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Good Morning Folks,
Well, the sun is already shining, and it is +7 already...Snow is disappearing slowly, but can see grass again... Perfect... We have company coming over, brother and sister in law... so that's always good for a couple of beers, a couple of shots of Forty Creek Whiskey... and then a Prime Rib for dinner with a bottle or two of red wine...

The only problem is their 1.5-year-old Puppy, (cocker spaniel) that constantly is in Carl's face...Carl growls and snaps at him (he would never bite him) But Charlie doesn't get the message...One day he might... (LOL)

Well, that is my day... I want to get online and see if I can find the dimensions for this dishwasher, so I can frame it in before Tuesday, run the water lines, and drain...

Well, folks, that is my day planned in a nutshell... Hope YOU all have a wonderful Saturday...
Just updated my spice cabinet... Found a bunch of spices that were from 2017, so discarded them. Found out I was short on Basil, Catnip and Curry... Looking out at the patio, I pictured myself building a nice spice rack instead of having them in little Mason Jars, but I'm getting Miron Violet jars and need them before cutting wood. That won't happen until next year.

Side note... As long as Catnip doesn't interfere with any RX drugs you are on, you can brew a cup like any other Tea... It's incredibly relaxing, the Polar opposite of what it does to Terrorists... er... Cats.
That's not too bad Spicoli, but yeah could be better. I have a nice alphabetized 20-jar spice rack on the counter next to the stove where each jar is tilted so I can read the top of the lid, but all my less-used spices, bulk spices, and other non-spice ingredients like oils/vinegars/cornstarch/etc. are in a cabinet like that. Some day I think I'll expand onto the adjacent wall and build several shallow shelves so they can all go there one row deep. Alphabetized of course. Hm, or maybe on the inside of the cabinet door, and just reduce the depth of the shelves in the cabinet to accommodate.
Morning all. I'm up at 5am because I heard my brother coughing really hard. He got sent home early from work yesterday bc he was sick. Almost lost his voice. We were out of chicken noodle soup in the house so I went out and got the pack I forgot to unload from the truck and brought it in. Went to samsclub yesterday and had to load five cases of water, three 25lb sacks of cat food, and 2 gallons of milk. Grabbed some stuff for arthritis pain to see if it helps my shoulder. It's hurting all the way under my collarbone now. Fortunately, Mom still had potato salad, chicken salad, and bread so she made herself sandwiches while I was gone. Good thing bc something was going on up there and the cops were all over the place with the roads closed off. Took me an extra 30min driving around it to get back on the road home. The way this place is designed you can't just go back the road you came on, you have to go on some sort of roundabout and they had al the roads to it closed. I had to take backroads (with the help of gps) to find my way around. At one point a cop waved me through but he pointed the flashlight directly in my eyes and temporarily blinded me & another car disregarded his instructions to stop and blew through in my way so I had to wait while the cop was shouting at this person to stop. They almost ran him over. It was very clear he was blocking that road and the person tried to get around his car. While he was dealing with that person I was able to go. I was going to go to Walmart too, but was too tired by the time I got back into town.

I had grabbed food at Wendy's to eat when I got home. It was almost cold but they wrap their stuff in foil so it stays warmer. After eating I crawled into bed and just about passed out. Mom didn't complain because I think she saw how exhausted I was. I barely made it into the bed and my shoulder was giving me grief while I adjusted pillows and tried to get comfortable.

Anyway, got my brother some soup and some Mucinex and then refilled his water bottle with filtered water so he can stay hydrated. He has to sleep sitting up bc of al the mucus and was using a neck pillow I got him awhile back. The last two nights he gave me some of the food he bought before coming home. He had ribs the other night and chicken last night.

My spices are all over the place. Some on the floor bc cats are a-holes and got into the cabinet. Some are on a shelf I can't reach in the cabinet over the microwave. We do have spice rack thingies but they won't fit some of the larger spices. I've thought about building a rack to the side of one of the cabinets but I'll have to get measurements.

Trying to get back to sleep. I keep waking up sweating and Bethesda keeps licking my leg with her sandpaper tongue. Sir Hammington just popped up (literally made a sound bumping something), meowed and climbed on me. At least he didn't pounce this time.
Ron, that sucks. I hope you're feeling better and that your daughter and SIL will get over it quickly. Pretty sure my brother got some kind of cold or something from our friend's kid. She had the same symptoms and climbed all over my brother while sick. She sat on his shoulders and farted on him (for which she apologized).
I believe they tested my brother for Covid at work and it came out negative. I'm trying to avoid too close contact with him bc I do not need to get sick.
Me, Ruby and her mother had Covid last week. It’s back! Now my daughter and SIL have it.
My SIL came down with covid last week. She started having fainting spells, she passed out several times in a couple of days. Ended up in the ER on Wednesday and has been in the hospital since. She has been diagnosed with atrial flutter and her heart beat was 160+. They have managed to get it down in the 70's but it keeps returning to the high rates. Lots of tests going on. The nurses said they have been seeing a lot of covid cases coming in with people having heart complications of one sort or another. She has never had any issues with her heart prior. Hoping she can go home Monday or Tuesday but we'll see.
That's not too bad Spicoli, but yeah could be better. I have a nice alphabetized 20-jar spice rack on the counter next to the stove where each jar is tilted so I can read the top of the lid, but all my less-used spices, bulk spices, and other non-spice ingredients like oils/vinegars/cornstarch/etc. are in a cabinet like that. Some day I think I'll expand onto the adjacent wall and build several shallow shelves so they can all go there one row deep. Alphabetized of course. Hm, or maybe on the inside of the cabinet door, and just reduce the depth of the shelves in the cabinet to accommodate.
I would have a spinning spice rack on the counter, but the Cats would think that was the best toy ever.
Ron, that sucks. I hope you're feeling better and that your daughter and SIL will get over it quickly.
It wasn’t that bad for me. I had a stuffy nose for a day. Ringing in the ears a headache for a couple days. It’s all good now.

