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Yesterday I had 30 minutes to kill so I decided to saw down a large dead branch off one of my trees. It must have been 18" in diameter, so to do it I used my 5' two-man saw for the first time (obviously with just one man). It's an antique but it did the job well! Quite a workout though.

You mean to tell me you didn't go to the Trump rally?

Spicoli, I went to see my friend's band play at a bar last night. The bar had a few large TV screens above the bottles and one of them was tuned to the news, which I couldn't help but glance at from time to time.

I already had some vague awareness of who Trump is...he was a TV star or something, I think? But this time I also am up enough on current events to know someone with that name had a rally recently!
I hate it when I accidentally hear or see something on TV I didn't need (or want) to know. I was perfectly happy with not knowing what Tom Brady retired from, then I accidentally lost my innocence (and he didn't retire anyway). What a crazy world we live in, our minds are flooded with useless information.
I hate it when I accidentally hear or see something on TV I didn't need (or want) to know. I was perfectly happy with not knowing what Tom Brady retired from, then I accidentally lost my innocence (and he didn't retire anyway). What a crazy world we live in, our minds are flooded with useless information.

Well, you just demonstrated that you didn't know who Tom Brady was, so your mind isn't flooded with that useless information. Try getting away from the LGQVDSTDHIV+%$# garbage. It doesn't matter if you never listen to news radio or TV, you will be a victim by walking around town.
Topped a bunch of thorny locust saplings hoping they will either die or attempt new canopies so I can spray with herbicide. I used to dig up their roots when I was younger but now I yield to chemical warfare.

Sipping a cup of orange herbal tea. The tea bag will be repurposed for repair of the nail on my right pointing finger. It has a habit of growing out and splitting. I am going to try using clear fingernail polish. Apply a base coat, press the paper into it, then apply a top coat. If that doesn't work I'll try crazy glue.
I took my brother to the courthouse to see his probation officer. He went in and then came out and went to the DA's office, then came out and had to walk to a new little shed they erected directly next to the school parking lot. Waited over 30min just rocking out to Queen music while waiting.

Picked up mail and took one of the cats to the vet. He got in a fight and has a swollen sore lump. Vet said it might turn in to an abscess so to keep an eye on it. Gave him an antibiotic shot and said to bring him back in a week. He was a sweet little angel the entire trip. Didn't make a sound-- and he's a cat who climbs the door (with glass panels) and howls at us.

I saw a hawk on the way in. Flew down, landed on a tree, and stared at me. Beautiful creature.

Eddie, I hope the fix for your nail works. I wouldn't recommend crazy glue because it can heat up and cause chemical burns. Not sure what else to use though.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to mount my satellite to the side of the antenna tower. Needs at least 12" clearance behind it to not bump the tower when pivoting. I've ordered a J-pole mount to set on the tower and a clamp to sister the 10' pole to it and then I can use the support struts that came with the mount to tether the pole up high.
I was perfectly happy with not knowing what Tom Brady retired from...
Famous/important people retire... and then suddenly realize they're just 'another old guy nobody pays attention to'... and so they want to unretire... IF they can...
Famous/important people retire... and then suddenly realize they're just 'another old guy nobody pays attention to'... and so they want to unretire... IF they can...

Not Brady. People will analyze him like he was a lab rat. He had a very average College career, was the 199th player drafted, and is the greatest NFL QB of all time. Only 3 QB's have run slower times at the combine since he ran there 22 years ago.

People point to his success due to marrying a supermodel all the way to selling his soul (because those choices make sense)... I point to his rigorous diet, avoiding fast food, alcohol, caffeine etc., and getting plenty of sleep. Nothing explains why he's slower than a Geo Metro, though.

Brady is the Amazon.com of the NFL.
Not Brady... He had a very average College career, was the 199th player drafted, and is the greatest NFL QB of all time.
QB Tom Brady only looked weak at TTUN / B1G because he was behind undefeated star QB Brian Griese!
Brady finished up there beating Ohio State U and Alabama U... which is far from "average"...

QB Big Ben Rothlisberger didn't play QB in high school because the high school coach played his son at QB... but when they got to college, coach's son fizzled and Big Ben shined...

