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Thanks, Shan. Its stopping me from hauling out the old microwave, which is annoying to me. I was barely able to get the cow feed loaded and unloaded.

Buzz, on the little island thing, I was thinking of using boards but its hard to find straight lumber here. The plywood is less likely to have warp to it. And its actually cheaper than the boards in my area. It is something I considered though.
Buzz, on the little island thing, I was thinking of using boards but its hard to find straight lumber here. The plywood is less likely to have warp to it. And its actually cheaper than the boards in my area. It is something I considered though.
Have you priced plywood lately? Often trim is placed around the edge of plywood to disguise that it's plywood or thin veneer... maybe your pieces needed are small enough you can find some scraps...
Have you priced plywood lately? Often trim is placed around the edge of plywood to disguise that it's plywood or thin veneer... maybe your pieces needed are small enough you can find some scraps...
Yes. I have a list of the wood I want to use and the prices. I can get more bang for my buck from the plywood pieces I want and they are easier to transport in my truck. 8' boards stick out more and I have 5' truck bed. They won't deliver out here so I have to transport it myself. Sometimes I have to open the rear window of the truck and stick stuff through. I can get the veneer or just seal up the edges with wood putty and then paint.
Good morning, 4 minutes before it would be Good Afternoon... Yup just got up and stayed up to watch my Sens lose at a late game...

Well, I was dead against firing the coach... But honestly, I think it's come to it... Probably won't happen till they sell the team which is up for 800 million... I remember when they were sold back in 2003 for 99 million... The big difference now... Anybody wanna go in with me... LOL...

Well, not sure what I am doing today... Still trying to wake up... Tomorrow, I have to be up early, because I have to be in Ottawa tomorrow for two dr appointments, the first one being 8:30... So I will probably leave here at about 6:30 tomorrow morning... and then my second appointment is at 10:30

What day is the Canadian version?
Our Thanksgiving Day is predicted to be the warmest day of the week, about 55 degrees...
The past week has been COLD and windy, more like January weather...
@BuzzLOL Our Thanksgiving was October 10th... But nowhere as BIG as yours...
@zannej I hope your shoulder gets better. I have torn and had repaired both of my rotator cuffs, shoulder problems are absolutely no fun!
@shan2themax yeah, I screwed my shoulder up in the car accident we were in years back, and trying to convince insurance doctors my shoulder was (sorry) phucked! Ended up finally having the rotor cuff surgery almost 3 years after the accident... I have had a few surgeries, and that is one I don't ever want again!
Have you priced plywood lately? Often trim is placed around the edge of plywood to disguise that it's plywood or thin veneer... maybe your pieces needed are small enough you can find some scraps...

I was pricing some 4X8 5/8 Pressure Treated plywood... In the middle of Fall, it was $165 a sheet... and I wanted two sheets... Only hope it drops come Spring...

Well, kids... I hope YOU all have a splendid day...

Let's just ignore the Buzz stuff before this thread gets shut down.

I still haven't decided if I am going to do all of the sag repair or just some of it. I probably should do option 2.... a caveat I don't think I mentioned is that the floor joist under the half bath is cut in half, there is blocking, however it is not sufficient and in the way for plumbing repairs.
My biggest angst about option 2 is if they knock plumbing loose, then I will have to hire a plumber and they are dumb expensive. I should have gone to school for plumbing/electricity.... oh heck, if I am gonna dream... just all the trades lol.

All jobs are important, ALL of them..... however, I have a hard to reconciling the fact that me physically bringing you back from the dead is considerably cheaper than plumbing repairs.... let's think about that for just a moment.

My sacroilliac joint HATES me the past 2 days. I am supposed to be preparing some dishes for Thanksgiving dinner I am having tomorrow, I haven't been able to do anything though....
I'm working on this puzzle. I may never get it done at this point lol. I dumped a bunch of pieces on the floor yesterday on accident. Its coming along though.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening.... and I hope I make up my mind before he calls me back lol
Shan, my 5 y/o son and I just started 1000 piece puzzle of our own. It's a photo of some town in Colorado...Breckenridge, I think? Looks cozy and inviting, makes me wanna go visit. Great way to boost tourism!

Anyway, I have been deliberately staying away from the puzzle so long as I have anything else to do because I get REALLY sucked into them. Speaking of addictions...
So... I have worked on the puzzle some more, I have sweet potato casserole in the oven, and I put the broccoli casserole together.... the eggs have been hard-boiled but I have yet to do anything else with them...
My sacroilliac joint has been a turd today.

I will have tonget my roasting pan out ofnthe garage tomorrow for tom turkey and I think I will cook the ham early and then people can just heat it up if they want. I normally make bone broth with my turkey bones but idk if I will be able to, we will jist have to see. If anything, I could at least put the bones in the freezer and do it another time. I still have a few quarts from last year though. Decisions, decisions.

