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@Flyover i need to get organized like that in my garage..... one thing at a time though.... and it is too cold for that business now. Although, I am sure that I will have to move some of it Round tomorrow for the guy that is coming (provided he needs attic access -which i would think that he would)

I have piddled around some more, went through a bunch of mail, put some odds and ends tools/supplies all in one spot... struggled to stay awake... did another 2 loads of laundry. Now I am trying to find something to put these scarecrows in until next year. Thoughts i would watch an old episode of Cold Case Files..... then I will get busy again I suppose....
My nest thermostat is trying to suffocate me, it did its seasonal thing and asked if I wanted it to monitor for the next 3 weeks to learn, to help save on electric bill... so I tried it and I got super hot earlier and the thing was on 75. So I changed it to 67 during day. We will see what it attempts tonight. Hopeful for a 64-67° (18ish C°) night.

Hope all is well!
I was napping when my brother asked me to go into town with him. He needed an oil change and I needed to pick up an RX. Usually they take a long time so I brought the other vehicle so I could drive us over to our friend's house while the oil was changed but it went quick so we both went over to friend's house. His gf wasn't there. She took his 2nd car without even asking and left & he has no idea where she went. His mom came over to bring a toy for her granddaughter. As she was leaving I told her that my friend had told the gf to leave repeatedly and she told him "NO" and to eff off. She was about ready to go in there and drag her out by her hair but I said she wasn't there. Said the girl had established residency so it would take formal court eviction. She happily declared that she could do it. I told her my mother offered to pay the court fees for eviction to get her out. She popped in to tell my friend that she would happily file eviction. She lamented it was 30 days but I informed her that since the girl was violent with him, doesn't pay any rent/bills & friend has her on video attacking him violently & he showed the video to the cops (but declined to press charges) its constructive eviction & she can get 3 days eviction. She was happy about that. Hopefully they will follow through. I told her I'd go to the courthouse with her when she files. Friend needs to dig up the video and we can corroborate that she's verbally abusive to him.

I helped him install some door trim around the barn door that goes to his kitchen. He asked me if I had measuring tape on me and of course, I always carry it with me. LOL.

My brother decided to stay over at our friend's house. I put a kitten on his lap (Namir's nephew) and he was cuddling the kitten. He's still really broken up about Namir dying. Feels the vet could have done more for him but wasn't willing to even try so he's mad at her.

Got home and cooked for Mom and am about to take a nap.
Boy, that might just get me motivated to clean up my shop.
@Ron Van You and me Both Buddy... Been trying to get out there for the last little bit... Little too cold now... so will probably wait till Spring...

Well Kids, not a lot to report on... So will try to get on later today, and see whats happening...

Made Beef Chili, was going to use Bison from Ontario... Good eatin, but it's frozen with paper between the patties, so I have to thaw it completely... So, next week after Thanksgiving...

I was standing in line at the grocery store, knowing I forgot something, realized it was Jalapenos, got them, put them in the fridge and forgot to put them in the Chili... DOH!!!


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I found out that one of my radial arm saws the one that I was planning to take outside and use to rip plywood for my kitchen island drawer boxes has a recall. The bad news is that even though Ryobi will pay for the return of the motor and carriage the refund is only $75. I may keep it and use it only as an overhead router.
Is this the weekend for the American's Thanksgiving?
What day is the Canadian version?
Our Thanksgiving Day is predicted to be the warmest day of the week, about 55 degrees...
The past week has been COLD and windy, more like January weather...
So.... they came and were here for a good while, doing all the measurements and answering all the questions and such. Idk if I asked all the questions that needed asked or not, but I asked. So the estimate was about where I thought it would be for the main beam area, although I wasn't expecting the back half to be the same amount.

Basically my main beam is only a 2x8 and the current piers are 11, 14, and 11 feet apart (🤯🤯🤯)some of the areas, the wood "supporting" the beams is nearly twisted to the point of slippage.

