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My discomfort lasted only four days, only one day of elevated temp. I had no jabs but suppose I now have antibodies. My son wanted me to go to urgent care but I didn't think it wise to go where sick people congregate while my immune system was compromised. Also the meds they prescribe can cause recurring symptoms.
I'll never take a drug or vaccine again, any trust I had for them was lost with the Anthrax vaccine in 2003. Even if I was a hardcore pharma supporter before Covid, the fact that they haven't taken the not really a vaccine off the market because of the massive deaths would be all I would need to know. Then you have the fact that they don't work, period...

They could tell the truth about Gubment famous people that have never gotten it, hence they keep getting Covid... I guess they are fine with that exposure proving there is no efficacy.
I forgot to mention how at the beginning of the month I was driving home from a business trip and happened to look out my side window and saw a huge fireball falling out of the sky. It broke in two and kept falling and burning. It was incredible. It was probably in view for a full two seconds, which you'll realize is a long time if you count it out loud.

Later I researched it and apparently tons of people across like six states saw it as well, there was even some video although none caught the fracturing that I saw.

I was thinking back on that today. It's probably a once-in-a-lifetime, maybe once-in-three-lifetimes thing to get to see.
Shan, I hope you recover quickly.
Redneck, I had to give a dog thyroid meds and it sucked. Had to break it up and slip it into cheese and get her excited about her "treat" and she would practically inhale it.

Got cold enough to close my window last night. Cats and dogs piled on me. My brother accidentally locked poor Rupert in the closet overnight. I didn't know that closet had been opened and was wondering where Rupert was. Then I was in my bathroom and heard a cat meowing from the wall. Went and opened the door and out he stumbled. I immediately set him up with food and water. He's been obsessed with sitting on me ever since.

Arm is still throbbing.

Going to the Honda dealership tomorrow for some maintenance and to get them to write a letter saying the DVD is bogus. Ebay CS told me to return it and that seller should have to return ALL money and pay for shipping if the product was not as described-- and something that doesn't work is not as described. I bet the seller knows it too. Keeps insisting I destroy it. Seller said "destroy it and I'll refund all but $9.99". I said told him I'm not accepting anything less than a full refund on a defective product and that CS told me he had to pay return shipping. I hope Ebay will back me on this as it goes forward. Talking to them in Twitter DMs for now. They said they are starting the return process for me and that the seller can not keep any of the $. Said it was a defective product & they don't get to keep any $ over that.

Looks like there were 50+ tornadoes in the past few days. Some landed east of my area. Looks pretty ugly. Family on the news said their house had been in the family for 100+ years and was completely destroyed.
I still test positive for Covid seven days after my high temp day. I don't have any symptoms other than I can't get excited about what I want to eat and procrastinate a lot.
Ok, Honda appointments were booked up so I'm going Monday. Called the guy from the dealership to let him know and he said he'll see me then. Graham-- the person from Ebay who has been helping me out has been very nice. Said to send a DM if I have any more problems with the ebay seller. I'm waiting for the chance to leave a 1 star review but I want my refund first. Graham said I didn't even need the proof from the dealership if the new disk doesn't work.

AC guy still has not called back. My brother turned the heat on last night but I turned it off this morning. Was getting too hot. I'm waiting for him to wake up so we can go pick up his RX (insurance finally approved it) & grab some stuff from the store. Also need to get mail. My drywall sanding vacuum attachment should be at the post office.

I sent my sister's amazon wishlist to Mom & she ordered a few items off of it for her. She's getting a Cuisinart stainless steel egg cooker. Sister sent us gifts but I don't know what they will be. Even if it's something I don't like I appreciate that she sent something. She doesn't usually send gifts.

