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I admit that I like watching some of the home reno programs that are supposed "reality" but I know they are scripted. Like The Property Brothers don't actually find homes for sale and will only let someone be on the show if they are already in closing on a house they found themselves or through a real realtor. On Love It or List It its the same deal. Most of the houses they show aren't even for sale. They film the people with both endings (saying they will love it or list it) and then producers choose which ending to show. Some where they say they are listing are not listing bc the houses "for sale" were not for sale and they are stuck with whatever renos were done to their house. They also take about a $20k cut out of the budget for "production costs". They got sued by at least one couple over shoddy work & taking budget meant for reno for the production.

but I still watch some of those programs just to see the renovations.

I really hate the super fake shows like the Repo men and stuff where if it were real it would be illegal. And I hate all of the celebrity "reality" stuff like Kardashians. I really don't give a flip about an Armenian mob family.

I know even the court programs like Judge Judy have fake/scripted elements but I like to watch those out of nostalgia bc my late elderly friend watched them every weekday when we would come over for coffee & cookies.

My plans for getting anything done have not one well. Between my exhaustion and the heat outside I can barely move. I had to let the dogs in early bc they were overheating. I did clean stuff out of the truck a little bit, but not enough. Couldn't be out there for more than a couple minutes.

I did go to Lowes and find some paint on clearance that I liked the colors of. Got two can and am trying to decide which one to use on my door (since Mom said she didn't want the color of my new door's paint to be white on the hallway side). Also went to Samsclub to get water and milk. Got the latter but they were out of the former.

My skittish cow actually let me pet her and scratch behind her ears so I got her sweet feed.
Taking out the old stone step was incredibly dusty. We’ll be fighting the dust for a while! Originally, there was a 36” wide door centered on the stone step but I opened up the wall to make a larger opening and the stone step didn’t make sense anymore, plus it was ugly.
Today I pulled out some poison ivy near by a neighbor's fence and sprayed whatever I couldn't pull out. Most of the poison ivy originates on his side and is growing through the fence. Plus, the fence is his and it's starting to fall apart.

I'm friends with all my neighbors, except this one who I've never even had a full conversation with. I will have to be careful to navigate this fence/poison ivy thing without creating any drama.
Ron, great job on the flooring and steps!

Flyover, I hope you can get things navigated with the neighbor. I wonder if he likes having poison ivy to deter people from touching stuff. Or if he just doesn't care.

My 20+ year old Frigidaire upright "frost free" freezer is going out. Stuff is melting even though it feels cold and air is blowing. Mom told me to turn it colder. Can't find the dial. But there is a big block of ice over the lower left area. Mom said "Can't you just wipe it away?" I had to explain that it's not just a small amount- it's a huge chunk. I will have to take everything out and store it, defrost the freezer, to get rid of ice, and try to figure out what is wrong. Either that or get a new freezer.

My friend thinks a coil is frozen over. I have no idea. Any ideas?

Meanwhile, we've figured out how to keep the pups from getting in once we let them outside. Cats can still get in so its a win win. Pups don't think so. They whine and scratch at the back door.

I went to visit my friend today. He said his kidneys are so infected they are barely working. He can only drink water. He threw the kittens outside and I held two of them. The fluffy orange one (that I've named Mochi) had burrs all stuck in her fur. I spent half an hour picking them all out. I did pause to give her snuggles in between. She rolled on her back and let me rub her tummy. Sweet little thing.
The neighbor in question is due west of my house. The neighbor directly to the south of him and sw of me has had the same problem (poison ivy growing out of the w neighbors lawn, through the fence into his lawn), and talked to him about it once. Sw neighbor told me the w neighbor denied it and claimed the poison ivy originated from the sw neighbor's lawn! I have been in the sw neighbor's lawn and can verify this is not the case.

So now I'm prepared for the w neighbor to make the same claim to me, that it's growing out of my lawn and through the fence into his. I doubt photo evidence will help because I'm sure that's what my sw neighbor would have tried. Maybe I can invite him over to my side to look with his own eyes? But I'd bet my sw neighbor tried that too.

So for now I'll just keep spraying whatever I can't pull out. As for the collapsing fence, maybe I'll just let it fall all the way and then see what he does.
@zannej I use a hair dryer to remove ice in my chest freezer w/o removing all the content. Also to defrost a dorm fridge in the garage.
It turns out that there were some boxed frozen food items blocking the internal vents that circulate air in the freezer. I noticed when pulling stuff out and have now moved the obstructions so the air is circulating and the freezer is working better. I will need to make sure not to let those get blocked again. I haven't checked to see if there is still a massive chunk of ice down lower, but some of the stuff melted and then refroze so we may need to throw some stuff out. The ice cream took a hit.

The puppies managed to dislodge the obstacles we put in place to keep them out, but only the female came in to sit in my room. She left the cat food alone and was content to sit in a laundry basket near my bed. She was well-behaved. The male came in when I was calling them to put them up in the front room. They like it in there because they have a queen size bed and air conditioning. Unfortunately, they completely ruined the carpet in there.

The heat has not been helping my exhaustion levels.
I worked a couple of hours cutting back invasive forsythia in a shady area where native fern and monarda have a good stand. They are natural companion plants and monarda in bloom looks beautiful growing amongst ferns. I will have to carefully wage war on the forsythia when new sprouts appear.
That's beautiful Shan but why on earth would you paint it??
That's beautiful Shan but why on earth would you paint it??

If I can find a top to go with it at some point, I probably wouldnt. It is gorgeous as is. Although, I dont like the gold handles, or gold at all. I might clean those up and spray paint them. That would probably satisfy me for a while. Lol
If I can find a top to go with it at some point, I probably wouldnt. It is gorgeous as is. Although, I dont like the gold handles, or gold at all. I might clean those up and spray paint them. That would probably satisfy me for a while. Lol

The American Pickers' Grandkids would find it in 50 years and say "Somebody painted this?????!!!!!"
Long time no posting.....
My find I got today at Habitat Restore.
I will probably paint it at some point, I'd like to find an upper hutch piece for it at some point also. For now, it is going in the kitchen and I am getting rid of a chrome microwave stand and putting that stuff in and on this
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Nice find!
Looks nice, Shan!

I had a day with a lot of sleeping again. Had a sinus headache most of the day but was able to pick up mail and go to the store to get more food for Mom. I still forgot the damn potato salad though. She left it off the list. I had to get printer ink so she could print her taxes. H&R's tax program left off one of the deductions she could take & it was going to cost her $1800. I did an override and fixed it but it won't submit digitally because of the override. I'll have to mail the forms off tomorrow. Printer ink prices are freaking insane though. And even if I have full black ink, it won't print if it is low on colored ink.

My brain does not want to function right now. It got down to 93° after I left the store.
The robin that built and then abandoned its nest in my garage on the ladder, built a new nest on the box for the electric meter right outside one of the sunroom windows--and has now found a Mrs. robin who apparently Agreed To Do The Deed with him because she's laid two eggs in it. She sits on those eggs most of the day.

Right beneath this nest is a window well, and in that window well lives a toad. Last year there were four living there, so I hope this one gets more company this year.