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No I don't even have a doctor since I don't get sick.

Aspirin, acetaminophen, prescription meds and prolly even M&Ms contain stearic acid or salts.

You should get a lab test for everything anyway, complete CBC / CMP... I'm not saying the Acid is a problem, but when you do get sick, you must have a healthy level of T cells.
Addiction has been poorly understood for centuries. In the 1800s heroin was marketed as a way to cure your opium addiction. Scientists today are still not in agreement over addiction's exact mechanism, why some people seem to get addicted more readily than others, and why some people have an easier or harder time breaking addictions. (The famous "Rat Park" experiment seemed to show that addiction could be explained by lack of social ties, but then a major confound was discovered in the genes of the rats, I believe.) I'm not sure if scientists know the answer to this one, but basically nobody gets addicted to psychedelics like psilocybin. Meanwhile people get addicted to gambling, showing similar symptoms including intrusive thoughts and physical withdrawal if access to gambling opportunities are cut off.

There are definitely large industries that take advantage of this lack of knowledge. I don't know that someone always necessarily is getting rich behind them (e.g. I don't think anyone is getting rich behind AA) but certainly there is at least as much wasted effort as successful effort. I read once that 12-step programs had something like a 5% success rate.

What is certainly true is that the substance/behavior itself is never the whole equation. There is no "drug that is addictive" because it is always the case that most people who use it will not become addicted. Addiction arises from a complex combination of chemistry, psychology, usage pattern, and situation.

Observe the long lines outside of every Starbucks and recall that Starbucks adds extra caffeine to their coffee (I've heard 4x more than it would normally have), then masks the coffee flavor under mountains of sugar (another substance people are known to get addicted to).
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He puts a whole new spin on: " more money than sense"... but the usual expecting 'someone else' to fix him...

Well, rehab programs do work some of the time. I have known people who were helped by them a lot. If you have a lot of money and also have a big problem and you are willing to spend money to fix the problem then that is likely what you are going to do.

Writing about it in a memoir is also a way to make money. Whether it's purely vanity in this case I don't know, since I don't know Matthew Perry. Sometimes a memoir gets written after enough people say "Your story is really wild, you should write it down". Many non-famous people have been told this too.
Yes, Flyover... I don't believe there is any addicting properties to anything. There IS a "Need" for blank thing that is purely in people's heads, there is no requirement for the body to have it, and that includes adrenaline from gambling. It can be said that there's an "addiction to surfing or skydiving... No there isn't, it's a liking of both because they are fun.

People that are bad "Alcoholics", the stigma, a made up out of thin air term, can get clean real quick IF THEY WANT TO... I have seen people so bad they were shaking from withdrawals... If they drank a 6 pack that night, then a 5 pack the next night on and on until they were down to 1 Beer, the next day they were done. There was no guilty conscience conference listening to people say they were "an alcoholic" that was sober for 20 years... No they aren't, they are a non drinker of 20 years.

If AA works for people, so be it, I'm not slamming the idea of getting together with like minded people, but there's no massive out of control addiction to anything. There's no such thing as a "gateway drug", Marijuana doesn't make people go smoke Crack. I have been around weed since I was in Junior High, and nobody I ever know did anything stronger. If anything, Marijuana is a gateway to Ho Hos and Pizza.
Addiction has been poorly understood for centuries.
(e.g. I don't think anyone is getting rich behind AA) but certainly there is at least as much wasted effort as successful effort. I read once that 12-step programs had something like a 5% success rate.
What is certainly true is that the substance/behavior itself is never the whole equation. There is no "drug that is addictive" because it is always the case that most people who use it will not become addicted. Addiction arises from a complex combination of chemistry, psychology, and situation.
Observe the long lines outside of every Starbucks and recall that Starbucks adds extra caffeine to their coffee (I've heard 4x more than it would normally have), then masks the coffee flavor under mountains of sugar (another substance people are known to get addicted to).
Addictions are actually rather simple... but the people profiting from them try to keep the issue cloudy...
The evil religion industry gets richer off the religious 12 Step Programs / AA... one of the Steps is religion addiction mental illness... which is the Gateway Addiction that gets most people addicted to other things, anyway...
Of course there's lots of addictive drugs... best practice is still stay as far from them as possible and then you don't have to fight your way back off them before they kill you... those drugs eventually create the irresistible craving for them that you didn't have before... that includes nicotine, caffeine, and marijuana... an irritating craving you may never be able to get out of your system... " just say NO " is good advice...
The appeal of Starbucks is proving you've made it by being able to afford to overpay for a cup of coffee and leisurely drink it... and for some, abusing the wait staff is also appealing...
He puts a whole new spin on: " more money than sense"... but the usual expecting 'someone else' to fix him...
Isn't seeking help for a problem in effect helping yourself? If I can't figure out why the light no longer comes on when I flip the switch and I post on here for input am I just asking "someone else" to fix it for me?
Yes, Flyover... I don't believe there is any addicting properties to anything. There IS a "Need" for blank thing that is purely in people's heads, there is no requirement for the body to have it, and that includes adrenaline from gambling. It can be said that there's an "addiction to surfing or skydiving... No there isn't, it's a liking of both because they are fun.