I am going to start another thread, that way if someone else comes here with the same problem they will have something to read.....
I found out that one of my radial arm saws the one that I was planning to take outside and use to rip plywood for my kitchen island drawer boxes has a recall. The bad news is that even though Ryobi will pay for the return of the motor and carriage the refund is only $75. I may keep it and use it only as an overhead router.
Seems like they should give you a new improved saw... is the problem really that serious?
My old Monkey Wards radial arm saw still works fine at 50+ years old... but prolly doesn't have whatever new safety equipment that is required now...
@68bucks White turkeys look rather anemic compared to heritage birds. I like turkey but cooking for one I settle for the occasional turkey breast.
I just put some sun tanning lotion on it in the form of Bar-B-Q sauce, wrap it in paper towels and then plastic wrap and put it in the microwave, quickly comes out really moist/juicy... eaters ask what trick I used...
Seems like they should give you a new improved saw... is the problem really that serious?
My old Monkey Wards radial arm saw still works fine at 50+ years old... but prolly doesn't have whatever new safety equipment that is required now...
Apparently the armature and shaft end are fastened to the rear part of the case with four tap screws into the plastic case. Two are long screws and two are short. The case apparently cracks around the short screws. What's interesting is that one can sometimes pick them up as low as $30-$50. None near me or I would pick a couple up for return rather than take the loss on mine. I may be able to fashion something to keep it together should it fail.

Some of the old Monkey Ward RAS had the high speed router spindle like the Ryobi. They used metal cases back in the day.
Reminds of my living room lamp tables I made 40 or 50 years ago... even the color... still using them...
Top and bottom shelves of 2" x 10" x 30" glued together edgewise (after cutting off rounded edges), 2" x 4" x 18" in between shelves, 2" x 4" x 1 1/2" 'feet' under bottom shelf... surprised the glue has held up this long... thought I used Elmer's glue, but maybe it was fibreglas resin that lasts a lifetime... after staining, poured polyurethane over the shelves for a good thick tough clear protective coating... let it sit however long it took for that to dry/cure...
Some of the old Monkey Ward RAS had the high speed router spindle like the Ryobi. They used metal cases back in the day.
Yeah, mine has the two accessory spindles and 20,000 RPMs universal motor and with gear driven blade shaft it saws deeper than the Sears version with blade on the shaft of the fat shunt motor. As I recall, the Sears wouldn't saw through 2" wood at 45 degrees angle...
Surprised the brushes never needed replaced as I did use it commercially at times as well... about the only plastic on it is the trigger switch lockout/machine lockout button(just put the button in your pocket)... gotta be careful, though, if take figure off button too quickly, the button pops out, heads for the floor, and tries to hide...
I saw a used Wards one at a flea market...
Of course, I also have a table saw, power mitre box saw, and a half dozen 7 1/4" builder's hand saws... had a $500 Sears Professional 7 1/4" magnesium 20 volt cordless saw, but the D. junkies got that...
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@Ron Van You and me Both Buddy... Been trying to get out there for the last little bit... Little too cold now... so will probably wait till Spring...

Well Kids, not a lot to report on... So will try to get on later today, and see whats happening...

Deciding which projects to get done during the warmup this week and what will have to wait until Spring...
Been feeling like I'm coming down with something the past three weeks, excessive thick phlegm in the throat... well it finally hit full blast Saturday afternoon... flu, fever, feeling sick, weak, and tired... went to bed... woke up Sunday morning and it had ended just as quickly, sick with flu feeling gone, phlegm gone, feeling like I'm freezing while actually burning up gone... but I did still feel wiped out Sunday and mostly rested... haven't eaten in 3 days... every food I thought of my stomach said "not interested" and my body said "don't have the energy" to eat... now I'm about to eat leftover homemade chicken noodle soup that looks like Shan's... but with mushroom soup added... of course...
Live life on the sunny side and you'll be healthier!

I built my house with a Sears 9" RAS including millwork. I didn't need to cut anything thicker than 1.5".
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I went into town to check mail. No packages and something we ordered very early this month is listed as "delayed" even though it was shipped. Pretty sure they lost the package. But they said we can get a refund even if it arrives later. Still frustrating.
Popped in to see my friend briefly. His gf was there and was giving me stink-eye the whole time. The toddler, who is locked in his room, was calling for attention. She yelled at him to shut the eff up. I said he wanted out and she said the living room was too messy. I told her she best get on cleaning it then. Friend looked miserable with her there. Then the baby woke up and made a small sound (not loud, not annoying) and the gf started whining about it. Friend went to pick the baby up but since I was there the gf pretended to care. Plucked the baby up roughly with no concern and no hint of any affection. She hates her own kids & its sad.

Grabbed some sweet feed for the cows at TSC and found the hay with molasses is back in stock so I grabbed a bale. The cows were ecstatic.

Cooked for Mom and am now resting with kitties piled on. My shoulder is still giving me grief-- pain is extending into my collarbone now. It's not bad pain, but enough to be annoying.