Mississippi and N-Carolina

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We're heading down the same 'ol rabbit hole folks. I don't really care to go there again with the same people holding the same views and making the same old arguments. There's no point to it.

Let's kick that rabbit out this time.

I like a good debate but they can get stuck from time to time. I enjoy talking to the guys here about it because its not all the same view.
so we are all in agreement then, I am right every ones else is wrong.

wish I had the magic lock button, I would use it right here.

All I have to say is I am voting for Bernie and quitting my job, if you can't beat em might as well join them.

I have listened to a few of his speeches along with all the others. Perhaps you could fill me in on what he has said about unemployment insurance or welfare?
I have listened to a few of his speeches along with all the others. Perhaps you could fill me in on what he has said about unemployment insurance or welfare?

free everything for everybody....except....the part you dont hear, the small print

90% taxes

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I got bored with searching after that one.
open the link. at the top it says jobs. open that


We have cleared the last major procedural hurdle,” Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) said at a news conference after the vote. “This represents a bipartisan approach to a critical problem that faces, at this point, about 2.8 million Americans and their families.”

The unemployment extension deal was brokered by Reed and Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) — who represent the two states with the highest levels of unemployment — but is expected to find a difficult path forward in the House.
Bernie is a character. And he seems to really believe what he says... and that is a worthy value in any person....especially a politician. Can he actually pull off the stuff he is campaigning on? probably not. But he has the credibility that Hillary lacks.
Trump is an idiot and the exact opposite of Bernie, he doesn't believe a single word of what he says; he knows it and anybody who has listened to him knows it. But neither one of them is evil, and both of them will get chewed up by the political machine in DC. The guy who scares me the most is Cruz. He knows how to play politics, but if you have paid any attention to him over the years, you can see that he really wants the POWER. I think he will be the christian equivalent of the Ayatollah.....tell us what to do and think, and pass laws that will restrict any thing that HE doesn't like. Not good for America.
I am for Trump, He is a goof ball, BUT, he is a business man, He knows how to surround himself wth professionals to get er done.

as far as his foreign policy, I think he will listen to the generals and FINALLY,,,let them off the leash

I think he is nutty enough to scary the beJesus out of foreign leaders. and maybe get back some respect that we have lost because of the poser we have had for 7 years now

and i am looking forward to a big beautiful wall

bernie...is in la la land.

nothing he proposes can be paid for. he has high hopes, heart is in the right place, but, socialism aint going to work here

he has no foreign policy what so ever, he will be a bigger joke than obama is

hillery will not go to jail, she is protected, but she will not be elected either, the fbi will ruin her career
she will slink off ashamend

i agree ith every thing you said about cruse, he is a snake,
and his pause talk makes me want to slap the hell out of him
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I am for Trump, He is a goof ball, BUT, he is a business man, He knows how to surround himself wth professionals to get er done.

as far as his foreign policy, I think he will listen to the generals and FINALLY,,,let them off the leash

I think he is nutty enough to scary the beJesus out of foreign leaders. and maybe get back some respect that we have lost because of the poser we have had for 7 years now

and i am looking forward to a big beautiful wall

So you would want more young people going to the middle east.

I do get a kick out of the front runner crying because apparently someone else is more artful in the deal on delegates.
I would prefer we all sit around the camp fire and sing campfire songs as we eat marshmallows and drink moonshine.

isis needs to be stopped, whether you want to admit it or not.
they have declared war on the USA and christians/jews.

We fight them over there or here. because I have seen war, and I know the utter devastation it takes out on the civilian population
I choose we destroy another countries resources and kill their innocent populace than to let that horror play out here.

WE can not stick our heads in the ground and hope it goes away, The current administration is practising that shamfull approach right now
It is not working.

Further more, I agree 100% with Donald Trump In that we SUSPEND entry into the United states of ALL Muslims
At this time for the safety of our country

and immediately stop all refugee's from entering our country . the Fbi has indicated it CAN NOT properly vet the refugees.

AND, we should deport the refugees that have already arrived.

set up a tent city in their Country for them,,,provide aid as needed.
So once you beat issis, are you going to stay to help the countries get back on there feet and change the hearts and minds of the people like Japan and Germany or are you going to leave so something else can grow to replace it.
Do you support Assad or the rebels.
It all sounds easy if you say it fast.
why not worry about that when it arrives.

I support Israel they are an alli
District of columbia is not a state.