People that are bad "Alcoholics", the stigma, a made up out of thin air term, can get clean real quick IF THEY WANT TO... I have seen people so bad they were shaking from withdrawals... If they drank a 6 pack that night, then a 5 pack the next night on and on until they were down to 1 Beer, the next day they were done. There was no guilty conscience conference listening to people say they were "an alcoholic" that was sober for 20 years... No they aren't, they are a non drinker of 20 years.

If AA works for people, so be it, I'm not slamming the idea of getting together with like minded people, but there's no massive out of control addiction to anything. There's no such thing as a "gateway drug", Marijuana doesn't make people go smoke Crack. I have been around weed since I was in Junior High, and nobody I ever know did anything stronger. If anything, Marijuana is a gateway to Ho Hos and Pizza.
Wrong, those drugs make chemical changes in peoples' bodies and even change 'brain wiring'... and also kill people...
Doctors and junkies call that uncontrollable shaking The DT's... Delirium Tremens... and the quick cure is another drink... or, sure, a 6 pack... then it takes a 7 pack... then an 8 pack... and on and on...
I despise these anti-Stigma ads all over the place now! Stigma is a GOOD THING! It causes people to want to change the mental illness... without stigma they imbibe until they're dead...
I discussed AA, etc. above... plus, of course, religion addiction also fuels all the hate, hurting, mass murdering, religious terrorism, and unneeded wars...
I was fortunate I could easily start/stop smoking so I finally just stopped due to a combination of price and inconvenience. I never drank enough for it to become problem and have never tried weed or stronger.
Isn't seeking help for a problem in effect helping yourself? If I can't figure out why the light no longer comes on when I flip the switch and I post on here for input am I just asking "someone else" to fix it for me?
No, you're just seeking free info on how to fix something... and you didn't take a lamp into a spa for 6 months and expect them to fix it for you while you partied...
I was fortunate I could easily start/stop smoking so I finally just stopped due to a combination of price and inconvenience. I never drank enough for it to become problem and have never tried weed or stronger.
And you deserve to be congratulated on your life long self control and constructive living, Eddie...
Cigarettes in machine at local casino were $10/pack before the Plandemic and $15 now... $300 a carton!
Today I am making two chilis at once. One is without any hot peppers in it, for everyone else in my family. The other has habaneros and some kind of skinny red peppers that I guess are about equivalent to cayenne, and is just for me. (I was going to make it for a cookoff, using kangaroo meat, but I was too sick both to drive 2 hours to buy the meat earlier last week and to attend the cookoff on Saturday.) Got'em both on the stove simmering now, need to go stir every 15 minutes or so.

Meanwhile the kids are carving pumpkins outside.

Update: I just tried some of "my" chili. It was nice-n-hot! I was involuntarily going "wooooo!" real loud over and over again, so I know it's about the right level of spiciness.
Finally finished making Sunday morning breakfast... fried onions, sliced potatoes, smoked sausage, eggs, and, this time, Swiss cheese... only about 33 hours late...
Later chicken and noodles with mushrooms...
It's not oil heating-- its electric heating. Got a Trane system. I don't know if it was something Mom did or if the thermostat is not giving commands properly or if the coolant ran out or if a capacitor blew again, but it's hotter inside than outside. The heat only continued to go up. I put it on cool only but it just got hotter. It's now 87° in the cooler part of the house. I'm sitting here with two fans blowing on me and wish my ceiling fan would work. I think the power to it stopped working.

