Mark Wood Custom Carpentry

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Just stained the deck on this house. The last pic is of his Garage I didnt do any work on it but it's bigger than my house so I figured I should post it.
Another nice looking job!
The small building on the side of the house is the original smoke house from 100+ years ago it does have updated siding/trim and front door and has been moved from its original location on the property it originally had the same siding as the barn did when I was a kid.

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I love those old farm houses, but they can be heating/cooling nightmares!!:eek:
Yea I have never been to hot or to cold in his house as much time as ive spent in it.but then again I dont know what his power bill runs.....
Sure don't find stuff like that in CA.
Nice job Mark, but why didn't you stagger the drywall seams? That area will be prone to cracking in the future, doncha think?
Ive seen it done both ways my dad always did it like this and hes never had any complaints in the 40+ years hes been doing it. Im not saying staggers not better it may be and id be willing to change if it is better just the way I was raised doing it.
I was taught to stagger and also to not stand it up on the walls like you have it even though it seems much easier. Still don't know why I was taught not to stand it up, I can't find a reason it would make a difference.
I was taught to stagger and also to not stand it up on the walls like you have it even though it seems much easier. Still don't know why I was taught not to stand it up, I can't find a reason it would make a difference.

All the new construction I've been in around here I see the ceiling seams running in a line. When I do wall scans with the infrared camera, I usually can find the seams all running straight. But it might be a California thing with earthquake requirements.

We have Chiggers and Ticks, y'all have earthquakes...:p
I was taught to stagger and also to not stand it up on the walls like you have it even though it seems much easier. Still don't know why I was taught not to stand it up, I can't find a reason it would make a difference.

I have always wondered why you would run it sideways seems like a harder job all the way around with no advatage??