I figured in retirement, Ben and Tom would while away the days playing golf together or something... but Tom couldn't handle retirement... he'll have to be dumped...
Ohio State and Alabama were average then, He beat a 6-6 OSU team and lost to the 11-1 version. As far as Alabama, he didn't play the 7-5 version and beat the 10-3 version in the bowl game.

Those days were before Alabama started playing patsies every year, with their schedule strength well outside the top 25. In 2019, their strength of schedule was 49th.
Does anybody know where CNN+ was filmed for the entire 3 weeks of it's existence? I'm looking for some good barely used furniture.

_Jimmy Failla
Went to the grocery store to get more ice cream for Mom and refill my RXs. Pharmacist says I'm eligible for tetanus, pneumonia, and flu shots. I really should get tetanus. I haven't had one in over 20 years. I'll have to go back in for it at some point.

Sister still forgot about Mom's birthday. I guess work is keeping her busy. She said she was "trying to figure out how so many smart people can be... not so smart". She works in STEM field and has worked for the same company since she was in college. She now has supervisory responsibilities instead of being a code monkey. But then, when she was a code monkey she was programming nuclear missile guidance.

It's fairly warm today. Jelly was giving me pathetic looks wanting attention the other day.
Thankfully both dogs are out playing right now.

My friend has made a dental appointment to get all of his top broken teeth pulled but earliest they can see him is mid July (unless there's a cancellation).
I have english ivy climbing a number of tall poplars. I read an article saying that if the vines were cut so nothing connected with the ground the vine would die. The article said the toots holding the ivy to the tree were not feeders. I tried it and nothing died however in some places I stuck supplement bottles over some bunched cut ends and filled bottles with salt or 2,4-D solutions and those vines died. Today I cut some vines at or below ground level and stuffed bunched ends into larger wide mouth plastic containers and filled with a salt solution. I will spray the ivy creeping along the ground with 2,4-D herbicide. I used to pull it up and burn it but it got ahead of me.

Teabag laminated fingernail is holding fast so I think it's a good repair technique for a split nail.
Do you know 2,4-D is one half of Agent Orange?

You could just spray Vinegar on it.
I read some reviews that said vinegar will kill the leaves but not the roots plus horticultural vinegar (20%) is more dangerous than glycosulfate or 2,4-D. I mix glycosulfate and 2,4-D for ivy. I know it's dangers but I am desperate.

Currently watching a streaming concert of Joyce Anderson and Harvey Reid.
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Reminds me I need to cut more weeds soon.

I got more feed for the cows. I feel awful for the younger cow. She's limping something horrible but I don't have a trailer to take her to the vet and he won't come out. It looks like a displaced hip and I don't think there is anything that can be done for it from what I've seen/read. She still cuddles with her mother and has a good appetite. Manages to cover long distances albeit very slowly. I wish we had someone like Dr. Pol in the area.

I got toys for the pups to encourage them to chew on toys instead of other things. They were playing with them last time I looked.
Yesterday I stood and stared at my lawn and just felt happy. My lawn looks like a blanket of different shades of green, with a heavy random smattering of yellow dots from the dandelion flowers, and occasionally a patch of purple flowers too. It's gorgeous. In the summer I'll be able to walk around and just bend down and pluck dandelion leaves and eat them; a walking salad snack.

It's easy to see the property line where my neighbor's lawn starts because the dandelions abruptly stop and the green is just one shade. Some people prefer that look, I guess because they don't care how much poison they have to pour into the earth or how many pollinators they have to deprive/kill to get it, and it more closely resembles a major league baseball outfield from the TV. That's the goal apparently: your lawn is supposed to look like an outfield from professional baseball. A lot of people even waste twice the gas in their mowers doing the criss-cross cut on it.

Strangely I've never seen any major league baseball outfielders standing at the ready in my neighborhood, but maybe they're just making their rounds through everyone else's dandelion-free lawns first. At least they won't have to worry about bees!
I read some reviews that said vinegar will kill the leaves but not the roots plus horticultural vinegar (20%) is more dangerous than glycosulfate or 2,4-D. I mix glycosulfate and 2,4-D for ivy. I know it's dangers but I am desperate.

Just use regular Vinegar and salt and be diligent.

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