My friend said his electric bill was over $600 this month-- I think it's bc of his gf constantly leaving the door open. He said he's kicking her out today. He gave her notice last week that she had to be out and she refused to leave but now the bio dad of the baby she had has the baby so she can't use the baby as an excuse. I suspect he's got someone else lined up to date bc that's usually what it takes for him to kick an ex to the curb. But, that's just my guess. Plus she has been making a huge mess in his house and he can't even enjoy time at home bc she's always b****ing at him. & then constantly calls and texts him when he's at work. Hopefully he'll stick to his guns on this one and not let her come crawling back.
Apparently positive Covid tests can occur for up to three months after an infection The instructions are to mask for five days after isolation then forget it unless new symptoms appear.
Apparently positive Covid tests can occur for up to three months after an infection The instructions are to mask for five days after isolation then forget it unless new symptoms appear.
Or just throw out the rules completely because they have never been right about anything... Or be like Elon and take 4 tests a day in which 2 are positive and 2 are negative.
I was driving home from a business trip and happened to look out my side window and saw a huge fireball falling out of the sky. It broke in two and kept falling and burning. It was incredible. It was probably in view for a full two seconds, which you'll realize is a long time if you count it out loud.
2 seconds can be a long time to have your eyes off the road when driving... hope you saw it through the windshield...
I still test positive for Covid seven days after my high temp day. I don't have any symptoms other than I can't get excited about what I want to eat and procrastinate a lot.
Those tests just check for high antibody levels... they don't know what caused the increase... need an electron microscope look at your blood to determine that... see what virus you have...
Antigen Covid tests are very accurate for positive results but not for negative results. Put another way, if an antigen test is positive, it is pretty much guaranteed that the person has Covid. However, a negative test is quite common even for folks that have Covid because the sensitivity is not that high; that why with antigen tests people often test twice.
My plan for today was to do some cleaning inside the truck but it was cold out so I decided to start cleaning inside after tripping on trash and hurting my shoulder again. My brother kicked a bunch of trash out of his room into the hallway & the cats started using trash as litterboxes instead of their actual litterboxes. There was also a ruined towel and pet bed that the dogs pissed all over & between my back & fatigue I hadn't gotten around to cleaning them up. Those two items were beyond saving. I got most of the hallway cleaned (just one tiny segment needs to be cleaned up- maybe like 1/10th of the hallway. I had to pick up a bunch of plastic bags and empty water bottles that the dogs and cats dragged in. Cats play with the bags. Dogs play with the bottles. My brother-- despite saying his shoulder feels better-- still will not take out the trash. So, I pulled out the 55gallon trash bag from kitchen trash (we use an outdoor trash can in the kitchen) and set it down. It was full as far as it could go inside the can. I filled it up more sweeping up trash and set it aside. Then I filled up another bag and set it aside. Got one that was too heavy to put more stuff into so I tied it off. After I had 3 full bags I hauled them out. Hauled out 2 more bags after that. Mostly box stuff and things that take up space. There's all kinds of paper stuff stuck to the floor that will take more effort to get up, but I wanted the tripping hazards out of the way. I had to take a break and a nap after about an hour or two of working. Then after my nap I started up again. Had to stop when my body decided not to cooperate anymore. It got too dark to clean in the front room. Trash bag in the bin in the kitchen is currently 95% full. I'm certain that when Mom comes out she'll only comment that I didn't get the stuff stuck to the floor up. But, no more stuff sticking out in her way. I'm about to take a nap and then organize the pet bowls (which I piled up to get them out of the way) and take another nap. Not having any appetite today so I've been drinking water instead. Watch my mother will suddenly decide to want food when I get comfortable. LOL.
2 seconds can be a long time to have your eyes off the road when driving... hope you saw it through the windshield...
Hah, no, in absolute terms it was probably not safe. It was out my driver's side door window, and I was completely mesmerized. Luckily it was on a Thursday night in the middle of nowhere and there were very few other cars on the road, plus the road was flat and straight and driving conditions were clear and calm. Sure, I don't recommend anyone take their eyes off the road that long, even if Zeus himself appears in the sky.

But I did, and I'm glad I got to see it. Plus I'm lucky I didn't crash. (Peripheral vision at least helps; if anything unusual was going on in the road my eyes would have been pulled instantly back in that direction.)
Hah, no, in absolute terms it was probably not safe. It was out my driver's side door window, and I was completely mesmerized. Luckily it was on a Thursday night in the middle of nowhere and there were very few other cars on the road, plus the road was flat and straight and driving conditions were clear and calm. Sure, I don't recommend anyone take their eyes off the road that long, even if Zeus himself appears in the sky.

But I did, and I'm glad I got to see it. Plus I'm lucky I didn't crash. (Peripheral vision at least helps; if anything unusual was going on in the road my eyes would have been pulled instantly back in that direction.)
I saw a very similar meteor once. Really bright and long lasting. It split into 2 pieces also before it burned out. It was really spectacular. It was probably 18-20 years ago.