbage company is going to bring me either a 4 or 6 cubic yard (?) dumpster and I can keep it for a month and pay $75 each dump. So I don't have to rush as fast as I would to rent a larger one. I can also put TV, electronics and a dishwasher in it.

I called a structural engineer the other day and left a message.... no return call yet. I am going to call another one this week. I have put it off for way too long and need to just face the music.
I can see that my floor is rotting right by the sliding glass door. I definitely can't fix that until the sag is fixed.

I go back to work on Thursday, I haven't gotten my moms remains, or death certificates or anything and I had hoped to go do the probate stuff before I went back to work. I am giving the nursing home some of her medical equipment so that I don't have to deal with it and can just do it all in one trip.
Slowly things are turning around, but I still have sooo much to do with my own stuff while my daughter plods through my moms stuff. We will get there though.

I made a delicious dinner tonight, pork spare ribs, macaroni and cheese made with sharp cheddar and havarti along with crumbled Ritz crackers baked on top, and bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers. It took FOREVER, all my kids ate with me.

My daughters car is in the shop again, her tensioner pulley broke. Hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow.
I had a 92 Accord hatchback that I put 250K on. That was before they started the enlargement. My son is scouting 112" WB pickups to see if he can find anything to put the 35 Ford shell on. The guy that owns it is restoring a 40 Ford instead. At one time I had a 40 Ford convertible with a 51 Mercury engine and a floor shift tranny from a 35 Ford pickup.
I have never been into anything that looks like a Ferrari or Lambo. The Ford's have a Ford badge, so that's all there is to it for me.

Neighbors had an escaped Rooster in my yard to track down this evening, brought a Chicken to try to lure him out so they could catch him. It got me thinking... If a Rooster and a Chicken go to the bar and have a few Rum and Cokes, does the Chicken go home to the Rooster's mansion, or does the Rooster go fight Peter Griffin?

If the Rooster and Chicken end up at the Rooster shack, after 3 months or so when the Eggs pop out, is each one of them a new Chicken, or is it just a few of the Eggs?
Like I've said, for me there is a big difference between a car that I appreciate or find exciting and enjoy looking at, and one I'd actually want to own. The Japanese econoboxes are the only ones I'm interested in owning. When my kids are grown and if I live out in the cut somewhere I might buy a small pickup truck, if they make any with a manual transmission anymore, that are reliable and possible to do your own brakes and oil changes by then. But that's about 15 years away, so unless the car manufacturers make a big U-turn, the newest of such trucks I'd be willing to own (a Ranger or Tacoma from the early 2010s) would be over 25 years old and I doubt there'd be any used ones with much life left in them by then. But who knows.
I'm amazed that anyone thinks this

Is better looking than either of these
Like I said, the eye of the beholder. You would probably like one of my Dad's cars. Here is one, '32 Ford Cabriolet, all metal.
He has a cool '50 Oldsmobile too but I don't have a picture of it.
C8 is ugliest Corvette ever... giant holes/scoops in the body... I thought I was seeing a C8 a week ago at a cruise night but when I saw the emblems realized it was a just as ugly latest Ford GT...
The scoops all have functions, either to help produce HP or cooling. They aren't faux on either of those cars unlike many past American sports cars. Thses cars are built for competition and there are people that do race them. They are not econo-sedans, grocery getters, or the family Truckster.