Hope everybody that has / had Covid is okay. The Heart problems are probably due to the Covid shots, that's the main side effect. People have to detox if they got the shots.
Yeah, Ruby and I never got the jab.
Here's a Free E-book about reversing damage from the not-really-a vaccine. You'll get access to a Free documentary series as well with lots of Doctors. I have been watching Doc series like this for a decade and have learned tons of stuff about Health topics.

If you just want the E-book and don't want the documentary series, just unsub from their emails. On day 2 or 3 of the series, they will offer to sell it in case you want to have access to it for life.

I made a wooden 24 bottle spice rack many years ago. Most of the spices I don't use since my wife passed. Some that are old I just use extra if I happen to need them.

I didn't get the jab and usually carry a nasal spritzer (with 1% povidone iodine) with me when I go out. When I was a guest for Thanksgiving I spritzed several times afterward.
I didn't get the jab and usually carry a nasal spritzer (with 1% povidone iodine) with me when I go out. When I was a guest for Thanksgiving I spritzed several times afterward.
I'm convinced I got covid because my immune system was weakened by the steroids and other medications I was on after my surgery. I hardly ever get sick.

After hearing RedNeckG talk about it and others, I'm pretty sure I don't want to get the rotator cuff surgery. I've had it with hospitals and their knife toting doctors.
We have a rotating thing to hold stuff for coffee-- like creamer & packets of sweetener. Similar to a rotating spice rack-- it turns and such. Cats knocked it on the floor and broke it.

I have a few friend who are nurses and they have all talked about young patients with no pre-existing conditions coming in with heart issues from Covid. One had an 18-yr-old who died from it. It can wreck the heart. I already have heart issues so I'm trying to avoid people.

My brother has some sort of respiratory infection now. He's been hacking up big chunks of greenish yellow mucus. He probably needs some nebulizer meds but his nebulizer has broken parts and they don't care parts locally.

Just finished cooking for Mom. Need to go to Walmart to get more groceries but not feeling up to it. I'll try to go tomorrow. I have mail to pick up then anyway. I'm a bit annoyed bc a package that is supposed to arrive tomorrow hasn't even been shipped yet.
I made a wooden 24 bottle spice rack many years ago. Most of the spices I don't use since my wife passed. Some that are old I just use extra if I happen to need them.

I didn't get the jab and usually carry a nasal spritzer (with 1% povidone iodine) with me when I go out. When I was a guest for Thanksgiving I spritzed several times afterward.
My Lungs are the victim of the Anthrax "vaccine" in 2003 before Iraq... I'll never take anything Pharma makes ever again. Shedding Blood in exchange for bribes results in people being cursed according to the Bible. I wouldn't want to be the CEO of Pfizer or Moderna.

My M.O. since 2000 has been to just take my Multi Vitamin, extra C and D3 and others, and in 2005 I switched to a plant based Multi. I hadn't had a hint of a Cold or Flu from 2000 until mid 2020, and that was weird, I assume it was Covid, but half my face felt dead and the other half was functional. I upped my dose of C then to 4-8 grams a day, and will continue that.

I also had a "cold" in 2021 that lasted a day and I killed it off with 10-12 Grams of C per day. I have sprayed things down with Vinegar or Peroxide since a long time before Covid.
I'm convinced I got covid because my immune system was weakened by the steroids and other medications I was on after my surgery. I hardly ever get sick.

After hearing RedNeckG talk about it and others, I'm pretty sure I don't want to get the rotator cuff surgery. I've had it with hospitals and their knife toting doctors.
Have you ever used DMSO? I have a long story about that, but to keep it simple, I'm walking because of it. Between Football and the Military, my knees and ankles are toast, but I can "rip" my knees and be walking fine the next day...

The last time I did that was a few years ago when I tried to kick the Soccer ball for my Dog and missed, hyperextending my knee. I low crawled into the house and just laid up for a day... Didn't use DMSO because I had used it several times since being introduced to it in 1993...

If you want the down low, I'll tell you more.