Tesla Achilles Heel

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Self-driving has 5 or 6 levels, ranging from (0) no self-driving at all, like a car from the 80s, up through (5) to where you can just get into the backseat and nap until you arrive at your destination. Most new cars today are at level 2 or 3 if they have the thing that helps you stay in your lane or brake faster to avoid rear-ending someone. Self-parking might be level 3 or 4. (I can't remember the exact scale and I'm currently being too lazy to look it up.) Cruise control is at level 1 or 2 I think.

When level 5 becomes widely adopted, that is where we will start to see changes in how houses, neighborhoods, cities and infrastructure are designed, and they will not be backward-compatible with non-self-driving cars, for the same reason Microsoft Word is not backward-compatible with typewriters. You come to Microsoft Word with an ink ribbon and say "Where do I put this?" and Word stares blankly and says "in a museum."

As always, there will be cognitive dissonance about level 5 driverless, with people simultaneously complaining about the new technology/expressing sentimentality for the past, while eagerly and mindlessly lining up to get the latest shiniest thing, or happily accepting when it is bought for them. Same for EVs.

Technology is always changing, both cars and the grid itself will respond to consumer demand, and people will adapt their concept of normal to whatever they're used to lately. The important thing then becomes not whether or not to get an EV but to remember that technology adoption is a choice, and it's usually better to make choices after thinking them through than because it's what everyone else is doing or because it's the path of least resistance (to whatever extent those things are different anyway).

Sometimes I'll use my old hand-powered tools instead of electric power tools, not because I actually think they're faster or do the job better (though they do that anyway in some cases) but to remind myself that it's a choice and that I value certain things over others.
I would park a Maverick next to a Jurassic Park pile, and nobody would know the difference.
Part of my resistance to technology change is nostalgia and loss of the feel that one can actually do something themselves. I purchased three vehicles new that I never went back the the dealer but maintained them myself. I used to do little modifications like freeflow exhaust systems and CD ignitions where the spark coil became a transformer and the ignition points lasted until the rubbing block wore out. Now that stuff is standard and computer controlled.

Beginning with my 85 Cherokee I no longer knew what all the tubes and relays under the hood were for. And suddenly I found that the purchase of a vehicle is a commitment to the system of regular (or irregular in my case) visits to a technician that hopefully understood it. My 96 Prism actually still works w/o dealer visits so it must be the exception. Even HD motorcycles now use step motors rather than throttle cables.

The people that are ready for EVs are probably people who are already accustomed to high technology and its accompanying high cost of maintenance. A friend has a Porsche Boxster and oil change prices with parts and fluids can run somewhere between $127 and $541 depending on location. Plus anyone willing to pay upwards of $40K for a pickup is already groomed for high costs.

Actually an EV would work for me it's just the nagging thought that I would actually have to plan a trip that bothers me even though I haven't driven farther than 100 miles from home in several years. It's the same crazy thought that keeps me from purchasing a motorcycle that is limited to 70mph even though I never ride faster than that.
My resistance is the price and the people that spout off fantasies. If the EV's of the future are $15,000 (Or whatever is a good price based on inflation and the economy) and they run on one or two batteries like we have now that cost $200 or less every 6 or so years, then fine. I would buy one for short little trips that I take now.

The cost of a Tesla is insane, but I guess those people don't mind paying $17,000 now for a new battery pack. I don't know about any others, haven't researched them.

The fantasies are what really keep me away though, with the ridiculous inaccurate statements that they are better for the environment when that's patently false JUST in concern with the massive batteries. Then there is the "Climate Change", the artist formerly known as "Global Warming" that is at it's cyclical peak and hasn't warmed a degree in the life of anybody currently living.

Then there's the "Fossil Fuels are bad" part, exhibiting that those people never ever think. How can something that is a massive part of the Earth be bad for the Earth? That's like saying a Lake is bad for the Earth.

EV's or not, the Earth is headed for an Ice Age, which isn't caused an Ice Decade, like it also isn't called a Warming Decade. It takes Thousands of years, and nobody alive will see it happen, no matter what they do.
I suppose few people are immune from imbuing inanimate objects with magical political meaning and significance.