Hope everyone has had a good day.
I'm gonna work on this puzzle a little, I will have to wait for the sweet potato casserole to cool for like 30 minutes before I can put it in the fridge.
We typically make stock from the turkey carcass too but we are pretty stocked on stock right now too. A friend of mine's mom used to always make soup from the turkey carcass. They called it dinosaur soup because of how the bones looked.
Redneckgrump, I hope you won't need to have anymore surgeries on your shoulder-- or anywhere else. Surgery can suck. I mean, it helps but it still is an ordeal.

Shan, if the joist under the bathroom is cut in half then I can understand why you would go that route. If they are licensed & bonded with insurance, they should cover any damage to plumbing though. If they mess it up, they should have to get it fixed. I also have a joist cut in half- big chunk taken out for a tub drain so I know how concerning that can be.

We haven't done holiday stuff ever since my father died. Just never felt like it after. Not doing anything special for Thanksgiving. Probably having leftover spaghetti that I just cooked today-- and that was a royal pain. The electric kettle boils water faster than on the cooktop so I went to boil the water but the kettle won't turn on. I checked to make sure its plugged in. It got knocked down one too many times and broke. Ordered a new one. Then something fell on top of the cooktop and cracked it (it's a portable one, not built-in). It still been working ok with the cracks but the water boiled over and caused the cooktop to start flashing error signs and malfunction. I had to keep switching sides and eventually had to pause my cooking in the middle of browning the meat and let it sit for a bit and start working-- but it's not heating as much as it was before. That is frustrating. I finally did get it cooked at least.

On the upside, I did find the accessory I got for the microwave to pick up hot bowls and cover stuff while its cooking. So I was able to use it when I set the spaghetti in a bowl in the microwave to keep cats out of it. I couldn't fit the noodles in the pan with the sauce so I had to mix them in a large bowl.

I saw some stools on clearance that my friend could use in his kitchen so I bought them. They fold up so they can be put out of the way when not in use. They hold 440lbs. He was looking at a set that had stools that only held 200lbs. They were made of particle board. He said they would be for the kids. I reminded him that the toddler dismantled the particle board drawer set in his room and he'd make short work of those stools.
@Spicoli43 I just let it cool a little and then put it in zipper freezer bags, wipe the zipper on the zipper bag well and then seal. Then I lay them flat on a metal pan in the freezer.

I found this that you may find useful.

I follow several youtubers that can broth also. I was going to give it a go this year, but my SI joint is still angry today.

I will find a link to one YouTube channel that has lots of canning experience.
Buzz just went on vacation for a week. If this continues once he returns, this will be a permanent ban.
Good Afternoon Folks...
Well, it was a fast morning... Set the google alarm for 5:30 this morning... And for some strange reason it did not go off, Lorie shook me and asked Google what time it was, and when I heard 7:10... Well up, hustled Lorie and Carl, and out the door at 7:30. Have to be at the Pain Doctor @ 8:30 in the city of Ottawa, which is about an hour and a half... Jumped off one hwy, onto another that took us up to Ottawa, Well, Yup we ran into freezing rain, so that slowed us right down, and then we jumped on the hwy that runs through Ottawa, and yup Ontario Provincial Police sitting on both sides of the hwy making people even slower... Well got to the doctors at nine... Then I had to go to the Ottawa hospital for a CT scan on my lung where they give you a dye by intravenous... While I was in there someone knocked on Lorie's window on the truck, It was a very good friend of ours that we have known forever who was in to see his wife who had her vertebrae taken out cuz it was covered in cancer... she also had 2 spots on her liver which is cancer and a spot on her lung... She just finished fighting breast cancer, and we had a big party for her... If there is anyone who prays in this form, I ask you to pray for Zorha, and I thank you very very much... I know that is going to ruffle a few feathers...

@zannej thanks Dear... but I don't think I have any surgery anytime soon... But Thank you...

Well, Kids... My wife needs a bottle of wine... So I am on my way to get her a bottle or box... all depends on how I feel when I get over there.. and then I am going to come home again, and make a cider apple whiskey sour...

So, I hope YOU all have a GREAT evening...
Thanks Shan, but that doesn't say anything about Botulism / how to avoid it. I looked for months on Youtube and other sources and couldn't find anything, so I'll just give up on it. There's 4 million articles on cooking it, none mention safety.

I looked for it to heal my gut, but my 7 week Detox took care of that.
Thanks Shan, but that doesn't say anything about Botulism / how to avoid it. I looked for months on Youtube and other sources and couldn't find anything, so I'll just give up on it. There's 4 million articles on cooking it, none mention safety.

I looked for it to heal my gut, but my 7 week Detox took care of that.
Are you considering bone broth different than stock? We make what we call stock often using bones along with vegetables and seasoning maybe. We freeze it often similar to what Shane does but do can it. We have a pressure canner because you need to processes meats products at higher temperatures. We do can some meat occasionally.
Are you considering bone broth different than stock? We make what we call stock often using bones along with vegetables and seasoning maybe. We freeze it often similar to what Shane does but do can it. We have a pressure canner because you need to processes meats products at higher temperatures. We do can some meat occasionally.
No. You describe the same thing, but the recipes I have seen have a TBSP of ACV to help the collagen release from the bones.