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I went back and almost finished caulking. Just need to caulk around the controls (because the side without bolts won't sit flush against the surround), some touch-up caulking up high-- to make sure water gets directed into the tub if it somehow manages to get up there, and the baseboard in front of the tub. I'll get pictures later. My back is bugging me right now so I'm letting it rest. Tube of caulk ran out so I'll have to crack open another after my rest break. Then I get to clean up and try to get the caulk out of my hair.
I had put my hair up, but its so thin it doesn't stay so it fell out. Once the caulk cures I foresee a nice long hot shower in my future.

Question about caulking around the trim-- should I only caulk on the top part and where there is a gap and leave the bottom uncaulked? Or should I caulk all around?
YET, he's doing his part in ensuring the survival of the species, are you?
The world is already overpopulated. If his kids are all as cracked as Elon then its hardly doing the species any favors.

I just finished doing some touch-up caulking. Some of what I thought was cracking was just dirt that somehow got on the caulk before it dried. I got stuff mostly cleaned up and am waiting for the touch-ups to dry before I use some primer.
I'm too old to contribute more, besides, even with a plandemic and a deadly shot the population wasn't reduced.

"Survival of the species"... Seriously?
I didn't realize until a couple of days ago that Lake Guntersville is at the southernmost point of the Tennessee River. Of course I have seen it on maps but it just didn't register.

When Ruby was searching for houses along the Tennessee River, She thought we were in Tennessee but it turned out to be Alabama because, as you say, the river goes down into Alabama then turns and goes back up into Tennessee.
Happy Independence day everyone!

We didn't get a constitution until 1787. No one could come into agreement. Benjamin Franklin called for prayer and if it wasn't for a man most of us have never heard of we might not have made it. Roger Sherman proposed that each state have two Senators and that the number of Representatives be based upon population. It was known as The Connecticut Compromise.

Roger Sherman was the only person to sign all four of the important American Revolutionary documents: the Articles of Association in 1774, the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the Articles of Confederation in 1781, and the Constitution of the United States in 1787.
Very interesting! I didn't like history much in school, probably because of the way they taught it, but I find it fascinating now.

I was on my way to a friend's place for burgers and dogs when I lost a serpentine belt on my Geo Prism. I made it back home (about 5 miles) w/o serious overheating.
I'd be afraid to drive without that belt. I'm glad you made it.
I am speed reading Enemies and Allies by Joel C. Rosenberg for a perspective on the middle eastern situation other than the LSM.

Speaking of media I was invited by friends for an ice cream and cake birthday celebration last evening. The lady of the house was explaining that they didn't have a TV. As I looked around at the decor of the beautiful open plan house overlooking a private lake I realized that there was no place for a TV. I have dinner with them every couple of months so I am going to discuss it with them in a more private setting. I find that I hardly ever turn my TV on since the resolution of my Chromebook can simulate big screen performance by merely letting it fill my field of view. Her special needs son would like to view the movie Secretariat again plus I am sure that there may be other video material available they might find to be of value. I've never used a tablet but maybe that could be an option.
I am speed reading Enemies and Allies by Joel C. Rosenberg for a perspective on the middle eastern situation other than the LSM.
Easy... Fighting since the beginning of time, fast forward to some stability screwed up by Terrorists named Bush and Cheney facilitating the removal of the cog that provided stability named Saddam because people were for some bizarre reason scared of him, and ISIS is born.

Fast forward through 8 years of a Muslim President that won't do anything to secure peace in the region, get to President Trump who allowed the eradication of ISIS And brought peace to the Middle East between Bahrain, the UAE and Israel, fast forward to now when nobody is scared of the USA and everybody laughs mightily at the Rainbow Military.
Easy... Fighting since the beginning of time, fast forward to some stability screwed up by Terrorists named Bush and Cheney facilitating the removal of the cog that provided stability named Saddam because people were for some bizarre reason scared of him, and ISIS is born.

Fast forward through 8 years of a Muslim President that won't do anything to secure peace in the region, get to President Trump who allowed the eradication of ISIS And brought peace to the Middle East between Bahrain, the UAE and Israel, fast forward to now when nobody is scared of the USA and everybody laughs mightily at the Rainbow Military.

Actually, WAHHABI came to prominence in the 18th century and is still the primary religion in SAUDIA ARABIA, and is SUNNI, as was SADAM & OSB.

Prior to SADAM, IRAQ was considered a highly educated populace, but exiled and murdered allow the educator, much the same as POL-POT.

The conflict with IRAN, was because they are SHIA, and relegate their SUNNI population to the dregs of society.
Yeah, and the Sunnis in the Baath party in Iraq were suddenly poor... BMW's and Mercedes in their driveways, but they didn't move. They hated us. The always poor Shia people loved us.
I got the primer done and some touch-up to the primer. I forgot to bring the paint up from the workshop last night so I decided to sleep and let stuff dry. Fedex called before 8am asking if I ever received the package they misdelivered. I reminded them that I told them multiple times that I prefer e-mail contact and not to call that early again. I also told her that no, the package never arrived as I'm sure it was stolen by either the driver or someone at wherever the driver allegedly left it. The driver is supposed to take a picture as proof of delivery, but did not. IMO, its bc it was never actually delivered. 2nd time in the past couple months that an HD order didn't make it to me. Had to get a refund both times and reorder.

Ate a salad and made breakfast for Mom. I'm about to go down to the workshop to get the paint. I'm glad I took the time to prep with tape and plastic before starting. I just hope the crappy tape comes off properly. Its been leaving blue residue on stuff.
Ron, the pool looks great and very inviting!

How is your brother doing? I'm praying for his full recovery.

BTW in NC one can purchase a handgun now w/o a permit from the sheriff. My 93 yr old friend has a Judge revolver that fires .410 shotgun shells or .45 long Colt. However it's in his bedroom on a shelf so I hope he never needs it. I keep a .38 in a chair pocket and have a .380 semi that fits any pocket (even a shirt pocket) but have yet to load the magazine for it.
I forgot to comment on the pool. It's beautiful!

I finished painting and am now waiting for it to dry. Crossing my fingers that the tape will come off ok.
Easier to pull the tape when paint is wet.
Easier to pull the tape when paint is wet.
I guess I should go try to pull it now and see how it goes.

Edit: You were right. Much easier to pull the tape when the paint is still damp. Got all the stuff down. Will take pictures later. Letting stuff dry more for now.
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At this point of Terrorist Cat ownership, I'm pretty convinced they were never supposed to be here... I think this is what Noah heard God say...

"Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."

When in fact God really said this...

"Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, leaving the Cats behind. You must ensure no Cats are on board the Ark."