This can still be a rational choice if you are in a situation where you will directly feel the effects of this meaning and significance (e.g I've heard a few people complain that in Texas many drivers are rude to them because they don't drive trucks), but regardless, underneath we define our own identities in part by the objects we own and interact with.

As we observe, this too will drive EV adoption and non-adoption.
About once every few years I spontaneously draw a cartoon. I drew this one back in 2016 and just happened across it today; it fits this thread:

About once every few years I spontaneously draw a cartoon. I drew this one back in 2016 and just happened across it today; it fits this thread:
Not just a cartoon... seen actual photos all over of vehicles pulling generators on trailers... small generators to recharge batteries... or large generators to continuously power the tow vehicle... also trailers with engine driven superchargers connected to the engine of the vehicle doing the pulling...
The fantasies are what really keep me away though, with the ridiculous inaccurate statements...
They're STILL pimping the psychotic fantasy that deadly shots that don't work on the current flus can eradicate future flus from the planet!
They're STILL pimping the psychotic fantasy that deadly shots that don't work on the current flus can eradicate future flus from the planet!

Yeah, big publicly traded companies that bought the maggots in the media and congress. Follow the money, that's all there is to it.
Ammonia shows promise as a fuel. It wouldn't require replacement of all the ICE rolling stock.. Its proponents say it's too cheap to be seriously investigated $0.25 per liter.
We took a little weekend vacation over to Ohio this last weekend to wine country and stayed two nights at a large hotel/lodge. My guess is there were maybe 200 or so parking spaces and we easily found a place to park at 4:00 when we checked in. I noticed in the front row close to the entrance were 6-8 handicapped spots and then 8-10 EV charging spots and then one space reserved for military veteran. There were 3-4 in the handicapped with hang tags none in the EVs and one in the vet spot. I thought of this thread and wondered why EVs get to park close as they are not handicapped even though there were none there. I then wondered what if everyone gets an EV will the hotel put in 200 or more charging spots or do you plug in and then in a few hours come out and move to a crummy place far away.

We went out for a late dinner and got back about 9:30 and the lot was full and all the EV spots were still empty all the handicapped were full and the one vet place was also taken. I got to thinking there has to be at least 30-50 vets staying in the hotel and I wondered why just one space. The next morning when we headed out to the wineries there was one EV plugged in and it looked like it was likely there all night. That day we came back and found a place and went for a late dinner again and came back being Saturday night and there was not a paved spot left in the lot and we drove past the EV spots I told her to park in the EV area and she said no the sign says EVs only and there was a pickup truck in one spot and it was charging or so it seemed as the cord ran to the truck I just assumed it was one of the new EV trucks. So we parked in the dirt area way in the back and walked past the EV truck that wasn’t an EV but the guy tossed the plug into the bed to make it look EV.

This all got me thinking first off how in a way this EV thing is or could become another social divide putting people into a different class. Then I got to thinking how could I make a fake EV socket and stick it over my gas cap and people would think I had a EV. I could keep it under my seat and stick it on when I want a good parking spot. Kind of like how the people talk their doctor into giving them a handicapped hang tag.

Just for the record I wont really do the above, but I see others doing it. How mad will people be with EVs when they drive up needing a charge and all the spots are taken by gassers? Do they tow people parked in an EV charging spot with a gas car?
Better yet, they should have gas parking spaces up close with free gasoline at the hose... charge it to The Massive Inflation Party...

Do they charge for the electricity? EV spaces are prolly close so that wires are shorter/cheaper...
American ingenuity @ work but not backward compatible to my 92 Prism. Just add one of these to your vehicle to enjoy prime parking ($7.99@ Amazon);

American ingenuity @ work but not backward compatible to my 92 Prism. Just add one of these to your vehicle to enjoy prime parking ($7.99@ Amazon);

That’s just what I need. Buy a replacement gas cap and drill a hole thru both and bolt them together. The good part would be no one is going to siphon your gas because they will think it is an EV. I’m sure the exhaust pipe is a giveaway so I need to find a plug in hybrid sticker for the fender.

I have no idea how the hotel gets paid for the juice or if it is free. I should have snooped around more.
Just put some fake rivet heads in the 4 holes of that adapter and a strong magnet on the back to stick it to the car...
Or open the hood, put the power cord in, and then close the hood... leave a reminder note on the seat to remove the cord before driving off...
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