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Ruby and I bought two new desktop computers that were on sale at Costco the other day. I set them up and configured them today. It went pretty well, it seems they are getting easier to configure and transfer all the data from the old computer these days.

Got a Covid test at the doctor’s office and then Put some more decorations up.

@RedneckGrump so sorry to hear about Zorha, prayers for a miracle headed that way...

@Spicoli43 Botulism is actually pretty rare... however it does only take one time. From what I have read, you can let the broth cool skim the fat off and then follow canning guidelines strictly.

Here's what the CDC says, Home Canning and Botulism

Its all in the proper procedures and boiling for the correct amount of temp/elevation etc.

Also, I hear alot of homesteaders talk about how you have to wash the outside of the jars off after they have cooled and you should NEVER store with the rings on. If you have clean jars, you will know if something didn't seal properly. ALSO, you should ALWAYS wipe the rim of the jar (and I vote the threads also) with vinegar or apple cider vinegar because they act as a degreaser and help ensure a good seal.

I get an extra day off since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I plan to do a bunch of nothing.... maybe puzzling, maybe reading, maybe napping..... got some planes for next rotation off, hopefully nothing stalls those!

Have a great night and I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow... mine was great today.... I forgot to take pictures. However, this was the first Thanksgiving dinner at the dining room table actually IN THE DINING ROOM since like 2010ish.

I enjoyed it immensely!
I was invited to Thanksgiving dinner in a gated community. The meal is catered so I imagine it will be kinda fancy. About nine people total two of which have been friends since 1999 the others will be new friends. Maybe a house with a view the name of the community is Cliff Ridge.
I was invited to Thanksgiving dinner in a gated community. The meal is catered so I imagine it will be kinda fancy. About nine people total two of which have been friends since 1999 the others will be new friends. Maybe a house with a view the name of the community is Cliff Ridge.
That's great Eddie! Is that on the Mountaintop golf course? Fancy!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow... mine was great today.... I forgot to take pictures. However, this was the first Thanksgiving dinner at the dining room table actually IN THE DINING ROOM since like 2010ish.

I enjoyed it immensely!
Your hard work is paying off! Just another thing to be thankful for!
I screwed my shoulder up in the car accident we were in years back, and trying to convince insurance doctors my shoulder was (sorry) phucked! Ended up finally having the rotor cuff surgery almost 3 years after the accident... I have had a few surgeries, and that is one I don't ever want again!
I messed up my left rotator cuff (and head) after being thrown off a ladder by an angry tree. I came back from the ER and taught the tree a lesson. Anyway...the doctors are recommending surgery but after the experiences I've gone through with surgery lately, I don't think I want to do it. It sounds like you don't recommend it either. What happened that you wouldn't do it again?

2022 003 010 Fall off ladder 03.jpg
I had shoulder surgery in 2010 for a torn labrum and bone spurs in the AC joint. I was in a sling 6 weeks before I could start PT. It was really painful. I think with RC surgery you start PT in a couple weeks. I have bone spurs in the other AC joint but it will have to get a lot worse before I do that again.
@Ron Van I too have torn both rotator cuffs. I didn't find it to be horrible, however... it is a mind game doing therapy. Speaking of therapy, dependent upon what all is torn and the extent, you may be able to get by with just physical therapy to strengthen up the supportive muscles. Hope that helps!

And Yes, I was very Thankful for yesterday. Today.... I am resting this dumb SI joint, and reading The body keeps score: Brain, mind and body in the healing of trauma

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thanks Shan, but there's too many rules and it's not like I will have a mild cold if I screw it up... I will just accept that I'm not allowed to do it.

Happy Thanksgiving all!
Just cool a little and put in freezer bags. A quart bag will hold about 2 cups of broth. Lay flat in freezer, when frozen you can stack or stuff or whatever you want
Good Evening Friends...

The first thing I want to say is that you are probably all stuffed, sitting around and relaxing... But I wish YOU all a very very Happy Thanksgiving... Happy Turkey Day...

Been a very busy day from morning till about 6 tonight... Don't really want to get into it, but am home now, relaxing in my chair, writing to YOU guys...

Praying for Zorha. Please cure her Cancer.
Thank you very much @Spicoli43

Filled 2 trash bins trimming my pomegranate tree. Looks like my neighbors jumped the wall and stole over a hundred beautiful pomegranates, leaving me 2 of them.
Time to get cameras or a BIG dog... or donkey they are very territorial

@RedneckGrump so sorry to hear about Zorha, prayers for a miracle headed that way...
Thank you very much @shan2themax

I messed up my left rotator cuff (and head) after being thrown off a ladder by an angry tree. I came back from the ER and taught the tree a lesson. Anyway...the doctors are recommending surgery but after the experiences I've gone through with surgery lately, I don't think I want to do it. It sounds like you don't recommend it either. What happened that you wouldn't do it again?
I had a torn rotor cuff from the car accident... Yes, I was in the sling for six weeks, and then ended up with a frozen shoulder. So, I started physio about a week after coming out of the sling. I set up a pulley thing in my basement from the ceiling and put a waist strap on the rope on the pulley, and that is how I worked my shoulder before physio... Was a lot of pain... But I got it done... @Ron Van if ya need the surgery, Buddy, get her done, cuz it doesn't get any better... For example, I ripped my ACL back in my teen years playing lacrosse, and to this day it's still torn... I can live with it, but the torn Rotor Cuff, it got to a point, I could not raise my arm more than 15 degrees

So Everyone, again I hope YOU all had a very Happy Thanksgiving Day, and Please be careful with the rushes in the stores for Black Friday...

