Tesla Achilles Heel

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You're correct, however, with some creative engineering, the pop. In CA was limited because they were usually mounted in the bed, for capacity.

CALTRANS used to be the default for major trans. repair, until an earthquake, several lawsuits and the Hollywood fwy being repaired months ahead of CALTRANS projected. Now a lot is open for bid.
Even 20 minute charge times will create tremendous bottlenecks and result in 'charge rage'. Also there are a lot of assumptions as to what people normally do or don't do. My experience has been that people don't like to be limited, they want to do whatever they want, whenever they want w/o planning. I don't even sign up for provider controlled water heating.

After socialism and government control becomes the norm the government will prolly own all the EVs and we just rent one with the capability needed. Instead of charging stations or battery swapping we just exchange EVs at strategically located government EV pools. Maybe the trunk with our luggage will be modular for easy transfer to the the next neutral gray government EV. No worry about keeping up with the Joneses, they will be controlled just like you.
Even 20 minute charge times will create tremendous bottlenecks and result in 'charge rage'. Also there are a lot of assumptions as to what people normally do or don't do. My experience has been that people don't like to be limited, they want to do whatever they want, whenever they want w/o planning. I don't even sign up for provider controlled water heating.

After socialism and government control becomes the norm the government will prolly own all the EVs and we just rent one with the capability needed. Instead of charging stations or battery swapping we just exchange EVs at strategically located government EV pools. Maybe the trunk with our luggage will be modular for easy transfer to the the next neutral gray government EV. No worry about keeping up with the Joneses, they will be controlled just like you.
It is all a matter of what the general population feels ok in sharing as a group resource. You and I have been taught thru life that our mode of transportation is a personal choice handed down from above. On the other hand we have no problem driving on roads and highways that are the property of the collective. Some people have water wells and have a personal source of water others are ok signing on to a collective water and sewer system and sharing in the cost. A few people make their own power but find storage a problem so they revert to the collective grid as storage and backup.

Would you feel better if the government stayed out of EVs all together? I know I would. Would you feel better knowing a private company ran the EV auto exchange you mentioned rather than the government? I know I would.

The city I lived in had a bus service that would haul people around the city and even ran routes out into the surrounding small towns. Every morning driving to work thru the city or driving home I would see busses driving around with no one in them except the driver and once in a while I would see a couple people riding. Most of them were over 65 and rode for free. People in this country have fallen in love with personal transportation and being able to go when and where they want. If factors change that it is a big shift in the thought process, especially in rural America.

You mentioned controlled water heating and our local Electric CoOp has this where they give you a better rate and also a huge tank free water heater just for signing up. The tank holds at least twice what mine does and most people never notice because of the capacity. I knew a dairy farm that had two of them and once in a while they would cut the power right when it was time to clean up. That became a problem they had to work around a couple times a year.

Point is we share a lot more than we think. I saw a poll someone did the other day and they asked how many people thought they would be ok if suddenly they had to live 100% off the grid. The answer was something like 60% said no problem. Wishful thinking IMO I bet the real number is closer to .01%. I just hope we never have to find out.
They (EV battery) should be mounted in the trunk like an amplifier would be mounted, and removable like you say. Tech will eventually catch up I assume, but it went backwards with the giant brick "smart phones".
Tesla battery is 1200 lbs... you gonna lift that out of the trunk?
Hence reason for dropping it out the bottom... popping charged one back up in... hopefully a one minute process... a master computer somewhere keeps track of age/value of your old/discharged and new/charged battery... and still have good trunk space, as well...
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Ford made an Plug In Electric version of the Fusion. The trunk was useless, you could carry a weeks worth of groceries in it for a small family. Traveling would be a challenge for any more than a couple because the trunk was so limited you'd need to use the backseat for baggage. The Ford C-Max Energi model was (plug in version) was more useful. Hybrids will have their place, and if I was looking for a new truck, I'd give the Maverick hybrid a long hard look, for my needs it is all the truck I need. If I was a contractor I'd probably look at the full electric F-150 Lightning. The hybrid version of the Fusion still had a usable trunk, though smaller than the pure ICE version. With the sled design used by pure EVs the center of gravity is very low so they are very stable and handle extremely well. The Rivian truck and SUV are very capable, but also very expensive, vehicles with a sled design. Rivian is also making delivery vehicles for Amazon Prime.
The Ford Fusion was a plug in electric hybrid, not a pure EV. With additional batteries filling the trunk to give you some range as a pure electric.
You can always buy a EV Extender and leave it in the garage 99% of the time and hook it up for a long trip. EV Extender.JPGrange extender.JPG
I suspect that if I asked someone that had owned 5 EVs how much they had paid for ownership (or lease) it would be a bit more than I have invested in my trusty old Prism.

A true hybrid would have a constant speed highly efficient ICE constantly charging the batteries while traveling. Then if better batteries miraculously came along the vehicle wouldn't have to be trashed.
Mobileye, an innovative company in Jerusalem that was purchased by Intel a few years ago, plans to introduce robotic taxis—no drivers—into the mix, to begin with in Tel Aviv and Munich, Germany. Last week, Mobileye unveiled its autonomous "robotaxi," showcasing a 40-minute (amazingly accident-free) ride around Israel's capital, Jerusalem.
2016: One of biggest supporters of driverless cars was beheaded by his driverless car as it went under a shiny semi trailer at high speed that it didn't see because sun was reflecting off it...

From that article...

"The accident comes at a time when Americans have just started to become more comfortable with letting machines take the wheel. "

Homie say WHAAAAAA??? I have never heard of that, and I can barely get in a car driven by another human, let alone a robot... I have never heard someone say to me or say on TV that they would be "comfortable" with that.
From that article...

"The accident comes at a time when Americans have just started to become more comfortable with letting machines take the wheel. "

Homie say WHAAAAAA??? I have never heard of that, and I can barely get in a car driven by another human, let alone a robot... I have never heard someone say to me or say on TV that they would be "comfortable" with that.
I agree. I don't know what use the self drive thing is at least at this point. I would have a hard time letting go of the wheel and would have my hands right by the wheel. Might as well be driving.
I agree. I don't know what use the self drive thing is at least at this point. I would have a hard time letting go of the wheel and would have my hands right by the wheel. Might as well be driving.

That one car they show on commercials parallel parking itself would be fine, but that's it.
Driverless car/van would be a boon for the blind and handicapped if they are ever perfected to human levels... stop killing passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers...
Many people complain when they see a vehicle go by and the person in the driver's seat is sleeping...
There are also single passenger, short run, aircraft.

Give one a whole new perspective about skeet.
If perfected, self driving cars would be great for I-5 around Seattle where a lot of drivers put on their makeup or read the paper anyway.
That one car they show on commercials parallel parking itself would be fine, but that's it.
Haha, not on your life! I don't trust the darn thing to drive straight on the highway, I'd never trust it in a tight maneuver. Maybe when the computer carries the insurance I'll give it a go. Till then I'll take the responsibility. I would like to see a car park itself though.
There's production cars that do that... proximity sensors and all that...
I know I've seen the commercials. Have you ever seen or better yet been in one doing it? That's what I'd like to see. Looks simple on TV.
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