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Remember that piece of furniture I assembled a week ago? The old broken unit has been sitting in a corner of my living room, but today I get to haul it up the stairs and out the door for trash pickup tomorrow. I might need the dolly for that one.

@68bucks: That all sounds great. EXCEPT: Why you remove the membrane man?? Just stab it and slice it up a bunch, it'll be like it was never there but you get to keep the flavor it imparts. Plus it's easier/less work, and most importantly, less waste.
Shan, did you call another electrician? I get what you are saying about wanting to get everything done now, just take it easy.
Unlike Elections...
That reminds me of a secret plan I have embarked on. We are a family of sorts here and I assume pray for each other when needed. Now we know we have at least three non believers in our midst so let's secretly pray for a recognizable God experience in their lives every time we see their name on a post.
That reminds me of a secret plan I have embarked on. We are a family of sorts here and I assume pray for each other when needed. Now we know we have at least three non believers in our midst so let's secretly pray for a recognizable God experience in their lives every time we see their name on a post.
WHY would you want to force evil foreign psychotic mental illness on normal people who don't want it? Don't want to be under written orders from your handbooks to hate, hurt, and mass murder everyone on the planet? Don't want to be part of a Middle Eastern evil that fuels all the wars?
The guy stinking up our White House is one of you evil ones! He mandates/forces deadly nonworking fake 'vaccines' shots on people who don't want them and if they resist he has been firing them from their jobs by the thousands! He also allowed a war in Ukraine where tens of thousands of innocent people are getting murdered now!
A switch or outlet somewhere in the front room.
Sometimes an outlet or half of an outlet is put on a switch so that a table or floor lamp can be conveniently switched on or off when entering or exiting a room...
Lately I just put 10 pounds/5 racks of ribs in the turkey roaster and slow cook them over night until so tender you can eat the meat, membranes, gristle, and even the bones... so no need to buy chondroutin sulfate... or whatever it's called... just feel like a cannibal... LOL!
@68bucks: That all sounds great. EXCEPT: Why you remove the membrane man?? Just stab it and slice it up a bunch, it'll be like it was never there but you get to keep the flavor it imparts. Plus it's easier/less work, and most importantly, less waste.
I have done it both ways I just prefer without the membrane. I think it's a bit more tender. I have never noticed a real difference in flavor. I do sometimes like the little bit of crunch or snap the membrane adds if it's cooked properly. Sort of like a casing frank vs a skinless hotdog. I very much prefer a casing frank.
And the guy in the White House isn't a Man of God... There's that.
Of course the evil stinker is a religic! He checks off all the boxes of being an evil religic:
He's totally evil...
He's a total liar...
He forces evil on others that don't want it...
He has his troops murdering people of other religions such as Muslims...
He allows and finances unneeded wars murdering thousands of innocent people...
He lies that imaginary evil Gods are real...
He belongs to and financially supports an evil foreign Middle Eastern religion...
He does all kinds of corruption...
He wastes taxpayers' money on programs that are psychologically wrong...
He lies that addictions violence is actually gun violence...
A million other evil etcs...
Ugh, a skinless hot dog...gross.

@Eddie_T I'm not a believer, though I was for a couple short periods in my life and don't have anything against believers. I had a powerful spiritual experience once, which although I don't think anything bigger than my own mind was involved in I do think was interesting and transformative. Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime. Anyway, pray for me if you like, I appreciate the kind sentiment.
I don't know how you were wronged so badly, Buzz... Everything you said is Demonic, not Godly. Why don't you go talk to a Pastor (NOT a Catholic)?
I don't know how you were wronged so badly, Buzz... Everything you said is Demonic, not Godly. Why don't you go talk to a Pastor (NOT a Catholic)?
Waste of time... besides, they're all afraid of me/the truth... and I explained above about being forced into religion fueled wars... ALL religions are evil foreign psychotic mass murderous mental illness and an ADDICTION to being LIED TO, an ENFORCED PSYCHOSIS, and written orders from their handbooks for their customers to automatically instantly HATE, HURT, and MASS MURDER everyone on the planet not of the exact same religion addiction...
Besides, I live in a former rectory... and there's a rectory across the street full of priests... used to be a Catholic school across the street as well but the parents pulled all the kids out after THE LETTER went around apologizing for the priests sexually molesting the kids... they used to keep that a secret but with a cost of $1/2Million per kid in hush money to kids' parents this diocese and most others were going bankrupt!
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I don't know where you get your ideas, but so be it, not everybody accepts Jesus.
I don't know where you get your ideas, but so be it, not everybody accepts Jesus.
True... 90% of people on planet don't believe that evil hogwash or worship that evil storybook character that blinded and murdered people by age 12 per the stories plus numerous other crimes... at least the stories have a just ending... he was arrested, tried, found guilty, and hung for his numerous crimes... too bad the gullible still worship criminals like him and George Floyd...