Thank you for all your prayers, very nice of YOU all...

Have a GREAT Long Weekend Everyone!!!
While we are on the torn body part topic, both my shoulders and knees are shot. I don't take any pain meds, but have done Acupuncture in the past, which works when one finds an excellent technician, preferably a graduate of Bastyr University, which is the "Rolls Royce Gold Standard" of alternative therapy schools. I have had Acupuncture that didn't work from some that apparently went to "Ben's kneedle sticking instruction course"...

I will not go to therapy, will not have surgery, and will not go to the worthless VA about it. I would rather go to a car mechanic and have them work on my knees and shoulders because they have FUNCTIONAL brain cells.
@Ron Van- if ya need the surgery, Buddy, get her done, cuz it doesn't get any better... For example, I ripped my ACL back in my teen years playing lacrosse, and to this day it's still torn... I can live with it, but the torn Rotor Cuff, it got to a point, I could not raise my arm more than 15 degrees
Yes, I believe you are right. It won't get better. I had every intention of getting the rotator cuff surgery until my bad Cologuard result came in which prompted a Colonoscopy, which resulted in a colon Resection (they took a chunk out), which got infected, and then I had a bad reaction to the antibiotics, which resulted in three different episodes of swollen facial features and chest pains bad enough to go to ER. To make a bad situation badder, Ruby and I both tested positive for Covid on Wednesday. That explains some of my weird symptoms. I'm a little hesitant to do the rotator cuff surgery now. I don't think my shoulders are nearly as bad as yours where. My major complaint is that it's hard to sleep on my side. When I sleep on my back, Ruby says I snore.

I had a MRI done on my shoulder. The nurse called a week later and said, "It's pretty bad." I asked her to give it to me in plain English because I don't understand medical jargon. She said, "It's bad." I'm not sure what that means because it doesn't feel that bad, except when I try to reach in certain directions or sleep.
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@Ron Van you should be able to get a print off of your radiology report, that way you know exactly what is wrong.

I'm off to work in a bit, I am really dreading it because of my back and SI joint. It woke me up several times overnight and is so angry. I am over it, literally over it. I feel like I have the body of a 90 year old. Call me a waaaahhmbulance.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great day!
Good Evening Chums...

Does anybody do the Black Friday Games today... They kinda have the black Friday up here, Well. we went out and got a dishwasher, so I know what I am doing as of Tuesday when it comes in... I have bought Samsung Fridge, and Stove, so I was hoping to get a Stainless Steel Samsung Dishwasher, and we got one...So, after Tuesday when it gets here, I will be installing it...Be nice to have it installed before the family Christmas Dinner...

Oh yes, and this morning we had friends over, that we hadn't seen for about 8 - 9 years... So, we had a good visit with them...

Well, that's all the excitement going on here... Hope YOU all had a GREAT day
Hey everyone. Sorry if I mixed up stuff with who said what. I have such a hard time remembering things. Been raining so internet has been dropping. I watched the latest episode of Andor. Watched a bunch of "how to" videos on Youtube. Looked up some recipes for fried rice. Didn't the usual veggies so used corn & broccoli. Too much corn though. Need to add more rice later. Turned out ok though. Mom didn't hate it.
Mostly did online shopping because I was not about to go anywhere near a store today. Going tomorrow though. Need to get groceries.
I've found that if I sing to myself while in the store I can somewhat drown out the crappy music. I stroll through the aisles singing a creepy version of (Ding Dong) Hide and Seek".

Anyway, I scored some electrician's tools, some cleaning supplies, and some sewing patterns on sale online.

Waiting for my brother to get home from work to weigh in on the fried rice.
For those in the Stock Market, this is a recommendation for a ground floor opportunity in a company called Enzolytics (ENZC)... Of course I'm not trying to spam the board, and if you read the link, you will understand the potential.

I'm not saying "Mortgage your House" to buy shares, but at less than 5 cents, you can easily make some coin on it... Do your due diligence and research, but at a bare minimum if you don't want to invest, research the product that will be released in stores soon, IPF Immune... From being an investor for 2 years, I think it will help anybody that has had Covid, which is almost the entire planet. I'm ordering as soon as I can, or going to get it at CVS or wherever.

Also, their Clone 3 Anti-HIV Monoclonal Antibody was initially "kinda" funded by the NIH, which then decided not to fund it fully, and then when they realized their mistake, Fauci tried to steal it from the inventor, patent holder and rightful owner, the CMO of Enzolytics, Dr. Joseph Cotropia....

Dr. Cotropia's brother Charles, the CEO, is also a Patent Attorney of 40 some Years, so that didn't work out too well for Fauci... Just a fun fact for those that didn't think he was evil, which is basically nobody.

(Bioclonetics is now fully owned by Enzolytics)..