I finally just got up and turned the AC unit off because the fan wouldn't shut off when I told it to shut off and the only way to make it stop was to turn the whole unit off. I had to answer the door-- UPS had Mom's laptop. Temp dropped to 86° in the hallway but its still hot in the rest of the house. I've got my window open.

Was too hot last night to get a restful sleep. Felt cruddy when my brother woke me up wanting to go to Samsclub. We were out of a bunch of stuff. I still need to go to Walmart later for more stuff that Sams didn't have.

On the respiratory viruses, I got them quite a bit as a kid. The croup damaged my lungs. I was constantly sick with respiratory ailments in Guam. Didn't help we were being exposed to high levels of radon-- the radon detector was broken when we moved in and we'd never lived anywhere with one before and didn't know it existed. We'd been there about 4 years before a maintenance person came in and told us "Don't drink the water, don't cook with the water-- its contaminated and the navy is lying about it being safe" and fixed the radon detector which had high levels. He told us to open all the windows to let the radon out. I hear they now sell some sort of subfloor stuff that reduces radon in concrete slab homes.

Anyway, I'm sitting here trying to cool off and hoping the AC being off will cool things down.

I forgot to comment to Shan. Good job on the carpet tear up. That stuff looked nasty. They actually sell knives specifically for cutting carpet. I don't know if it would be any easier. I hope you get enough rest before you have to do more. Are you donating the Corningware/Corelle stuff to any places? I know a lot of people would still love to get those things.
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I made apple butter today. It is currently cooling off so that I can put it in jars.
I have been pretty lazy today. Enjoyed the day, napped, watched tv (came across a YouTube channel Soft Under Belly, they have several videos up about an inbred family; the Whitakers.... it was fascinating and incredibly sad at the same time)
I think tomorrow, I am going to get my table and chairs from the storage unit and put that together. I guess I can put my shelving with pantry items, back into the weird room off of my garage for now. I need to put a sheet of OSB down as there are weak places but then I have to the the door off the hinges and cut 1/2" off and I don't really want to be bothered by that. I did toy with the idea of making it open out INTO the garage for now, so idk...

@zannej idk what I will do with the dishes, I am almost 100% positive that they are ALL old enough to contain lead. So I wouldn't want someone to eat off of them. I guess I really don't have control over that though.

I'm thinking about putting all my soap making supplies on the porch for now also.... I would like to have the dining room, be a dining room for the holidays. It hasn't been used as a dining room for probably 12 years that any of us can remember.

Well, I need to get busy and at least be a little productive today.

Need to make a post in the electrical forum first

Hope everyone has a wonderful blessed evening!
From what I read, the old pyrex, corningware, and corelle may contain lead on the outside but not inside.

How do you make apple butter? I've heard of it but have no idea what it is. Is it a form of jam?

Reminds me I need to get some butter from the store.

If there is any moisture in the area, I wouldn't recommend OSB. It's also not terribly rigid or strong and has more spring to it. I know plywood is more expensive, but its a better option for strengthening the floor. But then, I hate OSB and MDF.

My friend is going to come over tomorrow after work to see if he can troubleshoot the problem with the AC. I went to pull the cover off, but apparently the whole damn thing comes off and just leaves a plate with some wires on the wall. I'll post pics in another thread bc I'm going to ask for advice in the AC forums.

I haven't been productive since I got home. It went back up to 87 and I think the thermostat is borked or something.
Sunday evening I went to church and heard a friend speak about her three months in the hospital with COVID (much of it in ICU). She had so many blood transfusions (around 100) that she joked that she may no longer be Norwegian. She was in so long that the staff became like family and her room became a spiritual haven when they could spare some moments away from their duties. She was upbeat and positive about the whole experience. I think she plans to write a booklet about it. If she does a friend will publish it.
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