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Shan, I hope that deputy gets everything a civilian would if he was drunk... Obviously nobody should drive impaired, but there's a higher standard for LEO's. That said, the only story I found outside of FB from Huntington didn't say anything about alcohol. I can't see the FB story, but wouldn't be surprised if Fascistbook fabricated that part.

Hardly any fireworks last night, but people don't like doing them when it's 10 degrees. The 4th is a completely different story, they light them until 2 AM.

None of my animals have any problems with them, my younger cat has more issues with K-9 Dogs barking on episodes of COPS than any fireworks.

Homeopathy for animals works, you can give your animals a few pellets every night leading up to the 4th or every night during Thunderstorm season, and you should notice a huge difference.... Any health food store will have the pellets like the Walmart link.

Happy New Year!!!!

Glad to put 2022 behind me and look forward to what 2023 has to offer.

I made my late Christmas Dinner yesterday. I made a prime rib roast with mashed potatoes, prime rib gravy (took 4.5 hours to make), my oldest made asparagus, and my daughter made brussel sprouts, and then I made a cherry crumble (frozen). Delicious dinner, great company.

Learned about all kinds of New Years Eve/Day superstitions yesterday. Some are hilarious.

Hope everyone has a great day!
@Spicoli43 the video was of a protest that started after the candlelight vigil.

I hate what this sheriff will go through, for the rest of his life, no matter how it happened. However, I hope it isn't just swept under the rug. If it were a civilian they would have been put in jail until Tuesday when the magistrate was back, and he is at home. Which..... for him and his family is a good thing I guess so that they have time to spend together before whatever happens.
I was reheating applesauce (apple butter simulation) so it will keep another 10 days or so in the fridge. I had it on low and after maybe an hour I noticed it was bubbling. It got me thinking that a cooktop needs a slow cooker setting.

I have the original Crock Pot but seldom use it because the ceramic liner is not removable for washing. I hesitate to purchase a modern version as I am not sure how much I might use it and it would be something else to store. I am thinking of experimenting with a 120V burner (that I have on hand) and the voltage controller that I use with my quartz heater to simulate a slow cooker with any pot.
I'd be asking questions about that! The valve timing is set by aligning teeth on the belt to make the pulleys line up right. They can't get off unless the belt skipped a tooth which would be a major thing.
Hondas were some of the first vehicles to have VVT... Variable Valve timing... so that can get screwed up...
I hate what this sheriff will go through, for the rest of his life, no matter how it happened.
I hate that good officer Derek Chauvin got 22 years in prison simply for trying to arrest stoner career criminal George Floyd while he was suiciding himself perpetrating one last crime...
Hondas were some of the first vehicles to have VVT... Variable Valve timing... so that can get screwed up...
Sounds like a good reason not to buy a Honda (or anything with VVT). It's getting to where dealer maintenance visits are more than depreciation.
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Actually, which other profession can you get caught driving drunk, get arrested AND lose your job AND pension? Way more to lose if you wear a badge and screw up.

The guy the other day, who killed the Moreno Valley Motor Officer, had committed a robbery, an armed burglary, involved with stabbing a police dog, was pursued by cops several times, but was released to shoot and kill that officer while out on bail, UNDER HOUSE ARREST!

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Thought i heard random shots fired just now then realized that it was New Year's Eve.
Went down to the casino last night to watch the Ohio State - Georgia football game... kinda forgot it was also New Year's Eve... prolly 3 years since I've seen the casino packed like that... there was a live band, but playing 1990's music, so not my taste... I'm still 1940's - 1970's... was surprised by the shiny skimpy outfits some of the younger women were wearing in the middle of winter...
I guess I should root for TCU in the NC game, but I think 1-A Football is lackluster and boring because they only have 4 teams in the "playoffs", and most didn't really play anybody. A few years back when Alabama was #1 AGAIN, their strength of schedule was 85th or something like that.

With 1-AA Football, there is 24 teams in the playoffs, so they have to actually win several games. North Dakota State has dominated in the last decade, but they pay the refs. There is blatant evidence of that, and I question if they ever truly won anything, but that's the only Sport I have left.
I tried to watch some PBS music. I noticed that Bluegrass Underground was anything but bluegrass. As it signed off I noticed the program name had changed to the Cavern Sessions. I guess my favorite era was the folk music craze of the 60s and 70s. When my FTA satellite dish was operable I got some better PBS music programing from a station in the west. I don't recall the state. I don't know if FTA is worth a try nowadays or not the internet seems to have taken over.
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I guess I should root for TCU in the NC game, but I think 1-A Football is lackluster and boring because they only have 4 teams in the "playoffs", and most didn't really play anybody. A few years back when Alabama was #1 AGAIN, their strength of schedule was 85th or something like that.
Actually, in FBS, the 'playoffs' start the 1st Game of the season! Lose 1 game, like the 1st game, that ND did, and your chances at PlayOffs is questionable... lose a 2nd game, and forget it, as EbbTide learned this season!
I was really ticked last night, Ryan Day said he would play this game WILD! Not hold back and be overly conservative. But then the chicken shiiite didn't go for the measly ONE YARD, just punted the game away... laying all the loss blame on the poor kicker kid... plus Day did another of his usual NOTHING 4th Quarters! That's OK if it's 4th quarter Garbage Time, but not if you need the points... At least Ohio State proved they could shred Georgia's weak socalled 'defense' for most of the game...
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I tried to watch some PBS music. I noticed that Bluegrass Underground was anything but bluegrass. As it signed off I noticed the program name had changed to the Cavern Sessions. I guess my favorite era was the folk music craze of the 60s and 70s. When my FTA satellite dish was operable I got some better PBS music programing from a station in the west. I don't recall the state. I don't know if FTA is worth a try nowadays or not the internet seems to have taken over.
Just go straight to youtube... all your favorite old songs are there... plus they have videos with them now... that you didn't get to see when they were only on the radio...
Reminds me of 1970's when Hollywood decided there would be no more, or at least few, 'country'/western TV shows any more... would go all city/suburban/modern/cops/vehicles...
Was trying to call an older cousin, but discovered she had died, she and her sisters had grown up just before Rock-n-Roll was invented in early 1950's so was into RagTime. And since her one son had grown up with the kids of local musician RagTime Rick, she was always wanting me to join them when they went to see him play weekly. I would request to hear the song 'The Entertainer' from the movie 'The Sting' since that's about the only one I'm familiar with...
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Went to my Brother's and played an Xbox racing game... Forza 5. It's real addicting, but I'm not buying an Xbox to play it. I see I can get it for the computer, probably just have to buy an Xbox controller. I will have to figure that out.

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